ALPD Entry
American Federationist (monthly) The American Federation of Labor, 9th Street and Massachusetts Avenue, Washington, DC William Green American Federation of Labor American Federationist (monthly). Established 1894, 64 and more pages, $1. The American Federation of Labor, 9th Street and Massachusetts Avenue, Washington, D. C. William Green.
American Federation of Labor Weekly News Service (weekly) The American Federation of Labor, 9th Street and Massachusetts Avenue, Washington, DC NONE American Federation of Labor American Federation of Labor Weekly News Service (weekly). The American Federation of Labor, 9th Street and Massachusetts Avenue, Washington, D. C. A single page clip-sheet giving "a brief summary of important matters affecting labor.
International Labor News Service (irregular) International Labor Press of America, American Federation of Labor Building, Washington, DC NONE American Federation of Labor International Labor News Service (irregular). International Labor Press of America, American Federation of Labor Building, Washington, D. C.
Metal Trades Department Bulletin, The (monthly) Metal Trades Department of the American Federation of Labor, 9th Street and Massachusetts Avenue, Washington, DC James O'Connell American Federation of Labor Metal Trades Department Bulletin, The (monthly). Established 1919, 8 pages, circulation 1000. Metal Trades Department of the American Federation of Labor, 9th Street and Massachusetts Avenue, Washington, D. C. James O'Connell.
Amalgamated Journal, The (weekly) Amalgamated Association of Iron, Steel and Tin Workers of North America, 510 Fourth Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Ben I. Davis American Federation of Labor National and International Unions Amalgamated Journal, The (weekly). Thursdays. Established 1899, 24 pages, $1.50. Amalgamated Association of Iron, Steel and Tin Workers of North America, 510 Fourth Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa. Ben I. Davis. International Labor News, Labor Bureau, Inc., Comission of the Interchurch.
American Federation of Teachers Monthly Bulletin (monthly) Ameri can Federation of Teachers, 327 South La Salle Street, Chicago, Illinois Stecker American Federation of Labor National and International Unions American Federation of Teachers Monthly Bulletin (monthly). Established 1921, 4 pages, $1, circulation 5,000. Ameri can Federation of Teachers, 327 South La Salle Street, Chicago, Ill. F. G. Stecker. Uses mats.
American Flint (monthly) American Flint Glass Workers' Union, 337-48 Ohio Building, Toledo, Ohio Joseph Gillooly American Federation of Labor National and International Unions American Flint (monthly). Established 1909, 48 pages, $1, cir culation 10,000. American Flint Glass Workers' Union, 337-48 Ohio Building, Toledo, Ohio. Joseph Gillooly. International Labor News. Uses mats.
American Photo Engraver, The (monthly) International Photo Engravers' Union, Room 701, 166 West Washington Stret, Chicago, Illinois Matthew Woll American Federation of Labor National and International Unions American Photo Engraver, The (monthly). Established 1907, 72 to 80 pages, $.75, circulation 8,000. International Photo Engravers' Union, Room 701, 166 West Washington Stret, Chicago, Ill. Matthew Woll. International Labor News.
American Pressman, The (monthly) International Printing Pressmen and Assistants' Union of North America, Pressmen's Home, Tennessee Thomas E Dunwody American Federation of Labor National and International Unions American Pressman, The (monthly). Established 1889, 64 pages, $2, circulation 27,000. International Printing Pressmen and Assistants' Union of North America, Pressmen's Home, Tenn. Thomas E. Dunwody. International Labor News, American Federation of Labor Weekly News.
Bakers' Journal, The (weekly) Bakery and Confectionery Workers' International Union, 2719 Best Avenue, Chicago, Illinois Charles F Hohmann American Federation of Labor National and International Unions Bakers' Journal, The (weekly). Saturdays. English and Ger man. Established 1885, 4 pages, $1, circulation 28,000. Bakery and Confectionery Workers' International Union, 2719 Best Avenue, Chicago, Ill. Charles F. Hohmann.
Blacksmiths Journal (bimonthly) International Brotherhood of Blacksmiths, Drop Forgers and Helpers, 2922 Washing ton Boulevard, Chicago, Illinois J. W. Kline American Federation of Labor National and International Unions Blacksmiths Journal (bimonthly). Established 1889, 32-64 pages, $1, circulation 5,000. International Brotherhood of Blacksmiths, Drop Forgers and Helpers, 2922 Washing ton Boulevard, Chicago, Ill. J. W. Kline. Ameri can Federation of Labor Weekly News.
Boilermakers and Iron Shipbuilders' Journal, The (monthly) International Brotherhood of Boilermakers, Iron Ship builders, and Helpers of America, Suite 524, Brother hood Building, Kansas City, Kansas J. B. Casey American Federation of Labor National and International Unions Boilermakers and Iron Shipbuilders' Journal, The (monthly). Established 1888, 48 pages, $1, circulation 23,000. In ternational Brotherhood of Boilermakers, Iron Ship builders, and Helpers of America, Suite 524, Brother hood Building, Kansas City, Kas. J. B. Casey. and mgr. International Labor News, American Federation of Labor Weekly News.
Bottle Maker, The (monthly) Glass Bottle Blowers' Association of the United States and Canada, 1006 Colonial Building, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania James Maloney American Federation of Labor National and International Unions Bottle Maker, The (monthly). Established 1919, 32 pages, $.50, circulation 3,400. Glass Bottle Blowers' Association of the United States and Canada, 1006 Colonial Building, Philadelphia, Pa. James Maloney. International Labor News.
Brewery, Flour, Cereal, and Soft Drink Workers' Journal (fortnightly) The Brewery, Flour, Cereal and Soft Drink Workers' International Union of America, 2347 Vine Street, Cincinnati, Ohio Julius Zorn American Federation of Labor National and International Unions Brewery, Flour, Cereal, and Soft Drink Workers' Journal (fortnightly). Saturdays. Established 1886, 4 pages, $2, circu lation 16,000. The Brewery, Flour, Cereal and Soft Drink Workers' International Union of America, 2347 Vine Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. Julius Zorn.
Bricklayer, Mason and Plasterer, The (monthly) Bricklayers', Masons', and Plasterers' International Union, University Park Building, Indianapolis, Indiana William Dobson American Federation of Labor National and International Unions Bricklayer, Mason and Plasterer, The (monthly). Established 1896, $.75. Bricklayers', Masons', and Plasterers' In ternational Union, University Park Building, Indian apolis, Ind. William Dobson.
Bridgemen's Magazine, The (monthly) International Association of Bridge, Structural, and Ornamental Iron Workers, 1615 Syndicate Trust Building, St. Louis, Missouri W. J. McCain American Federation of Labor National and International Unions Bridgemen's Magazine, The (monthly). Established 1901, 48 pages, $1, circulation 19,000. International Association of Bridge, Structural, and Ornamental Iron Workers, 1615 Syndicate Trust Building, St. Louis, Mo. W. J. McCain.
Broom Maker, The (monthly) International Broom and Whisk Makers' Union, 853 King Place, Chicago, Illinois Will R. Boyer American Federation of Labor National and International Unions Broom Maker, The (monthly). Established 1902, 16-20 pages, $1, circulation 1;200. International Broom and Whisk Makers' Union, 853 King Place, Chicago, Ill. Will R. Boyer.
Buchdrucker-Zeitung (fortnightly) International Typographical Union, 653 Bankers' Trust Building, Indianapolis, Indiana Hugo Miller American Federation of Labor National and International Unions Buchdrucker-Zeitung (fortnightly). German. Established 1873, 4 pages, $1, circulation 1,100. International Typographical Union, 653 Bankers' Trust Building, Indianapolis, Ind. Hugo Miller.
Carpenter, The (monthly) United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners, Carpenters' Building, 222 East Michigan Street, Indianapolis, Indiana Frank Duffy American Federation of Labor National and International Unions Carpenter, The (monthly). Established 1881, $1, circulation 375,000. United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners, Carpenters' Building, 222 East Michigan Street, In dianapolis, Ind. Frank Duffy. Uses mats.
Cigarmakers' Official Journal (monthly) Cigarmakers' Interna tional Union of America, Room 620, 508> South Dear born Street, Chicago, Illinois George W. Perkins American Federation of Labor National and International Unions Cigarmakers' Official Journal (monthly). Established 1864, 16- 50 pages, $1, circulation 19,000. Cigarmakers' Interna tional Union of America, Room 620, 508> South Dear born Street, Chicago, Ill. George W. Perkins.
Commercial Telegraphers' Journal, The (monthly) The Commercial Telegraphers' Union of America, 113 South Ashland Boulevard, Chicago, Illinois NONE American Federation of Labor National and International Unions Commercial Telegraphers' Journal, The (monthly). Established 1902, 32-64 pages, $2. The Commercial Telegraphers' Union of America, 113 South Ashland Boulevard, Chicago, Ill. International Labor News. Uses mats.
Coopers' International Journal, The (monthly) Coopers' International Union, Meriweather Building, Kansas City, Kansas. Forrest M. Krepps American Federation of Labor National and International Unions Coopers' International Journal, The (monthly). Established 1890, 8 pages, $1.25. Coopers' International Union, Meri- weather Building, Kansas City, Kas. Forrest M. Krepps.
Elevator Constructor, The (monthly) International Union of Elevator Constructors, 1208 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Joseph F. Murphy American Federation of Labor National and International Unions Elevator Constructor, The (monthly). Established 1902, 40 pages, $1, circulation 12,000. International Union of Elevator Constructors, 1208 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Joseph F. Murphy., 391 Fulton Street, B'klyn, N. Y.
Equity Magazine, The (monthly) The Actors' Equity Association of America, 45 West 47th Street, New York, New York Grant Stewart, Alfred Harding American Federation of Labor National and International Unions Equity Magazine, The (monthly). Established 1915, 44 pages, $1, circulation 12,000. The Actors' Equity Association of America, 45 West 47th Street, New York, N. Y. Grant Stewart., Alfred Harding, assoc. ed. Uses cuts.
Federal Employe (monthly) National Federation of Federal Em ployes, 10 B Street, S.W., Washington, DC Luther C. Steward, William Ullman American Federation of Labor National and International Unions Federal Employe (monthly). Established 1916, 32 pages, $1, cir culation 35,000. National Federation of Federal Em ployes, 10 B Street, S.W., Washington, D. C. Luther C. Steward, William Ullmans.
Firemen and Oilers Journal (monthly) International Brother hood of Firemen and Oilers, 3611 North 24th Street, Omaha, Nebr C. L. Shamp American Federation of Labor National and International Unions Firemen and Oilers Journal (monthly). Established 1899, 20-36 pages, $1, circulation 25-40,000. International Brother hood of Firemen and Oilers, 3611 North 24th Street, Omaha, Nebr. C. L. Shamp.
Fur Worker, The (fortnightly) International Fur Workers' Union of United States and Canada, 9 Jackson Avenue, Long Island City, New York Morris Kaufman, A. Rosebury American Federation of Labor National and International Unions Fur Worker, The (fortnightly). Yiddish and English. Established 1916, 8-12 pages, $.50, circulation 12,000. International Fur Workers' Union of United States and Canada, 9 Jackson Avenue, Long Island City, N. Y. Morris Kaufman, A. Roseburys. Federated Press, Inter national Labor News. Labor and Socialist.
Garment Worker, The (weekly) United Garment Workers, 117 Bible House, Astor Place, New York, New York NONE American Federation of Labor National and International Unions Garment Worker, The (weekly). Established 1901, $1. United Garment Workers, 117 Bible House, Astor Place, New York, N. Y.
Gerechtigkeit (weekly) International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union 3 West 16th Street, New York, New York S. Yanofsky, Max D. Danish American Federation of Labor National and International Unions Gerechtigkeit (weekly). Jewish. Fridays. Established 1918, 16 pages, $1.50, circulation 42,050. International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union 3 West 16th Street, New York, N. Y. S. Yanofsky, Max D. Danishs.
Giustizia (weekly) International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union, 3 West 16th Street, New York, New York R. Rende American Federation of Labor National and International Unions Giustizia (weekly). Italian. Fridays. Established 1918, 12 pages, $1, circulation 17,700. International Ladies' Gar ment Workers' Union, 3 West 16th Street, New York, N. Y. R. Rende.
General Bulletin (weekly) International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees, 110 West 40th Street, New York, New York NONE American Federation of Labor National and International Unions General Bulletin (weekly). International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees, 110 West 40th Street, New York, N. Y.
Granite Cutters Journal (monthly) Granite Cutters International Association of America, 25 School Street, Quincy, Massachusetts Sam Squibb NONE American Federation of Labor National and International Unions Granite Cutters Journal (monthly). Established 1877, 32 pages, $1.20, circulation 10,000. Granite Cutters International Association of America, 25 School Street, Quincy, Mass. Sam Squibb.
Headgear Worker, The (fortnightly) Cloth Hat, Cap, and Millinery Workers' International Union, 621 Broadway, New York, New York J.M. Budish American Federation of Labor National and International Unions Headgear Worker, The (fortnightly). English and Yiddish. Fridays. Established 1916, 4-8 pages, $.50, circulation 15,000. Cloth Hat, Cap, and Millinery Workers' International Union, 621 Broadway, New York, N. Y. J. M. Budish. International Labor News, Federated Press.
International Bookbinder, The (monthly) International Brotherhood of Bookbinders, 9th Street and Massachusetts Avenue, Washington, DC Felix J. Belair American Federation of Labor National and International Unions International Bookbinder, The (monthly). Established 1898, 40 pages, $1, circulation 14,000. International Brotherhood of Bookbinders, 9th Street and Massachusetts Avenue, Washington, D. C. Felix J. Belair.
International Fire Fighter (monthly) International Association of Fire Fighters, 105 American Federation of Labor Building, Washington, DC Fred W. Baer American Federation of Labor National and International Unions International Fire Fighter (monthly). Established 1918, 32-48 pages, $2, circulation 4,500. International Association of Fire Fighters, 105 American Federation of Labor Building, Washington, D. C. Fred W. Baer. In ternational Labor News, Luce's Press Clipping Bureau. Fire prevention and fire fighting included.
International Horseshoers' Monthly Magazine (monthly) International Union of Journeymen Horseshoers, 605 Second National Bank Building, Cincinnati, Ohio Hubert Marshall American Federation of Labor National and International Unions International Horseshoers' Monthly Magazine (monthly). Es tablished 1899, $.50, circulation 2,200. International Union of Journeymen Horseshoers, 605 Second National Bank Building, Cincinnati, Ohio. Hubert Marshall.
International Molders' Journal (monthly) International Molders' Union of North America, 530 Walnut Street, Cincinnati, Ohio John P. Frey American Federation of Labor National and International Unions International Molders' Journal (monthly). Established 1864, 68- 112 pages, $.50, circulation 30-35,000. International Molders' Union of North America, 530 Walnut Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. John P. Frey. International Labor News.
International Musician (monthly) American Federation of Mu sicians, 239-241 Halsey Street, Newark, New Jersey William J. Kerngood American Federation of Labor National and International Unions International Musician (monthly). Established 1903, 24-32 pages, $.20, circulation 125,000. American Federation of Mu sicians, 239-241 Halsey Street, Newark, N. J. William J. Kerngood ed. American Federation of Labor Weekly News.
International Steam Engineer (monthly) International Union of Steam and Operating Engineers, 6334-36 Yale Avenue, Chicago, Illinois Dave Evans American Federation of Labor National and International Unions International Steam Engineer (monthly). Established 1889, 80 pages, $1, circulation 41,348. International Union of Steam and Operating Engineers, 6334-36 Yale Avenue, Chicago, Ill. Dave Evans. Circulates among chief and operating engineers in power plants exclusively.
International Stereotypers' and Electrotypers' Union Journal (monthly) International Stereotypers' and Electrotpers' Union of North America, 446 South Ogden Street, Denver, Colorado William Eben McCormick American Federation of Labor National and International Unions International Stereotypers' and Electrotypers' Union Journal (monthly). Established 1906, 56 and more pages, $.60, circulation 6,500. International Stereotypers' and Electrotpers' Union of North America, 446 South Ogden Street, Denver, Colo. William Eben McCormick. Uses mats.
International Woodcarver, The (monthly) International Woodcarvers' Association of North America, 8605 85th Street, Jamaica, New York Frank Detlef American Federation of Labor National and International Unions International Woodcarver, The (monthly). Established 1899, 4 pages, circulation 1,500. International Woodcarvers' Association of North America, 8605 並_並__並_並___並_並__並_並___並_並__並_並___ 85th Street, Jamaica, New York. Frank Detlef.
Jewelry Workers' Monthly Bulletin (monthly) International Jewelry Workers' Union, Room 714, 1674 Broadway, New York, New York NONE American Federation of Labor National and International Unions Jewelry Workers' Monthly Bulletin (monthly). International Jewelry Workers' Union, Room 714, 1674 Broadway, New York, N. Y.
Journal of Electrical Workers and Operators, The (monthly) International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Ma chinists Building, Waashington, D M G.M. Bugniazet American Federation of Labor National and International Unions Journal of Electrical Workers and Operators, The (monthly). Established 1891, 64 pages, $.50, circulation 62,000. In ternational Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Ma chinists Building, Waashington, D. C. G. M. Bugnia- zet. Uses mats.
Journal of the Switchmen's Union of North America, The (monthly) Switchmen's Union of North America, 39 West North Stret, Buffalo, New York Thompson NONE American Federation of Labor National and International Unions Journal of the Switchmen's Union of North America, The (monthly). Established 1898, 32-56 pages, $1.25, circulation 10,000. Switchmen's Union of North America, 39 West North Stret, Buffalo, N. Y. W. H. Thompson.
Journeyman Barber, The (monthly) Journeymen Barbers' International Union, 222 East Michigan Street, Indianapolis, Indiana Jacob Fischer American Federation of Labor National and International Unions Journeyman Barber, The (monthly). Established 1905, $.60. Journeymen Barbers' International Union, 222 East Michigan Street, Indianapolis, Ind. Jacob Fischer.
Justice (weekly) International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union, 3 West 16th Street, New York, New York S. Yanofsky, Max D. Danish American Federation of Labor National and International Unions Justice (weekly). Fridays. Established 1918, 12 pages, $1.50, circulation 29,300. International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union, 3 West 16th Street, New York, N. Y. S. Yanofsky, Max D. Danishs.
Lather, The (monthly) Wood, Wire and Metal Lathers' Interna tional Union, Lathers' Building, West 26th & Detroit, Cleveland, Ohio A.D. Yoder American Federation of Labor National and International Unions Lather, The (monthly). Established 1900, 36 pages, $.60, circula tion 15,000. Wood, Wire and Metal Lathers' Interna tional Union, Lathers' Building, West 26th & Detroit, Cleveland, Ohio. A. D. Yoder.
Leather Workers' Journal (monthly) United Leather Workers' International Union, 610 Walsix Building, Kansas City, Missouri John J. Pfeiffer, W. E. Bryan American Federation of Labor National and International Unions Leather Workers' Journal (monthly). Established 1898, 32 pages, $1, circulation 2,000. United Leather Workers' Inter national Union, 610 Walsix Building, Kansas City, Mo. John J. Pfeiffer, W. E. Bryans. American Federa tion of Labor Weekly News.
Life and Labor Bulletin (monthly) National Women's Trade Union League of America, 311 South Ashland Boulevard, Chicago, Illinois Elisabeth Christman American Federation of Labor National and International Unions Life and Labor Bulletin (monthly). Established 1922, 4 pages, $1, circulation 2,500. National Women's Trade Union League of America, 311 South Ashland Boulevard, Chicago, Ill. Elisabeth Christman.
Lithographers' Journal (monthly) Amalgamated Lithographers of America, 205 West 14th Street, New York, New York C. Halbmeier American Federation of Labor National and International Unions Lithographers' Journal (monthly). Established 1915, 44 pages, $1.50, circulation 6,600. Amalgamated Lithographers of America, 205 West 14th Street, New York, N. Y. C. Halbmeier. Labor Bureau, Inc.
Longshoreman, The (monthly) International Longshoremen's Association, 702 Brisbane Building, Buffalo, New York NONE American Federation of Labor National and International Unions Longshoreman, The (monthly). International Longshoremen's Association, 702 Brisbane Building, Buffalo, N. Y.
Machinists Monthly Journal (monthly) International Association of Machinists, 204 Machinists Building, Washington, Fred Hewitt American Federation of Labor National and International Unions Machinists Monthly Journal (monthly). Established 1889, 48 pages, $1, circulation 85,000. International Association of Machinists, 204 Machinists Building, Washington, D. C. Fred Hewitt. International Labor News.
Miners' Magazine, The (monthly) International Union of Mine, Mill, and Smelter Workers, 500 Mercantile Building, Denver, Colorado Charles H. Moyer American Federation of Labor National and International Unions Miners' Magazine, The (monthly). Established 1900, $.50. In ternational Union of Mine, Mill, and Smelter Workers, 500 Mercantile Building, Denver, Colo. Charles H. Moyer.
Mixer and Server, The (monthly) Hotel & Restaurant Em ployees' International Alliance and Bartenders' International League of America, 528-30 Walnut Street, Cincinnati, Ohio Jere 'L Sullivan American Federation of Labor National and International Unions Mixer and Server, The (monthly). Established 1891, 64 pages, $1.50, circulation 55,000. Hotel & Restaurant Em ployees' International Alliance and Bartenders' Inter national League of America, 528-30 Walnut Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. Jere 'L. Sullivan. International Labor News, American Federation of Labor Weekly News.
Motorman and Conductor, The (monthly) Amalgamated Asso ciation of Street and Electric Railway Employees, 260 East High Street, Detroit, Michigan R. L. Reeves American Federation of Labor National and International Unions Motorman and Conductor, The (monthly). Established 1895, 40 pages, $.75, circulation 112,000. Amalgamated Asso ciation of Street and Electric Railway Employees, 260 East High Street, Detroit, Mich. R. L. Reeves.
Official Journal, International Association of Heat and Frost Insulators and Asbestos Workers, (quarterly) 803 United Home Building, St. Louis, Missouri. NONE American Federation of Labor National and International Unions Official Journal (quarterly). International Association of Heat and Frost Insulators and Asbestos Workers, 803 United Home Building, St. Louis, Mo.
Official Magazine (monthly) International Brotherhood of Team sters, Chauffeurs, Stablemen, and Helpers, 222 East Michigan Street, Indianapolis, Indiana Daniel J. Tobin American Federation of Labor National and International Unions Official Magazine (monthly). Established 1902, 16 pages, $2, circulation 50,000. International Brotherhood of Team sters, Chauffeurs, Stablemen, and Helpers, 222 East Michigan Street, Indianapolis, Ind. Daniel J. Tobin.
Painter and Decorator, The (monthly) Brotherhood of Painters, Deco rators, and Paperhangers, Lafayette, Indiana Charles J. Lammert American Federation of Labor National and International Unions Painter and Decorator, The (monthly). Established 1887, $1, circulation 100,000. Brotherhood of Painters, Deco rators, and Paperhangers, Lafayette, Ind. Charles J. Lammert.
Paper Makers Journal (monthly) International Brotherhood of Paper Makers, 25 South Hawk Street, Albany, New York Matthew J Matthew J. Burns American Federation of Labor National and International Unions Paper Makers Journal (monthly). Established 1902, 16 and more pages, $1, circulation 7,500. International Brotherhood of Paper Makers, 25 South Hawk Street, Albany, N. Y. Matthew J. Burns.
Pattern Makers Journal (monthly) Pattern Makers' League of iNorth America, 2nd National Bank Building, Cincinnati, Ohio James Wilson American Federation of Labor National and International Unions Pattern Makers Journal (monthly). Established 1889, 16-32 pages, $.50, 12-15,000 circulation. Pattern Makers' League of iNorth America, 2nd National Bank Building, Cincinnati, Ohio. James Wilson. American Federation of Labor Weekly News.
Paving Cutters' Journal (monthly) Paving Cutters' Union of the United States and Canada, Rockport, Massachusetts Carl Bergstrom NONE American Federation of Labor National and International Unions Paving Cutters' Journal (monthly). Established 1901, 4 pages, circulation 2,700. Paving Cutters' Union of the United States and Canada, Rockport, Mass. Carl Bergstrom.
Plasterer, The (monthly) 401 Castell Building, Middletown, Ohio. NONE American Federation of Labor National and International Unions Plasterer, The (monthly). Operative Plasterers' International Association, 401 Castell Building, Middletown, Ohio.
Plate Printer, The (fortnightly) NONE NONE American Federation of Labor National and International Unions Plate Printer, The (fortnightly). Plate Printers' and Die Stampers' Union, 1630 West Louden Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters' Journal (monthly) United Association of Plumbers and Steam Fitters, 1138 North Dearborn Street, Chicago, IL NONE American Federation of Labor National and International Unions Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters' Journal (monthly). Established 1885, $1. United Association of Plumbers and Steam Fitters, 1138 North Dearborn Street, Chicago, 111.
Postal Record (monthly) National Association of Letter Carriers, American Federation o_f Labor Building, Washington, DC Edward J. Gainor, M.T. Finnan American Federation of Labor National and International Unions Postal Record (monthly). Established 1888, 24 and more pages, $2, circulation 46,000. National Association of Letter Carriers, American Federation o_f Labor Building, Washington, D. C. Edward J. Gainor, M. T. Finnans.
Potters' Herald, The (weekly) National Brotherhood of Operative Potters, West Sixth Street, East Liverpool, Ohio Will T. Blake American Federation of Labor National and International Unions Potters' Herald, The (weekly). Thursdays. Established 1892, 6 pages, $2, circulation 7,500. National Brotherhood of Operative Potters, West Sixth Street, East Liverpool, Ohio. Will T. Blake. American Federation of Labor Weekly News. Uses mats.
Quarry Workers' Journal (monthly) Quarry Workers' International Union of North America, Scampini Building, Barre, Vt Fred W. Suitor American Federation of Labor National and International Unions Quarry Workers' Journal (monthly). Established 1904, 8 pages, $.75, circulation 5,000. Quarry Workers' International Union of North America, Scampini Building, Barre, Vt. Fred W. Suitor.
Railroad Telegrapher, The (monthly) The Order of Railroad Telegraphers, 3673 W Pine Boulevard, St Louis, Missouri E.J. Manion American Federation of Labor National and International Unions Railroad Telegrapher, The (monthly). Established 1886, 136 pages, $1, circulation 70,000. The Order of Railroad Telegraphers, 3673 W. Pine Boulevard, St. Louis, Mo. E. J. Manion.
Railway Carmen's Journal (monthly) Brotherhood of Railway Carmen, 512 Hall Building, Kansas City, Missouri W.J. Adames American Federation of Labor National and International Unions Railway Carmen's Journal (monthly). Established 1895, $1.50. Brotherhood of Railway Carmen, 512 Hall Building, Kansas City, Mo. W. J. Adames.
Railway Clerk, The (monthly) Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Express and Station Employees, Brotherhood of Railway Clerks Building, 1015 Vine Street, Cincinnati, Ohio Phil E. Ziegler American Federation of Labor National and International Unions Railway Clerk, The (monthly). Established 1900, 32-64 pages, $1, circulation 104,875. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Express and Station Employees, Brotherhood of Railway Clerks Building, 1015 Vine Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. Phil E. Ziegler. International Labor News, Federated Press.
Railway Maintenance of Way Employees' Journal (monthly) United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Em ployees, 61 Putnam Avenue, Detroit, Michigan F. Finnson American Federation of Labor National and International Unions Railway Maintenance of Way Employees' Journal (monthly). Established 1891, 64 pages, $1, circulation 100,000. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Em ployees, 61 Putnam Avenue, Detroit, Mich. F. Finn- son.
Retail Clerks' International Advocate (monthly) Retail Clerks' International Protective As sociation, Lock Drawer 248, Lafayette, Indiana H. J. Conway American Federation of Labor National and International Unions Retail Clerks' International Advocate (monthly). Established 1892, $.60. Retail Clerks' International Protective As sociation, Lock Drawer 248, Lafayette, Ind. H. J. Conway.
Railway Post Office, The (monthly) Railway Mail Association (Ra'ilway Mail Clerks), 508 American Federation of Labor Build ing, Washington, DC Henry W Strickland American Federation of Labor National and International Unions Railway Post Office, The (monthly). Established 1898, 48 pages, $1, circulation 20,500. Railway Mail Association (Ra'ilway Mail Clerks), 508 American Federation of Labor Build ing, Washington, D. C. Henry W. Strickland. Uses mats.
Seamen's Journal, The (monthly) International Seamen's Union of America, 525 Market Street, San Francisco, California Paul Scharrenberg American Federation of Labor National and International Unions Seamen's Journal, The (monthly). Established 1887, 32 pages, $1.50. International Seamen's Union of America, 525 Market Street, San Francisco, Calif. Paul Scharren- berg. International Labor News, American Federa tion of Labor Weekly News. Uses mats.
Sheet Metal Workers' Journal (monthly) Sheet Metal Workers' International Association, 642 Transportation Building, Washington, DC William L. Sullivan American Federation of Labor National and International Unions Sheet Metal Workers' Journal (monthly). Established 1895, $1. Sheet Metal Workers' International Association, 642 Transportation Building, Washington, D. C. William L. Sullivan.
Shoe Workers' Journal, The (monthly) Boot and Shoe Workers' Union, 246 Summer Street, Boston, Massachusetts CL Baine American Federation of Labor National and International Unions Shoe Workers' Journal, The (monthly). Established 1900, 40 pages, circulation 50,000. Boot and Shoe Workers' Union, 246 Summer Street, Boston, Mass. C. ,L. Baine.
Signalmen's Journal (monthly) Brotherhood of Railway Signal men of America, 4750 North Kimball Avenue, Chicago, Illinois T. A. Austin American Federation of Labor National and International Unions Signalmen's Journal (monthly). Established 1920, 32-64 pages, $1, circulation 10,000. Brotherhood of Railway Signal men of America, 4750 North Kimball Avenue, Chicago, Ill. T. A. Austin. Labor Bureau, Committee of 48, Fair Tariff League.
Sleeping Car Conductor, The (monthly) Order of Sleeping Car Conductors, 360-1 Union Station, Kansas City, Missouri M.S. Warfield American Federation of Labor National and International Unions Sleeping Car Conductor, The (monthly). Established 1918, 50 pages, $1, circulation 3,000. Order of Sleeping Car Conductors, 360-1 Union Station, Kansas City, Mo. M. S. Warfield. Uses mats.
Stone Cutters Journal, The (monthly) Journeymen Stone Cut ters' Association of North America, Box 767, Indianapolis, Indiana Joseph Blasey American Federation of Labor National and International Unions Stone Cutters Journal, The (monthly). Established 1853, 16-24 pages, $1, circulation 6,000. Journeymen Stone Cut ters' Association of .North America, P. O. Box 767, Indianapolis, Ind. Joseph Blasey.
Stove Mounters' & Range Workers' Journal (monthly) Stove Mounters' International Union, 6466 East Jefferson Avenue, Detroit, Michigan Frank Grimshaw American Federation of Labor National and International Unions Stove Mounters' & Range Workers' Journal (monthly). -Estab lished 1895, 24 pages, $.60, circulation 3,000. Stove Mounters' International Union, 6466 East Jefferson Avenue, Detroit, Mich. Frank Grimshaw.
Tailor, The (fortnightly) Journeymen Tailors' Union of Am erica, 6753 Stony Island Avenue, Chicago, Illinois Thomas Sweeney American Federation of Labor National and International Unions Tailor, The (fortnightly). Tuesdays. Established 1887, 4 pages, circulation 9,500. Journeymen Tailors' Union of Am erica, 6753 Stony Island Avenue, Chicago, Ill. Thomas Sweeney. International Labor News. Uses mats some times.
Textile Worker, The (monthly) United Textile Workers of America, 603-9 Bible House, New York, New York Thomas F. McMahon American Federation of Labor National and International Unions Textile Worker, The (monthly). Established 1912, 66 pages, $1. United Textile Workers of America, 603-9 Bible House, New York, N. Y. Thomas F. McMahon. Interna tional Labor News.
Tobacco Worker (m) Tobacco Workers' International Union, 50 Our Home Life Insurance Building, Louisville, Kentucky. NONE American Federation of Labor National and International Unions Tobacco Worker (m). Tobacco Workers' International Union, 50 Our Home Life Insurance Building, Louis ville, Ky.
Typographical Journal, The (monthly) International Typo graphical Union, 642 Bankers Trust Building, Indianapolis, Indiana J. W. Hays American Federation of Labor National and International Unions Typographical Journal, The (monthly). Established 1889, 128- 148 pages, $1, circulation 62,000. International Typo graphical Union, 642 Bankers Trust Building, Indian apolis, Ind. J. W. Hays.
Union Clay Worker (monthly) United Brick and Clay Workers' Union, Room 309, 327 South La Salle Street, Chicago, Illinois William Tracy American Federation of Labor National and International Unions Union Clay Worker (monthly). Established 1918, 40 pages, $1, circulation 10,000. United Brick and Clay Workers' Union, Room 309, 327 South La Salle Street, Chicago, Ill. William Tracy. International Labor News.
Union Postal Clerk (monthly) National Federation of Post Of fice Clerks, Room 300, American Federation of Labor Building, 901 Massachusetts Avenue, , Washing ton, DC Thomas F. Flaherty American Federation of Labor National and International Unions Union Postal Clerk (monthly). Established 1903, 96 pages, $1, circulation 35,000. National Federation of Post Of fice Clerks, Room 300, American Federation of Labor Building, 901 Massachusetts Avenue, N. W., Washing ton, D. C. Thomas F. Flaherty.
United Mine Workers' Journal (fortnightly) United Mine Workers of America, 1102 Merchants Bank Building, Indianapolis, Indiana Ellis Searles American Federation of Labor National and International Unions United Mine Workers' Journal (fortnightly). Established 1891, 24 pages, $1, circulation 300,000. United Mine Workers of America, 1102 Merchants Bank Building, Indianapolis, Ind. Ellis Searles.
Upholsterers' Journal (monthly) Upholsterers' International Union of North America, 230 East 58th Street, New York, New York William Kohn American Federation of Labor National and International Unions Upholsterers' Journal (monthly). Established 1922, 28-60 pages, $1, circulation 7,500. Upholsterers' International Union of North America, 230 East 58th Street, New York, N. Y. William Kohn.
Advance, The (weekly) Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America, 31 Union Square, New York, New York Joseph Schlossberg Independent Trade Unions Advance, The (weekly). Fridays. Established 1917, 12 pages, $2, circulation 50,000. Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America, 31 Union Square, New York, N. Y. Joseph Schlossberg.
American Marine Engineer, The (monthly) National Marine Engineers' Beneficial Association, 311 Machinists Build ing, 9th Street and Mt. Vernon Place, Washington, D C O. C. Lightner Independent Trade Unions American Marine Engineer, The (monthly). Established 1906, 34 pages, $1.50, circulation 10,000. National Marine Engineers' Beneficial Association, 311 Machinists Build ing, 9th Street and Mt. Vernon Place, Washington, D. C. O. C. Lightner.
Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen's Magazine (monthly) Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen, 2112 East 46th Street, Cleveland, Ohio John F. McNamee Independent Trade Unions Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen's Magazine (monthly). Established 1877, 80 pages, $2, circu lation 110,000. Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen, 2112 East 46th Street, Cleveland, Ohio. John F. McNamee. Federated Press.
Darbas (fortnightly) Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America, 31 Union Square, New York, New York L. Pruseika Independent Trade Unions Darbas (fortnightly). Lithuanian. Established 1918, 8 pages, $2, circulation, 6,000. Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America, 31. Union Square, New York, N. Y. ; L. Pruseika.
Fortschrift (fortnightly) Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America, 31 Union Square, New York, New York NONE Independent Trade Unions Fortschrift (fortnightly). Jewish. Established 1915, 12-16 pages, $2, circulation 35,000. Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America, 31 Union Square, New York, N. Y.
Free Voice of the Amalgamated Food Workers (fortnightly) Amalgamated Food Workers, 98 Bowers Street, Jer sey City, New Jersey Charles Kiehn Independent Trade Unions Free Voice of the Amalgamated Food Workers (fortnightly). Established 1920, 8 pages, $1, circulation 10,000. The Amalgamated Food Workers, 98 Bowers Street, Jer sey City, N. J.itorial office, 81 East 10th Street, New York, N. Y. Charles Kiehn. Federated Press, International Press Correspondence. Uses mats.
Hotel Worker (monthly) New York Hotel Workers, branch of the Amal gamated Food Workers, 133 West Slst Street, New York, New York NONE Independent Trade Unions Hotel Worker (monthly). Established 1923, 8 pages, circulation 7,000. New York Hotel Workers, branch of the Amal gamated Food Workers, 133 West Slst Street, New York, N. Y.
International Pocketbook Worker (monthly) International Pocketbook Workers' Union, 62 University Place, New York, New York Ossip Walinsky Independent Trade Unions International Pocketbook Worker (monthly). Established 1923, 16 pages, circulation 8,000. International Pocketbook Workers' Union, 62 University Place, New York, N. Y. Ossip Walinsky.
Lavoro, II (fortnightly) Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America, 31 Union Square, New York, New York Frank Belanca Independent Trade Unions Lavoro, II (fortnightly). Italian. Established 1913, 8 pages, $2, circulation, 30,000. Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America, 31 Union Square, New York, N. Y. Frank Belanca.
Locomotive Engineers' Journal (monthly) Brotherhood of Loco motive Engineers, 806 Engineers' Building, Cleveland, Ohio Albert F. Coyle, John F. Welch, asst. Independent Trade Unions Locomotive Engineers' Journal (monthly). Established 1865, 80 pages, $1.50, circulation 92,000. Brotherhood of Loco motive Engineers, 806 Engineers' Building, Cleveland, Ohio. Albert F. Coyle., John F. Welch, asst. ed. Federated Press, Cooperative News Service.
Prace (fortnightly) Amalgamated Clothing Workers of Ameri ca, 31 Union Square, New York, New York Anton Novotny Independent Trade Unions Prace (fortnightly). Bohemian. Established 1920, 8 pages, circula tion 4,000. Amalgamated Clothing Workers of Ameri ca, 31 Union Square, New York, N. Y. Anton No- votny.
Przemyslowa Democracia (fortnightly) Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America, 31 Union Square, New York, New York Stanislawa Kucharska Independent Trade Unions Przemyslowa Democracia (fortnightly). Polish. Established 1917, 8 pages, $2, circulation 12,000. Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America, 31 Union Square, New York, N. Y. Stanislawa Kucharska. Federated Press.
Rabotchy Golos (monthly) Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America, 31 Union Square, New York, New York NONE Independent Trade Unions Rabotchy Golos (monthly). Russian. Established 1919, 4 pages, $2, circulation 2,000. Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America, 31 Union Square, New York, N. Y.
Railroad Trainman, The (monthly) Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen, (printed by Kable Bros. Co., Mount Morris, IL). 820 Superior Avenue, West, Cleveland, Ohio D. L. Cease Independent Trade Unions Railroad Trainman, The (monthly). Established 1883, 80 pages, $1, circulation 176,000. Brotherhood of Railroad Train men, (printed by Kable Bros. Co., Mount Morris, Ill.) 820 Superior Avenue, West, Cleveland, Ohio. D. L. Cease.
Railroad Worker, The (monthly) American Federation of Rail road Workers, 315 South Ashland Boulevard, Chicago, Illinois George C. Eckroth Independent Trade Unions Railroad Worker, The (monthly). Established 1901, 48 pages, $.60, circulation 20,000. American Federation of Rail road Workers, 315 South Ashland Boulevard, Chicago, Ill. George C. Eckroth. League for Industrial Democracy, Federated Press, etc. Uses mats some times.
Railway Conductor, The (monthly) Order of Railway Conductors, 1st Avenue and 1st Street, Cedar Rapids, Iowa F. H. Pease Independent Trade Unions Railway Conductor, The (monthly). Established 1884, 48 pages, $1, circulation 60,000. Order of Railway Conductors, 1st Avenue and 1st Street, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. F. H. Pease.
Railway Employees' Journal (monthly) Brotherhood of Railroad Employees, 190 North State Street, Chicago, Illinois W. B. Montgomery Independent Trade Unions Railway Employees' Journal (monthly). Established 1913, $1. Brotherhood of Railroad Employees, 190 North State Street, Chicago, Ill. W. B. Montgomery.
Railway Expressman, The (monthly) Order of Railway Expressmen, 105 West Monroe Street, Chicago, Illinois. E. H. Wilson Independent Trade Unions Railway Expressman, The (monthly)- Established 1919, 64 pages, $1, circulation 18,000. Order of Railway Expressmen, 105 West Monroe Street, Chicago, Ill. E. H. Wilson. Federated Press, Labor Press League,
Steam Shovel and Dredge (monthly) International Brother hood of Steam Shovel and Dredge Men, Room 1208, 105 West Monroe Street, Chicago, Illinois F. E. Langdon, M. H. Madden Independent Trade Unions Steam Shovel and Dredge (monthly). Established 1900, 64 pages, $1.50, circulation 6,000. International Brother hood of Steam Shovel and Dredge Men, Room 1208, 105 West Monroe Street, Chicago, Ill. F. E. Langdon, M. H. Maddens. Uses mats.
Train Dispatcher, The (monthly) American Train Dispatchers Association, Train Dispatchers Building, 10 East Huron Street, Chicago, Illinois C. L. Darling, E. H. Stevenson Independent Trade Unions Train Dispatcher, The (monthly). Established 1919, 64 pages, $1.50, circulation 6,000. American Train Dispatchers Association, Train Dispatchers Building, 10 East Huron Street, Chicago, Ill. C. L. Darling, E. H. Stevensons. Federated Press.
Bermunkas (weekly) Industrial Workers of the World, 3333 West Belmont Avenue, Chicago, Illinois Louis Bartha Industrial Workers of the World Bermunkas (weekly). Hungarian. Mondays. Established 1912, 6 pages, $2, circulation 6,000. Industrial Workers of the World, 3333 West Belmont Avenue, Chicago, Ill. Louis Bartha. Federated Press, Defense News Service.
Felszabadulas (weekly) Industrial Workers of the World, 3333 West Belmont Avenue, Chicago, Illinois NONE Industrial Workers of the World Felszabadulas (weekly). Hungarian. Industrial Workers of the World, 3333 West Belmont Avenue, Chicago, Ill.
Golos Truzenika (fortnightly) Industrial Workers of the World, 3333 West Belmont Avenue, Chicago, Illinois William Horwich Independent Trade Unions Golos Truzenika (fortnightly). Russian. Established 1917, 32 pages, $1.50, circulation 5,000. Industrial Workers of the World, 3333 West Belmont Avenue, Chicago, Ill. William Horwich.
Industrialisti (daily) The Workers' Socialist Publish ing Company Incorporated, 22-24 Lake Avenue North, Duluth, Minnesota Hellin Vitikainen, K Laito, Manu Porre, Vaino Pelto, Andrew Vitikainen Industrial Workers of the World Industrialisti (daily). Finnish. Established 1917, 4-6 pages, $4.50, circulation 9,000. The Workers' Socialist Publish ing Co. Inc., 22-24 Lake Avenue North, Duluth, Minn. Hellin Vitikainen, K. Laito, Manu Porre, Vaino Pelto, Andrew Vitikainens. Official organ, Industrial Workers of the World. Federated Press, Defense News Service. Uses mats.
Industrial Pioneer (monthly) Industrial Workers of the World, 3333 West Belmont Avenue, Chicago, Illinois John A Gahan Industrial Workers of the World Industrial Pioneer (monthly). Established 1923, 48 pages, $2, circulation 12,500. Industrial Workers of the World, 3333 West Belmont Avenue, Chicago, Ill. John A. Gahan.
Industrial Solidarity (weekly) Industrial Workers of the World, 3333 West Belmont Avenue, Chicago, Illinois Vern Smith, John Gahan, bus. mgr. Industrial Workers of the World Industrial Solidarity (weekly). Wednesdays. Established 1909, 6 pages, $2, circulation 8,000. Industrial Workers of the World, 3333 West Belmont Avenue, Chicago, Ill. Vern Smith., John Gahan, bus. mgr. Defense News Service, Federated Press. Uses mats some times.
Industrial Unionist (weekly) The "Emergency Program" branches of the Industrial Workers of the World, Box 3291, Port land, Oregon James Lance, , True Tuttle, bus. mgr. Industrial Workers of the World Industrial Unionist (weekly). Established 1925, 4 pages, $2, cir culation 4,500. The "Emergency Program" branches of the Industrial Workers of the World, Box 3291, Port land, Oregon. James Lance., True Tuttle, bus. mgr.
Industrial Worker (semi-weekly) North west branches, Industrial Workers of the World, 1925 Western Avenue, Seattle, Washington C. E. Payne Industrial Workers of the World Industrial Worker (semi-weekly). Wednesday and Saturday. Established 1909, 4 pages, $4, circulation 5,000. North west branches, Industrial Workers of the World, 1925 Western Avenue, Seattle, Wash. C. E. Payne.
Industrijalni Radnik (fortnightly) Industrial Workers of the World, 3333 West Belmont Avenue, Chicago, Illinois NONE Industrial Workers of the World Industrijalni Radnik (fortnightly). Croatian. Industrial Workers of the World, 3333 West Belmont Avenue, Chicago, Ill.
Jedna Velka Unie (monthly) Industrial Workers of the World, 3333 West Belmont Avenue, Chicago, Illinois NONE Industrial Workers of the World Jedna Velka Unie (monthly). Bohemian. Established 1920, 48 pages, $2, circulation 3,000. Industrial Workers of the World, 3333 West Belmont Avenue, Chicago, Ill. De fense News, Federated Press.
Marine Worker (fortnightly) Marine Transport Workers' Industrial Union No. 510, The Industrial Workers of the World, 3 Coenties Slip, New York, New York Industrial Workers of the World Marine Worker (fortnightly). Established 1921, 4 pages, circulation 25,000. Marine Transport Workers' Industrial Union No. 510, The Industrial Workers of the World, 3 Coenties Slip, New York, N. Y.
Proletario, II (weekly) Industrial Workers of the World, 3333 West Belmont Avenue, Chicago, Illinois G. Mangano Industrial Workers of the World Proletario, II (weekly). Italian. Saturdays. Established 1896, 4 pages, $2, circulation 7,000. Industrial Workers of the World, 3333 West Belmont Avenue, Chicago, Ill. G. Mangano, 158 Carroll Street, Brooklyn, N. Y..
Railroad Workers' Bulletin (monthly) Railroad Workers' Industrial Union No. 520, of the Industrial Workers of the World, 3333 West Bel mont Avenue, Chicago, Illinois Industrial Workers of the World Railroad Workers' Bulletin (monthly). Established 1925, 8 pages. Railroad Workers' Industrial Union No. 520, of the Industrial Workers of the World, 3333 West Bel mont Avenue, Chicago, Ill.
Solidaridad (fortnightly) Industrial Workers of the World, 3333 West Belmont Avenue, Chicago, Illinois Adolfo Garcia Industrial Workers of the World Solidaridad (fortnightly). Spanish. Established 1918, 4 pages, $1, circulation 7,500. Industrial Workers of the World, 3333 West Belmont Avenue, Chicago, Ill. – Adolfo Garcia.
Tie Vapauteen (monthly) Industrial Workers of the World, 3333 West Belmont Avenue, Chicago, Illinois Henry Aho Industrial Workers of the World Tie Vapauteen (monthly). Finnish. Established 1918, 32 pages, $1.75, circulation 8,000. Industrial Workers of the World, 3333 West Belmont Avenue, Chicago, Ill. Henry Aho. Defense News Service.
Industrialist, The (monthly) Printers' Industrial League of New York, Box 63, Washington Bridge Station, New York, New York D'Arcy Milliken, Martin, Harry Shea, William J. McLaughlin Trade Union Educational League and Related Groups Industrialist, The (monthly). Established 1922, 4 pages, $.50, circulation 6,000. Printers' Industrial League of New York, Box 63, Washington Bridge Station, New York, N. Y. D'Arcy Milliken, E. M. Martin, Harry Shea, William J. McLaughlin, assoc. eds. Uses mats.
International Metal Trades Amalgamation Bulletin (monthly) International Metal Trades Amalgamation Committee, Section of the Trade Union Educational League, 1113 W. Washington Street, Chicago, Illinois A. Overgaard Trade Union Educational League and Related Groups International Metal Trades Amalgamation Bulletin (monthly). Established 1923, 4 pages, $.50, circulation 5,000. In ternational Metal Trades Amalgamation Committee, Section of the Trade Union Educational League, 1113 W. Washington Street, Chicago, Ill. A. Overgaard.
Needle Worker (monthly) Needle Trades Section, Trade Union Educational League, 108 East 14th Street, New York, New York NONE Trade Union Educational League and Related Groups Needle Worker (monthly). Jewish and English. 'Established 1923, 4-8 pages, $.50, circulation 8,000. Needle Trades Section, Trade Union Educational League, 108 East 14th Street, New York, N. Y. Federated Press. Uses mats.
Printing Trades Amalgamationist (weekly) International Committee for Amalgamation in the Printing Industry, 1113 Washington Street, Chicago, Illinois. NONE Trade Union Educational League and Related Groups Printing Trades Amalgamationist (weekly). International Com mittee for Amalgamation in the Printing Industry, 1113 Washington Street, Chicago, Ill.
Progressive Building Trades Worker (monthly) International Committee for the Amalgamation of the Building Trades, 19 South Lincoln Street, Chicago, Illinois Arne Swabeck, J. W. Johnstone Trade Union Educational League and Related Groups Progressive Building Trades Worker (monthly). Established 1923, 4 pages, $.35, circulation 9,000. International Committee for the Amalgamation of the Building Trades, 19 South Lincoln Street, Chicago, Ill. Arne Swabeck, J. W. Johnstones.
Railroad Amalgamation Advocate, The (monthly) International Committee for Amalgamation in the Railroad Industry, 411 Dakota Building, 54 W. 7th Street, St. Paul, Minnesota O. H. Wangerin Trade Union Educational League and Related Groups Railroad Amalgamation Advocate, The (monthly). Established 1922, 4 pages, $.40, circulation 10,000. International Committee for Amalgamation in the Railroad Industry, 411 Dakota Building, 54 W. 7th Street, St. Paul, Minn. O. H. Wangerin. Federated Press.
Workers' Monthly, The (m) The Daily Worker Publishing Co, 1113 West Washington Boulevard, Chicago, Illinois Earl Browder Trade Union Educational League and Related Groups Workers' Monthly, The (m). Established 1924, 48 pages, $2, circulation 25,000. The Daily Worker Publishing Co., 1113 West Washington Boulevard, Chicago, Ill. Earl Browder.
Brookwood Review, The (monthly) Brookwood Cooperators, Katonah, New York NONE Workers' Education and Research Brookwood Review, The (monthly). Established 1922, 4-8 pages, circulation 700. Brookwood Cooperators, Katonah, N. Y. Faculty. Official organ, Brookwood Labor College, a school endorsed by international unions, state federations, central bodies, etc.
Facts for Workers (monthly) Labor Bureau, Incorporated, 2 West 43rd Street, New York, New York George Soule, Sara Bernheim Workers' Education and Research Facts for Workers (monthly). Established 1922, 6 pages, $24, circulation 197. Labor Bureau, Inc., 2 West 43rd St., New York, N. Y. George Soule, Sara Bernheims. Combination news service and economic bulletin.
Federated Press Daily Mail Service Sheet, The (daily) The Federated Press, Incorporated, 156 West Washington Street, Chicago, Illinois Carl Haessler, man. Ed. Workers' Education and Research Federated Press Daily Mail Service Sheet, The (daily). Established 1920, 5,000 word clipsheet, $1.50 to $25 a week. Circulation, 150 papers, unions and individuals. The Federated Press, Inc., (non-profit making) 156 West Washington Street, Chicago, Ill. Carl Haessler, man. ed. Endorsed by international unions, state federations, etc. The clipsheet formerly printed daily as a unit in Chicago now is sent in mimeograph form direct , to member papers from the Washington, New York and Chicago bureaus, together with The Federated Press Labor Letter which goes out once a week from the Chicago office to all members and is used by them as a clip sheet.
Federated Press Labor Letter, The (weekly) Federated Press League, 156 West Washington Street, Chicago, Illinois Carl Haessler Workers' Education and Research Federated Press Labor Letter, The (weekly). Wednesdays. Established 1921, 8 pages, $2, circulation 1,000. Fede rated Press League, 156 West Washington Street, Chicago, Ill. Carl Haessler.
Friend, The (monthly) The Workmen's Circle, 175 East Broadway, New York, New York Joseph Baskin Workers' Education and Research Friend, The (monthly). Jewish and English. Established 1910, 32 pages, circulation 73,000. The Workmen's Circle, 175 East Broadway, New York, N. Y. Joseph Baskin. Labor and Socialist.
Jewish Workers' Voice (monthly) Jewish National Workers' Alliance of America (fraternal order), 228 East Broadway, New York, New York Meyer L. Brown, Samuel Goldstein Workers' Education and Research Jewish Workers' Voice (monthly). Established 1912, 32 pages, $1, circulation 8,000. Jewish National Workers Alliance of America (fraternal order), 228 East Broadway, New York, N. Y. Meyer L. Brown, Samuel Goldsteins.
Labor Student, The (monthly) Rand School of Social Science, 7 East 15th Street, New York, New York Algernon Lee, Marius Hansome Workers' Education and Research Labor Student, The (monthly). Established 1925, 16 pages, $.50. Rand School of Social Science, 7 East 15th Street, New York, N. Y. Algernon Lee., Marius Han- some, assoc. ed.
News-Bulletin (bimonthly) League for Industrial Democracy, 70 Fifth Avenue, New York, New York Harry W. Laidler, Norman Thomas Workers' Education and Research News-Bulletin (bimonthly). Established 1922, 8-12 pages, cir culation 5,000. League for Industrial Democracy, 70 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y. Harry W. Laidler, Norman Thomass.
Official Bulletin (irregular) Workers' School, 108 East 14th Street, New York, New York NONE Workers' Education and Research Official Bulletin (irregular). Established 1925, 4 pages. Work ers' School, 108 East 14th Street, New York, N. Y.
Solidarity (monthly) Workmen's Sick and Death Benefit Fund of the United States of America, 9 Seventh Street, New York, New York Otto Sattler Workers' Education and Research Solidarity (monthly). English and German. Established 1906, 24 pages, $1, circulation 49,000. Workmen's Sick and Death Benefit Fund of the United States of America, 9 Seventh Street, New York, N. Y. Otto Sattler.
Workers' Education (quarterly) Workers' Education Bureau of America, 476 West 24th Street, New York, New York John P. Frey, Fannia M. Cohn, Spencer Miller, Jr. Workers' Education and Research Workers' Education (quarterly). Established 1923, 40 pages, $1, circulation 1,000. Workers' Education Bureau of America, 476 West 24th Street, New York, N. Y. John P. Frey, Fannia M. Cohn, Spencer Miller, Jr.s.
Agricultural Cooperation (fortnightly) United States Department of Agriculture, Division of Agricultural Cooperation, Washington, DC NONE Cooperation Agricultural Cooperation (fortnightly). Established 1922, 20 pages, circulation 3,000. United States Department of Agri culture, Division of Agricultural Cooperation, Wash ington, D. C.
Agricultural Grange News (fortnightly) Washington State Grange, 1007 Weller Street, Seattle, Washington A. S. Goss Cooperation Agricultural Grange News (fortnightly). Established 1912, 8-16 pages, $.50, circulation 12,600. Washington State Grange, 1007 Weller Street, Seattle, Wash. A. S. Goss.
Associate Magazine (monthly) The Cooperative League of America, 167 West 12th Street, New York, New York Cedric Long Cooperation Associate Magazine (monthly). Established 1920, 4 pages, circu lation 5-8,000. The Cooperative League of America, 167 West 12th Street, New York, N. Y. Cedric Long. A three-page paper with syndicated material and one page left blank for local society to use.
Bridge, The (monthly) Credit Union National Extension Bureau, 5 Park Square, Boston, Massachusetts Roy F Bergengren, Arthur N. Fernald, Frances P. Habern Cooperation Bridge, The (monthly). Established 1924, 8 pages, $1, circula tion, 3,000. Credit Union National Extension Bureau, 5 Park Square, Boston, Mass. Roy F. Bergengren, Arthur N. Fernald, Frances P. Haberns. Aims to reach those interested in credit union development.
Cleveland Cooperator (monthly) City Cooperative Dairy Company, 9004 Wood land, Cleveland, Ohio Edward Solun Cooperation Cleveland Cooperator (monthly). Established 1922, 4 pages, cir culation 2,500. City Cooperative Dairy Co., 9004 Wood land, Cleveland, Ohio. Edward Solun.
Colorado Union Farmer (fortnightly) The Farmers' Educational and Cooperative Union of Colorado, 304 Bank Block, Denver, Colorado Val Sherman Cooperation Colorado Union Farmer (fortnightly). Established 1919, 4 pages, $1, circulation 7,000. The Farmers' Educational and Cooperative Union of Colorado, 304 Bank Block, Den ver, Colo. Val Sherman.
Cooperation (monthly) The Cooperative League of the United States of America, 167 West 12th Street, New York, New York James P. Warbasse Cooperation Cooperation (monthly). Established 1914, 20 pages, $1, circula tion 2,000. The Cooperative League of the United States of America, 167 West 12th Street, New York, N. Y. James P. Warbasse. ed.
Cooperative Bulletin (quarterly) Cooperative Bakeries of Massachusetts, 133 Oxford Street, Lynn, Massachusetts Benjamin D. Levine, Meyer Goldberg Cooperation Cooperative Bulletin (quarterly). Jewish. Established 1923, 8 pages, $.50, circulation 5,000. Cooperative Bakeries of Massachusetts, 133 Oxford Street, Lynn, Mass. Benj. D. Levine, Meyer Goldbergs. Endorsed by Cooper ative League of America.
Cooperative News Service (weekly) All American Cooperative Commission, 806 En gineers Building, Cleveland, Ohio Albert F. Coyle Cooperation Cooperative News Service (weekly). Established 1921, 2 pages, $2. All American Cooperative Commission, 806 En gineers Building, Cleveland, Ohio. Albert F. Coyle. "Service is furnished directly to more than 400 farm and labor papers who in turn reprint it giving its con tents to more than 2,5pO,000 readers weekly." 500 farm and labor organizations comprise the All Ameri can Cooperative Commission.
Cooperative Student, The (semi-yearly) Cooperative Educational Association, Incorporated, 400 Stone Avenue, Brooklyn, New York J. L. Afros Cooperation Cooperative Student, The (semi-yearly). Established 1923, 4 pages, $.50, circulation 2,200. Cooperative Educational Association, Inc., 400 Stone Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. J. L. Afros.
Cooperators Herald, The (monthly) Exchange Publishing Company, Equity Cooperative Exchange, Gloge Building, St. Paul, Minnesota Richard Lee, George C. Lambert, James Manahan Cooperation Cooperators Herald, The (monthly). 16 and more pages, $1, circulation 20,000. Exchange Publishing Co., Equity Cooperative Exchange, Gloge Building, St. Paul, Minn. Richard A. D. Lee, George C. Lambert, James Manahans. Official organ, State Union, American Society of Equity, Stockholders Equity Cooperative Exchange. Practical cooperation and marketing of farm products.
Equity News (fortnightly) Wisconsin State Union, American Society of Equity, 440 Washington Building, Madison, Wisconsin George A. Nelson Cooperation Equity News (fortnightly). Established 1911, 16 pages, $1, circula tion 12,000. Wisconsin State Union, American Society of Equity, 440 Washington Building, Madison, Wis. George A. Nelson.
Home Cooperator (monthly) The Cooperative League of America, 167 West 12th Street, New York, New York Cedric Long Cooperation Home Cooperator (monthly). Established 1920, circulation 5- 8,000. The Cooperative League of America, 167 West 12th Street, New York, N. Y. Cedric Long.
Iowa Union Farmer (fortnightly) Farmers' Educational and Cooperative Union of America, Iowa division, Columbus Junction, Iowa NONE Cooperation Iowa Union Farmer (fortnightly). Wednesdays. Established 1918, 4 pages, $1, circulation 14,500. Farmers' Educational and Cooperative Union of America, Iowa division, Columbus Junction, Iowa. Uses mats.
Kansas Union Farmer (weekly) Farmers' Educational and Cooperative Union of America, Box 48, Salina, Kansas W. C. Lansdon, John Tromble Cooperation Kansas Union Farmer (weekly). Thursdays. 4 pages, $1, cir culation 25,000. W. C. Lansdon, John Trombles., P. O. Box 48, Salina, Kansas. Official organ, Farmers' Educational and Cooperative Union of America.
Kentucky Union Farmer (fortnightly) Kentucky Division, Farmers' Educational and Cooperative Union of America, 804 Guaranty Bank Building, Lexington, Kentucky James H. White, Harrison, man. ed. Cooperation Kentucky Union Farmer (fortnightly). Established 1917, 4 pages, $1, circulation 15,000. Kentucky Division, Farmers' Educational and Cooperative Union of America, 804 Guaranty Bank Building, Lexington, Ky. James H. White., E. L. Harrison, man. ed. Uses mats
Llano Colonist, The (weekly) The Llano Publica tions, Newllano, Vernon Parish, La Carl Henry Gleeser Cooperation Llano Colonist, The (weekly). Saturdays. Established 1921, 16 pages, $1.50, circulation 2,000. The Llano Publica tions, Newllano, Vernon Parish, La. Carl Henry Glee- ser. Federated Press.
Minneapolis Cooperator, The (monthly) The Franklin Cooperative Creamery Association, 2108 Washington Avenue, North, Minneapolis, Minnesota NONE Cooperation Minneapolis Cooperator, The (monthly). Established 1922, 8 pages, circulation 20,000. The Franklin Cooperative Creamery Association, 2108 Washington Avenue, North, Minneapolis, Minn.
Nebraska Union Farmer (monthly) Nebraska Division, Farmers' Edu cational and Cooperative Union of America, llth and Jones Streets, Omaha, Nebr L. S. Herron Cooperation Nebraska Union Farmer (monthly). Established 1914, 8 pages, circulation 20,000. Nebraska Division, Farmers' Edu cational and Cooperative Union of America, llth and Jones Streets, Omaha, Nebr. L. S. Herron.
Southern California Cooperator, The (monthly) San Diego Cooperative Association, 1033 Broadway, San Diego, California NONE Cooperation Southern California Cooperator, The (monthly). The San Diego Cooperative Association, 1033 Broadway, San Diego, Calif.
United Consumer, The (monthly) Educational Department Central tales Cooperative Wholesale Society, 1752 State Street, East St. Louis, Illinois A. W. Warriner Cooperation United Consumer, The (monthly). Established 1923, 16 pages, circulation 6,250. Educational Department Central tales Cooperative Wholesale Society, 1752 State St., East St. Louis. Ills. A. W. Warriner. Endorsed by State Federation of Labor.
Americke Delnicke Listy (weekly) Bohemian Socialistic Printing and Publishing Company, 4130 Broadway, Cleveland, Ohio Joseph Martinek Socialist Americke Delnicke Listy (weekly). Fridays. Established 1909, 20 pages, $3. Bohemian Socialistic Printing and Pub lishing Co., 4130 Broadway, Cleveland, Ohio. Joseph Martinek. Official organ, Bohemian (Czechoslovak) Federation of Socialist Party of the United States and endorsed by Czechoslovak Workers Council of Cleveland (labor organizations).
Arbeiter-Zeitung (weekly) 1642 North Halsted Street, Chicago, Illinois NONE Socialist Arbeiter-Zeitung (weekly). German. 1642 North Halsted Street, Chicago, Ill.
Arbeiter-Zeitung (weekly) Labor Publishing Company, 940 Chouteau Avenue, St. Louis, Missouri NONE Socialist Arbeiter-Zeitung (weekly). German. Saturdays. Established 1898, 8 pages, $2, circulation 5,600. Labor Pub lishing Co., 940 Chouteau Avenue, St. Louis, Mo. G. A. Hoehn.
Chicago Socialist, The (weekly) Socialist Party of Cook County, 1501 Warren Avenue, Chicago, Illinois Florence Hall and W. R. Snow Socialist Chicago Socialist, The (weekly). Saturdays. 4 pages, $1.50. Socialist Party of Cook County, 1501 Warren Avenue, Chicago, Ill. Florence Hall and W. R. Snows. Federated Press.
Citizen, The (weekly) The Citizen Publishing Company, 156 Barrett Street, Schenectady, New York Hawley B. Van Vechten Socialist Citizen, The (weekly). Fridays. Established 1910, 4-8 pages, $1.50, circulation 2,000. The Citizen Publishing Co., 156 Barrett Street, Schenectady, N. Y. Hawley B. Van Vechten. National Socialist Party press service. Official organ Socialist Party of Schenectady.
Dziennik Ludowy (daily) Polish People's Publishing Company, 959 Milwaukee Avenue, Chicago, Illinois Adam Olszewski Socialist Dziennik Ludowy (daily). Except Sunday. Established 1906, 12-16 pages, $6, circulation 27,000. Polish People's Publishing Co., 959 Milwaukee Avenue, Chicago, Ill. Adam Olszewski. Endorsed by Polish Socialist Alliance of America. Uses mats. Socialist.
Emancipator, The (tri-weekly) Working People's Committee, Main Street, St. Thomas, Virgin Islands Rotschild Francis Socialist Emancipator, The (tri-weekly). Established 1921, 8 pages, $3.60, circulation 3,000. Working People's Committee, Main Street, St. Thomas, Virgin Islands. Rotschild Francis. Federated Press. Socialist.
Eritassard Hayastan (weekly) Eritassard Hayastan Pub lishing Company, 6 Parmelee Street, Boston, Massachusetts B. Bondatzi, man. ed. Socialist Eritassard Hayastan (weekly). Armenian. Established 1903, 4 pages, $3, circulation 2,000. Eritassard Hayastan Pub lishing Co., 6 Parmelee Street, Boston, Mass. B. Bondatzi, man. ed. Official organ, Social Democrat Hentchakian Party.
Free Youth (monthly) Young People's Socialist League, Greater New York, 7 East 15th Street, New York, New York Gertrude Weil Klein, Samuel H. Friedman, Morris Novik Socialist Free Youth (monthly). Established 1924, 20-32 pages, $1, circu lation 3,000. Young People's Socialist League, Greater New York, 7 East 15th Street, New York, N. Y. Gertrude Weil Klein, Samuel H. Friedman, Morris Noviks.
Hairenik (daily) 13 Shawmut Ave, Boston, Massachusetts NONE Socialist Hairenik (daily). Armenian. 13 Shawmut Ave., Boston, Mass.
Jewish Daily Forward (daily) Forward Association, 175 East Broadway, New York, New York Abraham Cahan Socialist Jewish Daily Forward (daily). Established 1897, 8-32 pages, $10, circulation 205,000. Forward Association, 175 East Broadway, New York, N. Y. Abraham Cahan. Endorsed by Socialist Party, United Hebrew Trades, Workmen's Circle. Universal News Service. Uses mats. Issues editions in Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Bal timore, Detroit, Cleveland, St. Louis, and Los Angeles.
Jewish Daily Forward (daily) Forward Association, 175 East Broadway, New York, New York Abraham Cahan Socialist Jewish Daily Forward (daily). Established l919, 8 pages, $11, circulation 42,000. Forward Association, 175 East Broadway, New York, N. Y. Abraham Cahan.
Jewish Daily Forward, Chicago edition (daily) Forward Association, 1128 Blue Island Avenue, Chicago, Illinois Ben Schlessinger, bus. mgr. Socialist Jewish Daily Forward, Chicago edition (daily). Forward Association, 1128 Blue Island Avenue, Chicago, IL. Ben Schlessinger, bus. mgr.
Messenger, The (monthly) The Messenger Publishing Co, 2311 Seventh Avenue, New York, New York A. Philip Randolph, Chandler Owen Socialist Messenger, The (monthly). Established 1918, 32-42 pages, $1.75, circulation 5-10,000. The Messenger Publishing Co., 2311 Seventh Avenue, New York, N. Y. A. Philip Randolph, Chandler Owens. Official organ, Friends of Negro Freedom, endorsed by various trade unions. Federated Press.
Miami Valley Socialist (weekly) Socialist Party of Dayton, 124 S. Jefferson Street, Dayton, Ohio Joseph W. Sharts Socialist Miami Valley Socialist (weekly). Fridays. Established 1912, 4 pages, $1, circulation 3,000. Socialist Party of Dayton, 124 S. Jefferson Street, Dayton, Ohio. Joseph W. Sharts. Official organ, Socialist Party of Ohio. Federated Press, National office, Socialist Party of United States. Uses mats.
Milwaukee Leader, The (daily) Milwaukee Social Democratic Pub lishing Company, 528-32 Chestnut Street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin Victor L. Berger in chief Socialist Milwaukee Leader, The (daily). Established 1911, 12-32 pages, $6, circulation 49,102. Milwaukee Social Democratic Pub lishing Co., 528-32 Chestnut Street, Milwaukee, Wis. Victor L. Berger. in chief. United Press. Socialist.
Naujienos (daily) The Lithuanian News Publishing Company, 1739 South Halsted Street, Chicago, Illinois P. Grigaitis Socialist Naujienos (daily). Lithuanian. Established 1914, 6-12 pages, $7, circulation 26,500. The Lithuanian News Publishing Co., 1739 South Halsted Street, Chicago, Ill. P. Grigaitis. Endorsed by Lithuanian Federation of Socialist Party. Associated Press, United Press. Uses mats.
New Leader, The (weekly) The New Leader Association, 7 East 15th Street, New York, New York James Oneal, Edward Levinson Socialist New Leader, The (weekly). Fridays. Established 1924, 12 pages, $2, circulation 25,000. The New Leader Associ ation, 7 East 15th Street, New York, N. Y. James Oneal, Edward Levinsons. Official organ, Socialist Party. Uses mats.
Nykyaika (monthly) Finnish Socialistic Publishing Company, 48 Wallace Avenue, Fitchburg, Massachusetts W. N. Reivo Socialist Nykyaika (monthly). Established 1907, 32 pages, $2, circulation 5,000. Finnish Socialistic Publishing Co., 48 Wallace Avenue, Fitchburg, Mass. W. N. Reivo. Official organ, Finnish Federation, Socialist Party. Uses mats.
Parola del Popolo, La (weekly) Italian Federation of the Socialist Party, 1011 Blue Island Avenue, Chicago, Illinois G. Bertelli, Camboni Socialist Parola del Popolo, La (weekly). Saturdays. Established 1910, 4-10 pages, $2, circulation 10,000. Italian Federation of the Socialist Party, 1011 Blue Island Avenue, Chica go, Ill. G. Bertelli, P. M. Cambonis. Uses mats.
Philadelphia Tageblatt (daily) Philadelphia Tageblatt Publishing Association, 107 North 6th Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Edmund Thomaser, Dr. Martin Darkow, H. Kahler Socialist Philadelphia Tageblatt (daily). Established 1877, 8-24 pages, $12. Philadelphia Tageblatt Publishing Association, 107 North 6th Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Edmund Thomaser, Dr. Martin Darkow, H. Kahlers. Offi cial organ, United German Trades.
Proletarec (weekly) Jugoslav Workmen's Publishing Company, 3639 West 26th Street, Chicago, Illinois Frank Zaitz, Anton Zagar Socialist Proletarec (weekly). Thursdays. Established 1907, 20 pages, $3, circulation 12,000. Jugoslav Workmen's Publishing Co., 3639 West 26th Street, Chicago, Ill. Frank Zaitz, Anton Zagars. Official organ, Jugoslav Federation, Socialist Party. Uses mats
Raivaaja (daily except Sunday) Finnish Socialist Publishing Company, 48 Wallace Avenue, Fitchburg, Massachusetts Syrjala, Lauri Moilanen, Yrjo Makela, Usenius, Oskari Tokoi Socialist Raivaaja (d. except Sunday). Established 1905, 6 pages, $6, circulation 6-7,000. Finnish Socialist Publishing Co., 48 Wallace Avenue, Fitchburg, Mass. F. J. Syrjala, Lauri Moilanen, Yrjo Makela, A. E. Usenius, Oskari Tokois. Official organ, Finnish Federation, Socialist Party. Uses mats.
Reading Labor Advocate (weekly) Reading Publishing Cooperative As sociation, 27-29 Reed Street, Reading, Pennsylvania Raymond S. Hpfses Socialist Reading Labor Advocate (weekly). Saturdays. Established 1900, 8 pages, $1. Reading Publishing Cooperative As sociation, 27-29 Reed Street, Reading, Pa. Raymond S. Hpfses. Official organ, Federated Trades Council, Local Berks County, Socialist Party. Fede rated Press, National Socialist Party press.
Robotnik Polski (weekly) Polish People's Publishing Company, 959 Milwaukee Avenue, Chicago, Illinois Adam Olszewski Socialist Robotnik Polski (weekly). Saturdays. Established 1897, 12 pages, $3, circulation 28,000. Polish People's Publishing Co., 959 Milwaukee Avenue, Chicago, Ill. Adam Olszewski. Endorsed by Polish Socialist Alliance of America. Uses mats. Socialist.
St. Louis Labor (weekly) Labor Publishing Co, 940 Chouteau Avenue, St. Louis, Missouri Hoehn Socialist St. Louis Labor (weekly). Saturdays. Established 1900, 8 pages, $2, circulation 6,750. Labor Publishing Co., 940 Chouteau Avenue, St. Louis, Mo. G. A. Hoehn.
Socialist World, The (monthly) National office, Socialist Party of the United States, 2653 Washington Boulevard, Chicago, Illinois NONE Socialist Socialist World, The (monthly). Established 1920, 16 pages, $1, circulation 14,000. National office, Socialist Party of the United States, 2653 Washington Boulevard, Chicago, Ill. Socialist Press Service.
Volks-Stimme (weekly) German language group, Socialist Party, 107 North 6th Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania E. Thomaser Socialist Volks-Stimme (weekly). Wednesdays. Established 1925, 8 pages, $2. German language group, Socialist Party, 107 North 6th Street, Philadelphia, Pa. E. Thomaser.
Wecker, Der (weekly) Jewish Socialist Verband, 175 East Broadway David Shub Socialist Wecker, Der (weekly). Saturdays. Established 1921, 16 pages, $2.50. Jewish Socialist Verband, 175 East Broadway. David Shub. Official organ, Jewish Socialist Verband, Socialist Party of the United States.
World, The (weekly) The World Press, Incorporated, 1020 Broad way, Oakland, California Cameron H. King Socialist World, The (weekly). Fridays. Established 1903, 4 pages, $2, circulation 4,000. The World Press, Inc., 1020 Broad way, Oakland, Calif. Cameron H. King. Corpo ration owned by Socialist Party and members. Official organ, Socialist Party of California. Federated Press, National Office, Socialist Party.
Yiddisher Arbeiter, Der (weekly) Poale Zion of America, 133 Second Ave, New York, New York Y. I. Zaar Socialist Yiddisher Arbeiter, Der (weekly). Established 1923, 16-32 pages, $2.50, 6,000. Poale Zion of America, 133 Second Ave., New York, ,N. Y. I. Zaar. Socialist.
Zukunft, Die (monthly) The Forward Association, 175 East Broadway, New York, New York Abraham Liessen Socialist Zukunft, Die (monthly). Established 1899, 66 pages, $1.50. The Forward Association, 175 East Broadway, New York, N. Y. Abraham Liessen.
Daily Worker, The (daily) 1113 West Washington Boulevard, Chicago, Illinois J Louis Engdahl, William F Dunne Communist Daily Worker, The (daily) Established 1924, 8 pages, $6, cir culation 25,000. Daily Worker Publishing Co., 1113 West Washington Boulevard, Chicago, Ill. J. Louis Engdahl, William F. Dunnes. Official organ, Workers' Party of America. International News Service, Federated Press. Uses mats.
Darbininkiu Balsas (monthly) Lithuanian Women's Progressive Alliance of America, 46 Ten Eyck Street, Brooklyn, New York Helen Yeskevich Communist Darbininkiu Balsas (monthly). Established 1916, 24 pages, $1.50, circulation 4,000. Lithuanian Women's Progressive Alliance of America, 46 Ten Eyck Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Helen Yeskevich.
Delnik 1113 West Washington Boulevard, Chicago, Illinois NONE Communist Delnik. Bohemian. 1113 West Washington Boulevard, Chicago, Ill.
Empros (weekly) Greek Federation of the Workers' Party of America, 1113 West Washington Boulevard, Chicago Illinois NONE Communist Empros (weekly). Saturdays. Established 1918, 6 pages, $2, cir culation 5,000. Greek Federation of the Workers' Party of America, 1113 West Washington Boulevard, Chicago Ill.
Desteptarea (weekly) Roumanian Federation, Workers' Party of America, 4417 Chewe Street, Detroit, Michigan John C. Serb Communist Desteptarea (weekly). Sundays. Established 1914, 4 pages, $2, circulation 1,850. Roumanian Federation, Workers' Party of America, 4417 Chewe Street, Detroit, Mich. John C. Serb. Uses mats.
Eteenpain (daily) Eteenpain Cooperative Society, 54 Belmont, Wor cester, Massachusetts Elis Sulkanan Communist Eteenpain (daily). Established 1921, 6-8 pages, $6, circulation 9,800. Eteenpain Cooperative Society, 54 Belmont, Wor cester, Mass. Elis Sulkanan. Official organ, Fin nish Federation, Workers' Party of America. Federated Press. Uses mats.
Freiheit (daily) The Freiheit Publishing Association 30 Union Square, New York, New York http://www.oldnyc.org/#723616f-a Communist Freiheit (daily). Jewish. Established 1922, 6 pages, $9, circulation 50,000. The Freiheit Publishing Association 30 Union Square, New York, N. Y. Official organ, Workers' Party of America. Federated Press, Jewish Telegraph Agency.
Labor Unity (weekly) Workers' Association, 225 Valencia Street, San Francisco, California NONE Communist Labor Unity (weekly). Thursdays. Established 1920, 4 pages, $2, circulation 3,500. Workers' Association, 225 Valencia Street, San Francisco, Calif. Endorsed by local unions. Federated Press. Uses mats.
Laisve (daily except Sunday) Lithuanian Cooperative Publishing Society, Incorporated, 46 Ten Eyck Street, Brooklyn, New York W. Rhodes Communist Laisve (daily except Sunday). Established 1911, 4-6 pages, $6, circulation 15,000. Lithuanian Cooperative Publishing So ciety, Inc., 46 Ten Eyck Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. W. Rhodes.
Lavoratore, II (weekly) Italian Federation, Workers' Party of America, 108 East 14th Street, New York, New York NONE Communist Lavoratore, II (weekly). Saturdays. Established 1924, 4 pages, circulation 12,500. Italian Federation, Workers' Party of America, 108 East 14th Street, New York, N. Y. Federated Press. Uses mats.
New Yorker Volkszeitung (daily) Socialist Cooperative Publishing Association, 15 Spruce Street, New York, New York Ludwig Lore in chief Communist New Yorker Volkszeitung (daily). German. Established 1877, 6-24 pages, $13, circulation 22,000. Socialist Cooperative Publishing Association, 15 Spruce Street, New York, N. Y. Ludwig Lore. in chief. Universal, Standard, Federated Press. Uses mats.
Novy Mir (daily) Novy Mir Publishing Company, 30 Union Square, New York, New York A. Brailovsky Communist Novy Mir (daily). Established 1923, 4-6 pages, $7, circulation 14,000. Novy Mir Publishing Co., 30 Union Square, New York, N. Y. A. Brailovsky., J. Obolonsky, mgr. Official organ, Russian section, Workers' Party of America.
Ny Tid (weekly) Scandinavian Federation, Workers' Party of America, 3206 North Clark Street, Chicago, Illinois Daniel Birgers Communist Ny Tid (weekly). Saturdays. Established 1905, 4 pages, $2, cir culation 5,000. Scandinavian Federation, Workers' Party of America, 3206 North Clark Street, Chicago, Ill. Daniel Birgers.
Obrana (weekly) Czechoslovak Section, Workers' Party of America, 326 East 73rd Street, New York, New York Vac lav Abraham Communist Obrana (weekly). Thursdays. Established 1910, 12 pages, $3, circulation 3,600. Czechoslovak Section, Workers' Party of America, 326 East 73rd Street, New York, N. Y. Vac lav Abraham.
Proletar (weekly) Proletarian Publishing Co. , 407 Fourth Avenue, New York, New York NONE Communist Proletar (weekly). Armenian. Established 1924, 4 pages, $2, circulation 1,100. Proletarian Publishing Co., 407 Fourth Avenue, New York, N. Y.
Proletarian, The (monthly) The Proletarian Party of America, Room 301, 184 West Wash ington Street, Chicago, Illinois NONE Communist Proletarian, The (monthly). Established 1918, 16 pages, $1. The Proletarian Party of America, Room 301, 184 West Wash ington Street, Chicago, Ill.
Radnik (tri-w South Slavic Section, Workers' Party of Ameri ca, 1113 West Washington Boulevard, Chicago, Illinois L. Fisher, K. Mikhalachky Communist Radnik (tri-w.). Established 1907, 4 pages, $4, circulation 8,000. South Slavic Section, Workers' Party of Ameri ca, 1113 West Washington Boulevard, Chicago, Ill. L. Fisher, K. Mikhalachkys. Federated Press. Uses mats.
Sasnanio (fortnightly) 1343 East Ferry Street, Detroit, Michigan NONE Communist Sasnanio (fortnightly). Bulgarian. l343 East Ferry Street, Detroit, Mich.
Spravedlnost (daily) Czechoslovak Marxian Federation, 1825 South Lopmis Street, Chicago V. Miniberger, Fr Kozumplik, F. Jirsa, A. Marek, J. Sverak Communist Spravedlnost (daily). Established 1900, 8 pages, $8. Czecho slovak Marxian Federation, 1825 South Lopmis Street, Chicago, 1ll, V. Miniberger, Fr. Kozumplik, F. Jirsa, A. Marek, J. Sveraks. Federated Press.
Toveri (daily) Western Workmen's Publishing Society, 131 7th Street, Astoria, Oregon Sulo Syvanen, Koskela, Helmi Mattson, Emil Parras Communist Toveri (daily). Established 1907, 4-24 pages, $5.50, circulation 3,892. Western Workmen's Publishing Society, 131 7th Street, Astoria, Oregon. Sulo Syvanen, A. N. Koskela, Helmi Mattson, Emil Parrass. Official organ, Fin nish workers of western states, Finnish Federation, Workers' Party. Federated Press. Uses mats.
Trybuna Robotnicza 1113 West Washington Boule vard, Chicago, Illinois NONE Communist Trybuna Robotnicza. Polish. 1113 West Washington Boule vard, Chicago, Ill.
Tyomies (daily) Tyomies Society, 601-3 Tower Avenue, Superior, Wisconsin Henry Koski, Arvid Nelson, Kajle Aine, George Laitinen, Hayes, Henry Asketi, Vilho Boman Communist Tyomies (daily). Established 1903, 8 pages, $6, circulation 13,- 800. Tyomies Society, 601-3 Tower Avenue, Superior, Wis. Henry Koski, Arvid Nelson, Kajle Aine, George Laitinen, A. J. Hayes, Henry Asketi, Vilho Bomans. Official organ, Finnish Federation, Workers Party and Cooperative Central Exchange, a cooperative organiza tion. Federated Press. Uses mats.
Uj Elore (daily) S. Publishing Company, 33 First Street, New York, New York NONE Communist Uj Elore (daily). Hungarian. Established 1905, 6 pages, circulation 15,000. S. B. S. Publishing Co., 33 First St., New York, N. Y. Louis Basky. Official organ, Workers' Party of America. International News Service, Universal Service.
Ukrainian Daily 'News (daily) Ukrainian Daily News Publishing Company, 17 East Third Street, New York, New York NONE Communist Ukrainian Daily 'News (daily). Established 1920, 4-10 pages, $9, circulation 15,000. Ukrainian Daily News Publishing Co., 17 East Third Street, New York, N. Y. International News Service, International Press Correspondence. Com munist. Uses mats.
Uus Ilm (weekly) Esthonian Publication Society, 1787 1st Avenue, New York, New York Alexander Kovel Communist Uus Ilm (weekly). Esthonian. Established 1910, 6 pages, <$4, circulation 550. Esthonian Publication Society, 1787 1st Avenue, New York, N. Y. Alexander Kovel.
Vilnis (semi-weekly) Workers' Publishing Association, Incorporated, 3116 South Halsted Street, Chicago, Illinois Andriulis, J. Gasiunas Communist Vilnis (semi-weekly). Established 1920, 8 pages, $3, circulation 11,500. Workers' Publishing Association, Inc., 3116 South Halsted Street, Chicago, Ill. V. J. Andriulis, J. Gasiunass. Official organ, Lithuanian Federation, Workers' Party. Federated Press.
Vorwaerts (weekly) Socialist Cooperative Pub lishing Association, 15 Spruce Street, New York, New York Ludwig Lore Communist Vorwaerts (weekly). German. Saturdays. Established 1877, 12 pages, $2, circulation 12,000. Socialist Cooperative Pub lishing Association, 15 Spruce Street, New York, N. Y. Ludwig Lore.
Young Comrade, The (monthly) Young Workers' League (Junior Sec tion), 1113 West Washington Boulevard, Chicago, Illinois Max Schachtman Communist Young Comrade, The (monthly). Established 1923, 8 pages, $.50, circulation 8,000. Young Workers' League (Junior Sec tion), 1113 West Washington Boulevard, Chicago, Ill. Max Schachtman. Uses mats.
Young Worker, The (weekly) Young Workers' League of America (National Executive Committee), 1113 West Washington Boulevard, Chicago, Illinois Max Schachtman Communist Young Worker, The (weekly). Tuesdays. Established 1922, 4 pages, $1.50, circulation 7,000. Young Workers' League of America (National Executive Committee), 1113 West Washington Boulevard, Chicago, Ill. Max Schachtman. Federated Press, Young Communist International Press Service. Uses mats.
Arbetaren (weekly) Scandinavian Socialist Labor Federation, 45 Rose Street, New York, New York Thor Borg Socialist Labor Arbetaren (weekly). Thursdays. Established 1894, 8 pages, $2.50. Scandinavian Socialist Labor Federation, 45 Rose Street, New York, N. Y. Thor Borg.
Munkas, A (weekly) Hungarian Socialist Labor Federation of the Socialist Labor Party, 419 East 83rd Street, New York, New York Theodore Vaszily Socialist Labor Munkas, A (weekly). Saturdays. Established 1910, 4 pages, $2. Hungarian Socialist Labor Federation of the Socialist Labor Party, 419 East 83rd Street, New York, N. Y. Theodore Vaszily.
Rabotnicheska Prosyeta (weekly) Bulgarian Federation, Socialist Labor Party, 1404 Madison Avenue, Granite City, Illinois S. S. Saralieff Socialist Labor Rabotnicheska Prosyeta (weekly). Fridays. Established 1911, 4 pages, $1.50, circulation 2,300. Bulgarian Federation, Socialist Labor Party, 1404 Madison Avenue, Granite City, Ill. S. S. Saralieff.
Radnicka Borba (weekly) South Slavonian Federation, Socialist Labor Party, 3359 St. Clair Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio Lazar Petrovitch Socialist Labor Radnicka Borba (weekly). Thursdays. Established 1907, 4 pages, $2, circulation 2,500. South Slavonian Federation, Socialist Labor Party, 3359 St. Clair Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio. Lazar Petrovitch.
Robitnychyj Holos (monthly) Socialist Labor Party, 45 Rose Street, New York, New York Roman Zaremba Socialist Labor Robitnychyj Holos (monthly). Established 1922, 20 pages, $1. Socialist Labor Party, 45 Rose Street, New York, N. Y. Roman Zaremba. Official organ, Ukrainian Propa ganda Group, Akron, Ohio.
Weekly People (weekly) Socialist Labor Party, 45 Rose Street, New York, New York Olive M. Johnson Socialist Labor Weekly People (weekly). Saturdays. Established 1890, 6 pages, $2. Socialist Labor Party, 45 Rose Street, New York, N. Y. Olive M. Johnson.
Carolina Farmer, The (weekly) 104 Dock Street, Wilmington, North Carolina Geo. W. Cameron, pub and ed. Farmer-Labor Carolina Farmer, The (weekly). Wednesdays. 8 pages, $1. Geo. W. Cameron, pub. and ed., 10^4 Dock Street, Wilming ton, N. C.
Farm-Labor Union News (weekly) Farm Labor Union, 1526 Texas Avenue, Texarkana, Texas E. R. Meitzen Farmer-Labor Farm-Labor Union News (weekly). Fridays. Established 1921, 4 pages, $1, circulation 30,000. Farm Labor Union, 1526 Texas Avenue, Texarkana, Tex. E. R. Meitzen.
Farmer-Labor Advocate (weekly) Farmer-Labor Federation, Incorporated, 158 East 3rd Street, St. Paul, Minnesota Ralph L. Harmon Farmer-Labor Farmer-Labor Advocate (weekly). Wednesdays. Established 1923, 4 pages, $2. Farmer-Labor Federation, Inc., 158 East 3rd Street, St. Paul, Minn. Ralph L. Harmon. Federated Press, International Labor News. Uses mats.
Farmer-Labor News (weekly) Bredsteen & Tosh, Labor Temple, 606 10th Street, Modesto, California Joseph Bredsteen Farmer-Labor Farmer-Labor News (weekly). Tuesdays. Established 1923, 4 pages, $2. Bredsteen & Tosh, Labor Temple, 606 10th Street, Modesto, Calif. Joseph Bredsteen. Official organ, Central Labor 'Council, County branch of Farmers' Educational and Cooperative Union of America.
Farmer-Labor News (weekly) 212 South Main Avenue, Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Walter J. Flanagan Farmer-Labor Farmer-Labor News (weekly). Thursdays. Established 1919, 8 or more pages, $2.50, circulation 1,500. Walter J. Flana gan, pub. and ed., 212 South Main Avenue, Sioux Falls, So. Dak. Endorsed by the State Federation of Labor and Railway Employees Progressive Club. Issues large editions during campaigns.
Farmer-Labor State Record (weekly) State Record Publishing Company, Bismarck, IN D. King, mgr Farmer-Labor Farmer-Labor State Record (weekly). Thursdays. Established 1920, $2, circulation 2,000. State Record Publishing Co., Bismarck, IN. D. C. D. King, mgr. Official organ, County and State; endorsed by State Federation of Labor. Farmer-Labor politics.
Hoosier Fanner (monthly) Indiana Farm Bureau, 16 W. Senate Avenue, Indianapolis, Indiana William L. Stahl Farmer-Labor Hoosier Fanner (monthly). Established 1919, 32 pages, $1, cir culation 100,000. Indiana Farm Bureau, 16 W. Senate Avenue, Indianapolis, Ind. William L. Stahl.
Iowa Homestead (weekly) Des Moines, Iowa Dante M. Pierce, pub and ed. Farmer-Labor Iowa Homestead (weekly). Fridays. $3.50, circulation 170,000. Dante M. Pierce, pub. and ed., Des Moines, Iowa. Progressive politics.
Kansas Leader, The (weekly) 117 South 5th Street, Salina, Kansas Fred J. Fraley, pub and ed. Farmer-Labor Kansas Leader, The (weekly). Thursdays. Established 1919, 8 pages, $2, circulation, 2,500-3,000. Fred J. Fraley, pub. and ed., 117 South 5th Street, Salina, Kansas. Official organ, Kansas Non Partisan League. Uses mats.
Marshall County Enterprise (weekly) 115 Lillie Boulevard, Madill, Oklahoma George H. Wyatt Farmer-Labor Marshall County Enterprise (weekly). Thursdays. Established 1923, 8 pages, $1 and $1.50, circulation 2,100. George H. Wyatt and S. L. Yeary, 115 Lillie Boulevard, Madill, Okla. George H. Wyatt. Official organ, .Farm- Labor Union of America, Marshall County.
Minnesota Leader (fortnightly) Northwest Publishing Company, Lock Box 2072, Minneapolis, Minnesota O. M. Thomason Farmer-Labor Minnesota Leader (fortnightly). Established 1916, 4 pages, $2, circu lation 20,000. Northwest Publishing Co., Lock Box 2072, Minneapolis, Minn. O. M. Thomason. Official or gan, Nonpartisan League. Uses mats.
National Gleaner Forum, The (monthly) The Ancient Order of Gleaners, 5705 Woodward Avenue, Detroit, Michigan R. L. Holloway, Miss Mabel Clare Ladd, Dr. M. M. Wickware, E. J. McLean Farmer-Labor National Gleaner Forum, The (monthly). Established 1894, 16 pages, $.25, circulation 65,000. The Ancient Order of Gleaners, 5705 Woodward Avenue, Detroit, Mich. R. L. Holloway, Miss Mabel Clare Ladd, Dr. M. M. Wickware, E. J. McLeans.
North Dakota Nonpartisan (weekly) North Dakota Nonpartisan (cooperative), Bismarck, ND NONE Farmer-Labor North Dakota Nonpartisan (weekly). Established 1923, 6 pages, $2. North Dakota Nonpartisan (cooperative), Bismarck, N. D. Official organ, North Dakota Nonpartisan League.
Peoples Press, The (weekly) Kittson County Cooperative Publishing Co., Hallock, Minnesota Emil Hallgren Farmer-Labor Peoples Press, The (weekly). Fridays. Established 1889, 8 pages, $2, circulation 1,430. Kittson County Cooperative Publishing Co., Hallock, Minn. Owned by farmers. Emil Hallgren. Farmer-Labor politics.
Peoples Voice, The (weekly) Farmer-Labor Publishing Co., 712 Chicago Street, Green Bay, Wisconsin F. H. Shoemaker Farmer-Labor Peoples Voice, The (weekly). Thursdays. Established 1922, 8 and more pages, $3, circulation 3,720. Farmer-Labor Publishing Co., Inc., 712 Chicago Street, Green Bay, Wise. F. H. Shoemaker. Official organ, Federated Trades Council, Local, American Society of Equity, etc. International Labor News. Uses mats.
Union Press, The (weekly) , Ozan, (Gurdon, to be new location), Arkansas F. C. Hawkins, pub and ed Farmer-Labor Union Press, The (weekly). Established 1924, 8 pages, $1.50, circulation 1,200. F. C. Hawkins, pub. and ed., Ozan, (Gurdon, to be new location), Ark. Endorsed by Farm Labor Union. Democratic.
Uusi Kotima (semi-w The Peoples Voice Cooperative Pub lishing Co. (Finnish), New York Mills, Minnesota K. E. Heikkinen, J. W. Lahde Farmer-Labor Uusi Kotima (semi-w.). Established 1881, 8 pages, $2.75, circulation 8,000. The Peoples Voice Cooperative Pub lishing Co. (Finnish), New York Mills, Minn. K. E. Heikkinen, J. W. Lahdes. Endorsed by Farmer- Labor Federation of Minnesota. Federated Press.
Waco Farm and Labor Journal (weekly) Waco, Texas J. M. Pittillo, pub and ed Farmer-Labor Waco Farm and Labor Journal (weekly). Fridays. Established 1906, 12 pages, $1.50, circulation 4,000. J. M. Pittillo, pub. and ed., Waco, Tex. Uses mats. Democratic.
Western Progressive Farmer (monthly) Western Progressive Farmers, Sedro Wooley, Washington Elihu Bowles Farmer-Labor Western Progressive Farmer (monthly). Established 1922, 16 pages, $1, circulation 5,000. Western Progressive Farmers. Sedro Wooley, Wash. Elihu Bowles. Farmer-Labor Party politics.
American Child, The (monthly) National Child Labor Committee, 214 Fouth Avenue, New York, New York Owen R. Lovejoy, Frances B. Williams Publications Concerned with Labor Questions American Child, The (monthly). Established 1912, 8 pages, $2, circulation 13,000. National Child Labor Committee, 214 Fouth Avenue, New York, N. Y. Owen R. Love- joy, Frances B. Williamss.
American Economic Review (quarterly) American Economic Association, Yale Station, New Haven, Conn Davis R. Dewey Publications Concerned with Labor Questions American Economic Review (quarterly). Established 1885, 208 pages, $5, circulation 3,500. American Economic Asso ciation, Yale Station, New Haven, Conn. Davis R. Dewey., 222 Charles River Road, Cambridge, Mass. Scientific publication.
American Labor Legislation Review, The (quarterly) American Associ ation for Labor Legislation, 131 East 23rd Street, New York, ,New York John B. Andrews, Frederick W. MacKenzie Publications Concerned with Labor Questions American Labor Legislation Review, The (quarterly). Established 1911, 100 pages, $3, circulation 3,500. American Associ ation for Labor Legislation, 131 East 23rd Street, New York, ,N. Y. John B. Andrews, Frederick W. Mac- Kenzies. Scientific publication.
Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, The (bimonthly) American Academy of Politi cal and Social Science, West Philadelphia Post Office, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Dr. Clyde L. King Publications Concerned with Labor Questions Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, The (bimonthly). Established 1889, 250-350 pages, $5-7.50, circulation 9,000. American Academy of Politi cal and Social Science, West Philadelphia Post Office, Philadelphia, Pa. Dr. Clyde L. King. Dr Joseph H. Willits, assoc. ed., J. H. Salter, asst. ed.
Arbitrator, The (monthly) 114 East 31st Street, New York, New York William Floyd, pub and ed. Publications Concerned with Labor Questions Arbitrator, The (monthly). Established 1918, 4 pages, $.60, small circulation. William Floyd, pub. and ed., 114 East 31st Street, New York, N. Y. Radical digest of news.
Journal of Political Economy, The (bimonthly) Department of Political Economy, The University of Chicago, 5750 Ellis Avenue, Chicago, Illinois NONE Publications Concerned with Labor Questions Journal of Political Economy, The (bimonthly). Established 1892, 112 pages, $4, circulation 1,000. Department of Political Economy, The University of Chicago, 5750 Ellis Avenue, Chicago, Ill. Scientific publication.
Law and Labor (monthly) League for Industrial Rights, 165 Broadway, New York, New York Murray T. Quigg Publications Concerned with Labor Questions Law and Labor (monthly). Established 1919, 32 pages, $5. League for Industrial Rights, 165 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Murray T. Quigg. Review of the law relating to industrial relations and to plans and contracts for industrial employment.
Nation, The (weekly) The Nation, Inc., 20 Vesey St., New York, New York Oswald Garrison Villard, Lewis S. Gannett, Arthur Warner, Freda Kirchwey, Joseph Wood Krutch, Mark Van Doren Publications Concerned with Labor Questions Nation, The (weekly). Thursdays. Established 1865, 32 pages, $5, circulation 33,371. The Nation, Inc., 20 Vesey St., New York, N. Y. Oswald Garrison Villard., Lewis S. Gannett, Arthur Warner, Freda Kirchwey, Joseph Wood Krutch, Mark Van Doren, assoc. eds.
New Republic, The (weekly) 421 West 21st Street, New York, New York Herbert Croly, Alvin Johnson, Bruce Bliven, Ayres, Robert Littell, George Soule, Robert Morss Lovett Publications Concerned with Labor Questions New Republic, The (weekly). The New Republic, Inc., 421 West 21st Street, New York, N. Y. Herbert Croly, Alvin Johnson, Bruce Bliven, C. E. Ayres, Robert Littell, George Soule, Robert Morss Lovetts.
News-Bulletin (irregular) National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc., 474 West 24th Street, New York, New York G. R. Stahl Publications Concerned with Labor Questions News-Bulletin (irregular). Established 1922, 4 pages, circula tion 10,000. National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc., 474 West 24th Street, New York, N. Y. G. R. Stahl, exec. sect.
Political Science Quarterly (quarterly) Acad emy of Political Science, Kent Hall, Columbia University, New York, New York Parker Thomas Moon Publications Concerned with Labor Questions Political Science Quarterly (quarterly). Record of Political Events, annual supplement to March issue. Established 1886, 176 and more pages, $5, circulation 7,000. Acad emy of Political Science, Kent Hall, Columbia Univer sity, New York, N. Y. Parker Thomas Moon. man. ed.
Quarterly Journal of Economics, The (quarterly) Harvard Uni versity, Cambridge, Massachusetts F. W. Taussig, T. N. Carver, William Z. Ripley, E. F. Gay, Allyn A. Young, C. J. Bullock, Warren M. Persons Publications Concerned with Labor Questions Quarterly Journal of Economics, The (quarterly). Established 1866, 175-200 pages, $5, circulation 1,200. Harvard Uni versity, Cambridge, Mass. F. W. Taussig., T. N. Carver, William Z. Ripley, E. F. Gay, Allyn A. Young, C. J. Bullock, Warren M. Persons, assoc. eds. Scien tific publication.
Road to Freedom, The (monthly) The Road to Freedom Publishing Association, Stelton, New Jersey Hippolyte Havel Publications Concerned with Labor Questions Road to Freedom, The (monthly). Established 1924, 8 pages, $1, circulation 1,200. The Road to Freedom Publishing Association, Stelton, N. J. Hippolyte Havel. Ex ponent of Anarchist thought, work and literature.
Survey, The (fortnightly) Survey Associates, Inc., 112 East 19th Street, New York, New York Paul Kellogg Publications Concerned with Labor Questions Survey, The (fortnightly). Established 1891 as Charities Review, Survey in 1912, $5. Survey Associates, Inc., 112 East 19th Street, New York, N. Y. Paul U. Kellogg.
World Tomorrow, The (monthly) The Fellowship Press, Inc., 104 East Ninth Street, New York, New York Anna Rochester, Devere Allen Publications Concerned with Labor Questions World Tomorrow, The (monthly). Established 1918, 32 pages, $1, circulation 22,000. The Fellowship Press, Inc., 104 East Ninth Street, New York, N. Y. Anna Rochester, Devere Allens. Federated Press, International Federation of Trade Unions, Civil Liberties Bureau, Children's Bureau, Jewish Daily Bulletin, National As sociation for Advancement of Colored People, Federal Council of Churches News Bulletin. Radica1.
California Christian Advocate (weekly) Methodist Book Concern, 3 City Hall Avenue, San Francisco, California E. P. Dennett Religious California Christian Advocate (weekly). Thursdays. Estab lished 1851, 24 pages, $2, circulation 7,800. Methodist Book Concern, 3 City Hall Avenue, San Francisco, Calif. Rev. E. P. Dennett. Official organ, Method ist Episcopal Church.
Catholic Mirror, The (monthly) The Mirror Press, Inc., 387 Main Street, Springfield, Massachusetts Michael J. Shea Religious Catholic Mirror, The (monthly). Established 1920, 40-48 pages, $2, circulation 17,000. The Mirror Press, Inc., 387 Main Street, Springfield, Mass. Michael J. Shea. Nation al Catholic Welfare Council News. Endorsed by Bishop of Springfield and Knights of Columbus, Spring field. Uses mats.
Central Blatt and Social Justice (monthly) Na tional Catholic Central Verein of America, 3835 West minster Place, St. Louis, Missouri Kenkel, August F. Brockland Religious Central Blatt and Social Justice (monthly). German and English. Established 1907, 32 pages, $2, circulation 4,200. Na tional Catholic Central Verein of America, 3835 West minster Place, St. Louis, Mo. F. P. Kenkel, Aug. F. Brocklands.
Christian Advocate, The (weekly) The Methodist Book Concern, 150 Fifth Avenue, New York, New York James R. Joy Religious Christian Advocate, The (weekly). Thursdays. Established 1826, 32 pages, $2.50, circulation 43,000. The Methodist Book Concern, 150 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y. James R. Joy. Official organ, The Methodist Epis copal Church.
Christian Advocate (weekly) 810 Broadway, Nashville, Tennessee Alfred Franklin Smith Religious Christian Advocate (weekly). Fridays. Established about 1840, 32 pages, $2.50, circulation 17,000. Lamar and Barton, 810 Broadway, Nashville, Tenn. Alfred Franklin Smith. Official organ, Methodist Episcopal Church, South. Uses mats.
Christian Century, The (weekly) The Christian Century Press, 440 South Dearborn Street, Chicago, Illinois Charles Clayton Mor rison, Paul Hutchinson, man Religious Christian Century, The (weekly). Thursdays. Established 1886, 32 pages, $4. The Christian Century Press, 440 South Dearborn Street, Chicago, Ill. Charles Clayton Mor rison., Paul Hutchinson, man. ed.
Christian Register, The (weekly) The Christian Register, Inc., 16 Beacon Street, Boston, Massachusetts Albert C. Dieffenbach, D.D. Religious Christian Register, The (weekly). Thursdays. Established 1821, 24-28 pages, $3, circulation 8,000. The Christian Register, Inc., 16 Beacon Street, Boston, Mass. Albert C. Dieffenbach, D.D.. Official organ, Unitarian Church, and endorsed by the American Unitarian Asso ciation.
Christian Work (weekly) 70 Fifth Avenue, New York, New York Frederick Lynch, D.D. ed in chief Religious Christian Work (weekly). Continues the Evangelist and New York Observer. Saturdays. Established 1886, 32 pages, $3.50. Frederick Lynch, D.D.. in chief, Henry Strong Huntington, assoc. ed., Fred Eastman, man. ed., 70 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y. "Endorsed by leading religious liberals."
Congregationalist, The (weekly) The Congregational Publishing Society, 14 Beacon Street, Boston, Massachusetts William E Gilroy, Rolfe Cobleigh Religious Congregationalist, The (weekly). Thursdays. Established 1816, 32 pages, $3, circulation 20,000. The Congregational Publishing Society, 14 Beacon Street, Boston, Mass. William E. Gilroy, Rolfe Cobleighs. Auspices, National Council of Congregational Churches.
Continent, The, (weekly) The McCormick Publishing Company, 509 South Wabash Avenue, Chicago, Illinois, and 156 Fifth Avenue, New York, New York Oliver R. Williamson Religious Continent, The, (weekly). Thursdays. Established 1870, 24-68 pages, $3, circulation 19,533. The McCormick Publish ing Company, 509 South Wabash Avenue, Chicago, Ill., and 156 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y. Oliver R. Wil liamson, man. ed. Published in the interests of the Presbyterian Church.
Echo, The (weekly) Catholic Orphan Asylum, 564 Dodge St., Buffalo, New York Josesph M. Schifferli Religious Echo, The (weekly). Thursdays. Established 1915, $2, circu lation 17,500. Catholic Orphan Asylum, 564 Dodge St., Buffalo, N. Y. Jos. M. Schifferli, man. ed. Endorsed by Catholic State League, National Catholic Welfare Council News.
Federal Council Bulletin (bimonthly) Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in America, 105 East 22nd Street, New York, New York Samuel McCrea Cavert, Sanborn Religious Federal Council Bulletin (bimonthly). The Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in America, 105 East 22nd Street, New York, N. Y. Samuel McCrea Cavert, Aenid A. Sanborns.
Herald of Gospel Liberty, The (weekly) Christian Publishing Associa tion, Fifth and Ludlow, Dayton, Ohio Alva Martin Kerr Religious Herald of Gospel Liberty, The (weekly). Thursdays. Estab lished 1808, 24 pages, $2. Christian Publishing Associa tion, Fifth and Ludlow, Dayton, Ohio. Alva Martin Kerr. Official organ of Christian Church.
Information Service (weekly) Department of Research and Education, Federal Council of Churches, 105 East 22nd Street, New York, New York F. Ernest Johnson Religious Information Service (weekly). (Except August). Saturdays. Established 1921, 4 pages, $2, circulation 6,500. Depart ment of Research and Education, Federal Council of Churches, 105 East 22nd Street, New York, N. Y. F. Ernest Johnson. Collection of information on industrial and social questions.
Living Church, The (weekly) Morehouse Publishing Company, 1801-11 Fond du Lac Avenue, Milwaukee, Wisconsin Frederic C. Morehouse, Clinton Rogers Woodruff Religious Living Church, The (weekly). Saturdays. Established 1878, 32- 40 pages, $4. Morehouse Publishing Co., 1801-11 Fond du Lac Avenue, Milwaukee, Wis. Frederic C. More- house., Clinton Rogers Woodruff, social service ed. Episcopal Church.
Methodist Review, The (bimonthly) Methodist Book Concern, 150 Fifth Avenue, New York, New York George Elliott Religious Methodist Review, The (bimonthly). Established 1818, 168 pages, $2.50, circulation 7,000. Methodist Book Con cern, 150 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y. George El liott. Official organ, Methodist Episcopal Church.
Michigan Christian Advocate (weekly) Detroit and Michigan Conferences (ministers), 32 East Elizabeth, Detroit, Michigan W. H. Phelps, Elmer Houser Religious Michigan Christian Advocate (weekly). Wednesdays. Estab lished 1872, 24 pages, $2, circulation 18,000. Detroit and Michigan Conferences (ministers), 32 E. Elizabeth, Detroit, Mich. W. H. Phelps, Elmer Housers. Methodist Syndicate services, New York and Washing ton. Methodist.
National Catholic Welfare Council News Service National Catholic Welfare Council News Service. 1312 Massachusetts Avenue, Washington, DC NONE Religious National Catholic Welfare Council News Service. 1312 Massachusetts Avenue, Washington, D. C.
Northwestern Christian Advocate, The (weekly) The Methodist Book Concern, 740 Rush Street, Chicago, Illinois Dan B. Brummitt Religious Northwestern Christian Advocate, The (weekly). Wednesdays. Established 1885, 24 pages, $2, circulation 36,000. The Methodist Book Concern, 740 Rush Street, Chicago, Ill. Dan B. Brummitt. Official organ, Methodist Episcopal Church.
Pacific Christian Advocate (weekly) Methodist Book Concern, 303 Artisans Building, Portland, Oregon Edward Laird Mills, Halford E. Luccock, New York, Harry E. Woolever, contrib. eds. Religious Pacific Christian Advocate (weekly). Thursdays. Established 1 1855, 24 pages, $2, circulation 5,147. Methodist Book Concern, 303 Artisans Building, Portland, Ore. Ed ward Laird Mills., Halford E. Luccock, New York, Harry E. Woolever, contrib. eds. National Methodist Press, Washington.
Providence Visitor, The (weekly) Providence Visitor, 25 Fenner Street, Providence Rev. James P. O'Brien Religious Providence Visitor, The (weekly). Fridays. Established 1873, 16 pages, $2, circulation 26,600. A corporation pub lishes the paper, 25 Fenner Street, Providence, R. I. Rev. James P. O'Brien. Official organ of the Dio cese of Rhode Island. National Catholic Welfare Coun cil, National Enterprise Association services. "Covers Catholic Rhode Island like a blanket."
Reformed Church Messenger (weekly) Publication and Sunday School Board, Reformed Church in the United States, Schaff Building, 1505 Race Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Dr. Paul S. Leinbach, Rev. A. S. Bromer Religious Reformed Church Messenger (weekly). Thursdays. Established 1827, 24-32 pages, $2.50, circulation 10,800. Publication and Sunday School Board, Reformed Church in the United States, Schaff Building, 1505 Race Street, Phila delphia, Pa. Dr. Paul S. Leinbach, Rev. A. S. Bromers.
St. Louis Christian Advocate (weekly) Methodist Episcopal Church South, in Missouri, 408 Security Building, Fourth and Locust Streets, St. Louis, Missouri C. O. Ransford Religious St. Louis Christian Advocate (weekly). Wednesdays. Estab lished 1850, 16 pages, $2, circulation 10,000. Methodist Episcopal Church South, in Missouri, 408 Security Building, Fourth and Locust Streets, St. Louis, Mo. C. O. Ransford. Uses mats.
Social Service Bulletin (fortnightly) Methodist Federation for Social Ser vice, 150 Fifth Avenue, New York, New York Harry F. Ward, Winifred L. Chappell, Aaron Allen Heist Religious Social Service Bulletin (fortnightly). Established 1911, 4 pages, cir culation 2,000. Methodist Federation for Social Ser vice, 150 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y. Harry F. Ward, Winifred L. Chappell, Aaron Allen Heists.
Southern Churchman (weekly) Southern Churchman Company, 112 N. Fifth Street, Richmond, Virginia Rev. Joseph B. Dunn, Rev. R. Cary Mantague Religious Southern Churchman (weekly). Saturdays. Established 1835, 24 pages, $3, circulation 7,000. Southern Churchman Company, 112 N. Fifth Street, Richmond, Va. Rev. Joseph B. Dunn, Rev. R. Cary Montagues. Evan gelical Christianity in the Episcopal Church.
Unity (weekly) Unity Publishing Company, 700 Oakwood Boulevard, Chicago, Illinois John Haynes Holmes, Francis Neilson Religious Unity (weekly). Mondays. Established 1878, 16 pages, $3, circulation 1,500. Unity Publishing Co., 700 Oakwood Boulevard, Chicago, Ill. John Haynes Holmes, Francis Neilsons.
Watchman-Examiner, The (weekly) The Watchman-Examiner Company, Inc., 23 East 26th Street, New York, New York Curtis Lee Laws Religious Watchman-Examiner, The (weekly). Thursdays. Established 1819, 32 pages, $2.50, circulation 26,000. The Watch man-Examiner Co. Inc., 23 East 26th Street, New York, N. Y. Curtis Lee Laws. Baptist.
Zion's Herald (weekly) Boston Wesleyan Association, 581 Boylston Street, Boston, Massachusetts L. O. Hartman Religious Zion's Herald (weekly). Wednesdays. Established 1823, 32 pages, $3.50, circulation 14,000. Boston Wesleyan Asso ciation, 581 Boylston Street, Boston, Mass. L. O. Hartman. Denomination News Services. Method ist Episcopa1.
Bulletin of the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics (irregular) United States Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Washington, D. C. NONE Governmental Bulletin of the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics (irregular). United States Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Washington, D. C.
Bulltein of the Women's Bureau (irregular) United States Department of Labor, Women's Bureau, Washington,D.C. NONE Governmental Bulletin of the Women's Bureau (irregular). United States Department of Labor, Women's Bureau, Washington,D.C.
Industrial Bulletin, The (monthly) The Industrial Commissioner, .New York State, Albany, N. Y. NONE Governmental Industrial Bulletin, The (monthly). The Industrial Commissioner, .New York State, Albany, N. Y.
Industrial Hygiene Bulletin (monthly) Bureau of Industrial Hygiene, New York State Department of Labor, 124 East 28th Street, New York, N. Y. Dr. Leland E. Cofer Governmental Industrial Hygiene Bulletin (monthly). Established 1924, 4 pages, circulation 20,000. Bureau of Industrial Hygiene, New York State Department of Labor, 124 East 28th Street, New York, N. Y. Dr. Leland E. Cofer. Scientific and educational publication.
Labor and Industry (monthly) Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, The Capitol, Harrisburg, Pa. Department of Labor and Industry W. A. Riddle Governmental Labor and Industry (monthly). Established 1914, 50 pages, cir culation 16,800. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, The Capitol, Harrisburg, Pa. Department of Labor and Industry, W. A. Riddle, exec. sect.
Labor Bulletin, The (monthly) Illinois Department of Labor, 116 North Dearborn Street, Chicago, Illinois R. D. Cahn Governmental Labor Bulletin, The (monthly). Established 1921, 16 pages, cir culation 5,000. Illinois Department of Labor, 116 North Dearborn Street, Chicago, Illinois. R. D. Cahn.
Monthly Labor Review (monthly) United States Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Washington, D. C. NONE Governmental Monthly Labor Review (monthly). Established 1915, 200 pages, $1.50. United States Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Washington, D. C.
Oklahoma Labor Market (monthly) Department of Labor, State of Oklahoma, Oklahoma City, Okla. NONE Governmental Oklahoma Labor Market (monthly). Established 1924, 4-8 pages, circulation 600. Department of Labor, State of Oklahoma, Oklahoma City, Okla. Commissioner of Labor and Statistics.- Deals with employment, wages, etc.
Oregon Safety News (monthly) State Industrial Accident Commission and Oregon Branch of the National Safety Council, Capitol Building, Salem, Ore. William A. Marshall Governmental Oregon Safety News (monthly). Established 1921, 4 pages, cir culation 4,000. State Industrial Accident Commission and Oregon Branch of the National Safety Council, Capitol Building, Salem, Ore. William A. Marshall, Commissioner.
Publications of the Children's Bureau (irregular) United States Department of Labor, Children's Bureau, Washington, D. C. NONE Governmental Publications of the Children's Bureau (irregular). United States Department of Labor, Children's Bureau, Washington, D. C.
Wisconsin Labor Market (monthly) Industrial Commission of Wisconsin, State Capitol, Madison, Wis. NONE Governmental Wisconsin Labor Market (monthly). Established 1922, 8 pages, Industrial Commission of Wisconsin, State Capitol, Madison, Wis.
Wisconsin Labor Statistics (monthly) Industrial Commission of Wisconsin, State Capitol, Madison, Wis. NONE Governmental Wisconsin Labor Statistics (monthly). Established 1922, 8 pages. Industrial Commission of Wisconsin, State Capitol, Madison, Wis.
Southern Labor Review (weekly) A. H. Cather . Publishing Co., 4194 N. 21st Street, Birmingham, Ala. A. H. Cather Democratic. General Labor (U.S.) Southern Labor Review (weekly). Wednesdays. Established 1918, 16 pages, $1, circulation 5,000. A. H. Cather . Publishing Co., 4194 N. 21st Street, Birmingham, Ala. A. H. Cather, ed. Democratic.
Bisbee Square Deal NONE NONE General Labor (U.S.) Bisbee Square Deal. Bisbee, Ariz.
Arizona Labor Journal (weekly) Arizona State Federation of Labor, 31 South First Ave., Phoenix, Arizona. B. R. Carpenter Democratic. Equitist, The (weekly General Labor (U.S.) Arizona Labor Journal (weekly). Saturdays. 4 pages, $2. Arizona State Federation of Labor, 31 South First Ave., Phoenix, Arizona. B. R. Carpenter, ed. Democratic. Equitist, The (weekly). Fridays. Established 1918, 6-8 pages, $1.50. The Equitist League, R. 4, Box 225 A, Phoenix, Ariz. W. E. Brokaw, ed. Uses mats.
Southwestern Record (weekly) J. W. Hopkins, Tucson, Ariz. George K. York NONE General Labor (U.S.) Southwestern Record (weekly). Thursdays. Established 1919, 4 pages, $2.50, circulation 1,800. J. W. Hopkins, Tucson, Ariz. George K. York, ed.
Union Labor Advocate Hot Springs, Ark. NONE General Labor (U.S.) Union Labor Advocate. Hot Springs, Ark. Union Labor Bulletin (weekly). Hot Springs, Ark.
Huntington Herald (weekly) Huntington, Ark. NONE General Labor (U.S.) Huntington Herald (weekly). Huntington, Ark.
Union Labor Bulletin (weekly) Union Publishing Co. Inc., 519 Scott Street, Little Rock, Ark. L. H. Moore Official organ, Central Trades Council, which owns stock of corporation. International Labor News. Uses mats. General Labor (U.S.) Union Labor Bulletin (weekly). Fridays. Established 1900, 8 pages, $1, circulation 3,000. Union Publishing Co. Inc., 519 Scott Street, Little Rock, Ark. L. H. Moore, ed. Official organ, Central Trades Council, which owns stock of corporation. International Labor News. Uses mats.
American Railroad Chronicle (monthly) J. Dowling, pub. and ed.,109 Main Street, Pine Bluff, Ark. International Labor News. NONE General Labor (U.S.) American Railroad Chronicle (monthly). Established 1918, 20-50 pages, $2, circulation 3,000. R. J. Dowling, pub. and ed.,109 Main Street, Pine Bluff, Ark. International Labor News.
Texarkana Independent Union News (weekly) Texarkana, Ark. NONE General Labor (U.S.) Texarkana Independent Union News (weekly). Texarkana, Ark.
Kern County Union Labor Journal (weekly) Kern County Labor Council, Labor Temple, I. Street, Bakersfield, Calif. Wallace Watson International Labor News. Uses mats. General Labor (U.S.) Kern County Union Labor Journal (weekly). Fridays. Established 1904, 8 pages, $2, circulation 2,500. Kern County Labor Council, Labor Temple, I. Street, Bakersfield, Calif. Wallace Watson, ed. International Labor News. Uses mats.
Labor News, The (weekly) Eureka Federated Trades and Labor Council, E Street and Ninth, Eureka, Calif. George W. Farley American Federation of Labor Weekly News, International Labor News. Uses mats. Fresno General Labor (U.S.) Labor News, The (weekly). Saturdays. Established 1900, 8 pages, $2, circulation 1,200. Eureka Federated Trades and Labor Council, E Street and Ninth, Eureka, Calif. George W. Farley, ed. American Federation of Labor Weekly News, International Labor News. Uses mats. Fresno
Tri-County Labor News (weekly) Fresno Labor Council, Fresno County Building Trades Council, 1139 Broad way, Fresno, Calif. C. E. Dowd International Labor News. Uses. mats. General Labor (U.S.) Tri-County Labor News (weekly). Fridays. Established 1900, 8 pages, $2, circulation 4,000. Fresno Labor Council, Fresno County Building Trades Council, 1139 Broad way, Fresno, Calif. C. E. Dowd, ed. International Labor News. Uses. mats.
Union News Union News. 2120 Kern Street, Fresno, Calif. NONE General Labor (U.S.) Union News. 2120 Kern Street, Fresno, Calif. Long Beach
Labor News, The (weekly) The Central Labor Council, 537 American Avenue, Long Beach, Calif. Fred W. Jackson International Labor News, Labor Bu reau, Inc., United Labor Press of California. General Labor (U.S.) Labor News, The (weekly). Thursdays. Established 1918, 8 pages, $2, circulation 4,000. The Central Labor Council, 537 American Avenue, Long Beach, Calif. Fred W. Jackson, ed. International Labor News, Labor Bu reau, Inc., United Labor Press of California.
Oil Worker, The (weekly) District Council 1, Oil Workers' International Union, 326 C American Avenue, P. O. Box 13, Long Beach, Calif. Harvey C. Fremming United Labor Press of California, International Labor News. Los Angeles General Labor (U.S.) Oil Worker, The (weekly). Wednesdays. Established 1918, 4-8 pages, $2. District Council 1, Oil Workers' International Union, 326 C American Avenue, P. O. Box 13, Long Beach, Calif. Harvey C. Fremming, ed. United Labor Press of California, International Labor News. Los Angeles
Citizen, The (weekly) Central Labor Council, 540 Maple Avenue, Los Angeles, Calif. James M. Byrne International Labor News, Am erican Federation of Labor Weekly News. General Labor (U.S.) Citizen, The (weekly). Fridays. Established as Union Labor News, 1901, The Citizen, 1907, 8 pages, $1.50. Central Labor Council, 540 Maple Avenue, Los Angeles, Calif. James M. Byrne, ed. International Labor News, Am erican Federation of Labor Weekly News.
Southern California Labor Press (weekly) Union Labor Publishing Association, 443 South San Pedro Street, Los Angeles, Calif. Francis Drake Official organ, State Building Trades Council, etc. Inter national Labor News, United Labor Press of Califor nia. Uses mats. General Labor (U.S.) Southern California Labor Press (weekly). Fridays. Estab lished 1924, 8 pages, $1.50, circulation 10,000. Union Labor Publishing Association, 443 South San Pedro Street, Los Angeles, Calif. Francis Drake, ed. Of ficial organ, State Building Trades Council, etc. Inter national Labor News, United Labor Press of Califor nia. Uses mats.
Contra-Costa County Labor Journal Contra-Costa County Labor Journal. 200 Twelfth Street, Oakland, California. NONE General Labor (U.S.) Contra-Costa County Labor Journal. 200 Twelfth Street, Oakland, California.
Daily Record, The (daily) Union Labor Publishing Co., 286 12th Street, Oakland, Calif. Stanton W. Lore United Press, International Labor News. Uses mats. Official organ, Central Labor Council, etc. General Labor (U.S.) Daily Record, The (daily). Established 1924, 8-16 pages, $6,, circulation 16,200. Union Labor Publishing Co., 286 12th Street, Oakland, Calif. Stanton W. Lore, ed. United Press, International Labor News. Uses mats. Official organ, Central Labor Council, etc.
East Bay Labor Journal East Bay Labor Journal. 200 Twelfth Street, Oakland, California. NONE General Labor (U.S.) East Bay Labor Journal. 200 Twelfth Street, Oakland, California.
Union Labor Record (weekly) Union Labor Pub lishing Co., 285 12th Street, Oakland, Calif. Stanton W. Lore International Labor News. Uses mats. Official organ, Central Labor Council, etc. General Labor (U.S.) Union Labor Record (weekly). Fridays. Established 1918, 8- 12 pages, $1.50, circulation 8,000. Union Labor Pub lishing Co., 285 12th Street, Oakland, Calif. Stanton W. Lore, ed. International Labor News. Uses mats. Official organ, Central Labor Council, etc.
California Labor Chronicle (weekly) A. J. Harder and V. J. O'Leary, 312 Ochsner Bldgs., Sacramento, Calif. A. J. Harder Uses mats. Endorsed by Federated and Building Trades Councils. General Labor (U.S.) California Labor Chronicle (weekly). Fridays. 4 pages, $1.50, circulation 5,000. A. J. Harder and V. J. O'Leary, 312 Ochsner Bldgs., Sacramento, Calif. A. J. Harder, ed. Uses mats. Endorsed by Federated and Building Trades Councils.
Tribune (weekly) Tribune (weekly). 729 I Street, Sacramento, California. NONE General Labor (U.S.) Tribune (weekly). 729 I Street, Sacramento, California.
Labor Journal, The (weekly) John K. Tibbitts, pub, and ed., 1013 Third Street, San Bernardino, Calif. En dorsed by Central Labor Council, etc. International Labor News. Uses mats. NONE General Labor (U.S.) Labor Journal, The (weekly). Fridays. Established 1919, 8 pages, $2, circulation 5,000. John K. Tibbitts, pub, and ed., 1013 Third Street, San Bernardino, Calif. En dorsed by Central Labor Council, etc. International Labor News. Uses mats.
San Diego Labor Leader, The (weekly) The San Diego County Federated Trades and Labor Council, 644 , Fourth Street, P. O. Box 1406, San Diego, Calif. Albert G. Rogers American Federation of Labor Weekly News, International Labor News. Uses mats. General Labor (U.S.) San Diego Labor Leader, The (weekly). Fridays. Established 1905, 8 pages, $2, circulation 2,500. The San Diego County Federated Trades and Labor Council, 644 , Fourth Street, P. O. Box 1406, San Diego, Calif. Albert G. Rogers, ed. American Federation of Labor Weekly News, International Labor News. Uses mats.
Labor Clarion (weekly) San Francisco Labor Council, 2940 Sixteenth Street, San Francisco, Calif. James W. Mullen International Labor News, American Fede ration of Labor Weekly News. General Labor (U.S.) Labor Clarion (weekly). Fridays. Established 1902, 16 pages, $1.50, circulation 12,000. San Francisco Labor Council, 2940 Sixteenth Street, San Francisco, Calif. James W. Mullen, ed. International Labor News, American Fede ration of Labor Weekly News.
Musical and Theatrical News (fortnightly) American Federation of Musicians, 230 Jones Street, San Francisco, Calif. A. A. Greenbaum, ed., Mo Davis, bus. mgr. NONE General Labor (U.S.) Musical and Theatrical News (fortnightly). Established 1915, 12 or more pages, circulation 2,650. Musicians Union Number 6, American Federation of Musicians, 230 Jones Street, San Francisco, Calif. A. A. Greenbaum, ed., Mo Davis, bus. mgr.
Organized Labor (weekly) Organized Labor Publishing Co., Inc., 1122 Mission Street, San Francisco, Calif. Official organ, State and local Building Trades Councils. General Labor (U.S.) Organized Labor (weekly). Saturdays. Established 1900, 8 pages, $1.50, circulation 16,500. Organized Labor Pub lishing Co., Inc., 1122 Mission Street, San Francisco, Calif. Official organ, State and local Building Trades Councils.
Rank and File (weekly) Workers' Association, Pacific Building, San Francisco, Calif. A. E. Albright NONE General Labor (U.S.) Rank and File (weekly). Thursdays. Established 1920, $2. Workers' Association, Pacific Building, San Francisco, Calif. A. E. Albright, ed.
Search-Light, The (monthly) Ferryboatmen's Union of California, 59 Clay Street, San Francisco, Calif. C. W. Deal American Federation of Labor Weekly News. San Jose General Labor (U.S.) Search-Light, The (monthly). Established 1922, 4 pages, $.50, circulation 800. Ferryboatmen's Union of California, 59 Clay Street, San Francisco, Calif. C. W. Deal, ed. American Federation of Labor Weekly News. San Jose
Union Journal, The (weekly) Will J. Telfer, pub. and ed., 173 West Santa Clara Street, San Jose, Calif. Official organ, Central Labor Council, etc. International Labor News, American Federation of Labor Weekly News, United Labor Press of California. Uses mats. General Labor (U.S.) Union Journal, The (weekly). Fridays. Established 1904, 8 pages, $2.50, circulation 4,000. Will J. Telfer, pub. and ed., 173 West Santa Clara Street, San Jose, Calif. Official organ, Central Labor Council, etc. Interna tional Labor News, American Federation of Labor Weekly News, United Labor Press of California. Uses mats.
Union Labor News (weekly) Bredsteen and Tosh, 740 State Street, Santa Barbara, Calif. Joseph Bredsteen Official organ, Central Labor Union, etc. Uses mats. General Labor (U.S.) Union Labor News (weekly). Fridays. Established 1925, 4 pages, $2, circulation 1,250. Bredsteen and Tosh, 740 State Street, Santa Barbara, Calif. Joseph Bredsteen, ed. Official organ, Central Labor Union, etc. Uses mats.
Sonoma County Labor Journal (weekly) Bredsteen and Tosh, 4th and D Streets, Santa Rosa, Calif. Joseph Bredsteen Official organ, Central Labor Council, etc. Uses mats. General Labor (U.S.) Sonoma County Labor Journal (weekly). Saturdays. Estab lished 1922, 4 pages, $2. Bredsteen and Tosh, 4th and D Streets, Santa Rosa, Calif. Joseph Bredsteen, ed. Official organ, Central Labor Council, etc. Uses mats.
Forum, The (weekly) L. Di Beckwith, pub. and ed., 1134 East Main, P. O. Box 333, Stockton, Calif. A liberal paper, columns open to readers. Commercial advertising limited to one inch; non-commercial ad. limit, six inches. General Labor (U.S.) Forum, The (weekly). Thursdays. Established 1921, 4 pagft, $2.50. L. Di Beckwith, pub- and ed., 1134 East Main, P. O. Box 333, Stockton, Calif. A liberal paper, columns open to readers. Commercial 'advertising limited to one inch; non-commercial ad. limit, six inches.
Stockton Labor Journal (weekly) Joseph Bredsteen and W. R. Tosh, 216 East Market St., Stockton, Calif. Joseph Bred steen Official organ, Central Labor Council, etc. Uses mats. General Labor (U.S.) Stockton Labor Journal (weekly). Thursdays. Established 1922, 4 pages, $2. Joseph Bredsteen and W. R. Tosh, 216 East Market St., Stockton, Calif. Joseph Bred steen, ed. Official organ, Central Labor Council, etc. Uses mats.
West Side Union (weekly) Taft, CA NONE General Labor (U.S.) West Side Union (weekly). Central Labor Union, Taft, Calif.
Labor Journal (weekly) Vallejo, CA NONE General Labor (U.S.) Labor Journal (weekly). Vallejo, Calif.
Labor News, The (weekly) E. H. Joslyn, pub. and ed., 112 E. Cucharras Street, Colorado Springs, Colo. NONE General Labor (U.S.) Labor News, The (weekly). Fridays. Established 1902, 8 pages, $1.50. E. H. Joslyn, pub. and ed., 112 E. Cu- charras Street, Colorado Springs, Colo.
Colorado Labor Advocate (weekly) The Power Publishing Co., (owned by State Federation of Labor, Denver Trades Assembly, etc.), 1715 California St., Denver, Colo. Frank L. Palmer American Federa tion of Labor Weekly News'. , ' General Labor (U.S.) Colorado Labor Advocate (weekly). Thursdays. Established 1922, 8 pages, $1, circulation 12,400. The Power Pub lishing Co., (owned by State Federation of Labor, Denver Trades Assembly, etc.), 1715 California St., Denver, Colo. Frank L. Palmer, ed. American Federa tion of Labor Weekly News'. , '
Denver Labor Bulletin, The (weekly) Edward J. Hines, pub. and ed., 1824 Curtis Street, P. O. Box 447, Den ver, Colo. International Labor News. NONE General Labor (U.S.) Denver Labor Bulletin, The (weekly). Saturdays. Established 1905, 4-8 pages, $2, circulation 4,500. Edward J. Hines, pub. and ed., 1824 Curtis Street, P. O. Box 447, Den ver, Colo. International Labor News.
Risveglio (semi-weekly) Italian-American Publishing Co., P. O. Box 1,555, Denver, Colo. Frank Mancini Pueblo General Labor (U.S.) Risveglio (semi-w.). Established 1906, 8 pages, $3, circu lation 4,500. Italian-American Publishing Co., P. O. Box 1,555, Denver, Colo. Frank Mancini, ed. Pueblo
L'Unione (fortnightly) Union Publishing Co., 318-20 S. Victoria Ave., Pueblo, Colo. Vincenzo Massari Official organ, District 15, United Mine Workers of America, Colum bian Federation of Italian American Societies. General Labor (U.S.) L'Unione (fortnightly). Established 1897, 8 pages, $2, circulation 18,750. Union Publishing Co., 318-20 S. Victoria Ave., Pueblo, Colo. Vincenzo Massari, ed. Official organ, District 15, United Mine Workers of America, Colum bian Federation of Italian American Societies.
New Britain Labor Standard (fortnightly) NONE NONE General Labor (U.S.) New Britain Labor Standard (fortnightly). New Britain, Conn.
Connecticut Labor News (weekly) I. M. Ornburn, 148 George Street, New Haven, Conn. W. W. Barry Official organ, Trades Counci1. Uses mats. General Labor (U.S.) Connecticut Labor News (weekly). Saturdays. Established 1913, 8 pages, $1.50, circulation 5,600. I. M. Ornburn, 148 George Street, New Haven, Conn. W. W. Barry, ed. Official organ, Trades Counci1. Uses mats.
Labor Gazette Labor Gazette. Southern Building, Wilmington, Del. J. C. Saylor, ed. NONE General Labor (U.S.) Labor Gazette. Southern Building, Wilmington, De1. Labor Herald (weekly). Saturdays. Established 1901, 8 pages, ft, circulation 6,800. Labor Herald Publishing Co., 415 hipley Street, Wilmington, Del. J. C. Saylor, ed. Uses mats.
Labor (weekly) Labor Cooperative Educational and Publishing Society, 10 B Street, S.W., Washington, D. C. Edward Keating Owned and controlled by 16 associated railroad labor organizations. General Labor (U.S.) Labor (weekly). Saturdays. Established 1919, 4 pages, $2, cir culation 500,000. Labor Cooperative Educational and Publishing Society, 10 B Street, S.W., Washington, D. C. Edward Keating, ed. Owned and controlled by 16 associated railroad labor organizations.
Trades Unionist, The (weekly) John B. Colpoys, pub. and ed., 720 Fifth Street, N.W., Washington, D. C. Official organ, Central Labor Union, etc. American Federa tion of Labor Weekly News, International Labor News, uses mats. NONE General Labor (U.S.) Trades Unionist, The (weekly). Saturdays. Established 1896, 8 pages, $2, circulation 5,000. John B. Colpoys, pub. and ed., 720 Fifth Street, N.W., Washington, D. C. Official organ, Central Labor Union, etc. American Federa tion of Labor Weekly News, International Labor News, uses mats.
Artisan (weekly) Jacksonville, Fla. NONE General Labor (U.S.) Artisan (weekly). Central Trades and Labor Council, Jacksonville, Fla.
Labor News, The (weekly) M. Hays, pub. and ed., P. O. Box 585, 133 West 16th Street, Jacksonville, Fla. En dorsed by Central Labor Union and railroad brother hoods. American Federation of Labor Weekly News, International Labor News. Miami NONE General Labor (U.S.) Labor News, The (weekly). Established 1922, 4-12 pages, $2, circulation 3,100. O. M. Hays, pub. and ed., P. O. Box 585, 133 West 16th Street, Jacksonville, Fla. En dorsed by Central Labor Union and railroad brother hoods. American Federation of Labor Weekly News, International Labor News. Miami
Miami News (weekly) G. H. Russell, 14 S. East First Street, Miami, Fla. F. W. Shepper Offi cial organ, Central Labor Union, etc. American Fede ration of Labor Weekly News, International Labor News. Uses mats. Democratic. Tampa General Labor (U.S.) Miami News (weekly). Thursdays. Established 1920, 8-16 pages, $2, circulation 2,800. G. H. Russell, 14 S. East First Street, Miami, Fla. F. W. Shepper, ed. Offi cial organ, Central Labor Union, etc. American Fede ration of Labor Weekly News, International Labor News. Uses mats. Democratic. Tampa
Florida Labor News (weekly) The Florida Labor News Pub Co., Hampton Building, 713J4 Franklin Street, Tampa, Fla. A. B. Grout Official organ, Cen tral Trades and Labor Assembly. International Labor News, American Federation of Labor Weekly News. Uses mats. General Labor (U.S.) Florida Labor News (weekly). Fridays. Established 1924, 6-40 pages, $2, circulation 3,500. The Florida Labor News Pub Co., Hampton Building, 713J4 Franklin Street, Tampa, Fla. A. B. Grout, ed. Official organ, Cen tral Trades and Labor Assembly. International Labor News, American Federation of Labor Weekly News. Uses mats.
Internacional, El (weekly) Joint Advisory Board, local unions, Cigarmakers' International Union of America, 1614 Eighth Avenue, P. O. Box 5116, Ybor City Sta., Tampa, Fla. J. M. Rodriguez NONE General Labor (U.S.) Internacional, El (weekly). Spanish. Fridays. Established 1906, 4 pages, circulation 1,500. Joint Advisory Board, local unions, Cigarmakers' International Union of America, 1614 Eighth Avenue, P. O. Box 5116, Ybor City Sta., Tampa, Fla. J. M. Rodriguez, ed.
Journal of Labor (weekly) Jerome Jones, pub. and ed., Peters Building, Atlanta, Ga. NONE General Labor (U.S.) Journal of Labor (weekly). Fridays. Established 1898, 8 pages, $1.50, circulation 4,500. Jerome Jones, pub. and ed., Peters Building, Atlanta, Ga.
Labor Review (weekly) Labor Review Publishing Co., Campbell Building, Augusta, Ga. Max Wilk NONE General Labor (U.S.) Labor Review (weekly). Saturdays. Established 1915, 4-8 pages, $1, circulation 3,600. Labor Review Publishing Co., Campbell Building, Augusta, Ga. Max Wilk, ed.
Workman (weekly) John R. Hardin, pub. and ed., Rome, Ga. NONE General Labor (U.S.) Workman (weekly). Fridays. Established 1919, $1. John R. Hardin, pub. and ed., Rome, Ga.
Gleaner (weekly) J. B. Far ley, pub. and ed., 107 Whitaker Street, Savannah, Ga. NONE General Labor (U.S.) Gleaner (weekly). Saturdays. Established 1913, $2. J. B. Far ley, pub. and ed., 107 Whitaker Street, Savannah, Ga.
Alton Leader, The (weekly) Leader Printing Co., 321 State Street, Alton, Ill. H. C. Maddox Owned by labor unions. Official organ, Trades and Labor Assembly, etc. American Federation of Labor Weekly News. Uses mats. General Labor (U.S.) Alton Leader, The (weekly). Fridays. Established 1920, 4-8 pages, $2.50, circulation 3,500. Leader Printing Co., 321 State Street, Alton, Ill. H. C. Maddox, ed. Owned by labor unions. Official organ, Trades and Labor Assembly, etc. American Federation of Labor Weekly News. Uses mats.
Aurora Fox River Leader NONE NONE General Labor (U.S.) Aurora Fox River Leader.. Aurora, Ill.
Searchlight, The (weekly) Trades and Labor Assembly, 724 W. Washington Street, Bloomington, Ill. J. L. North International Labor News. Uses mats. , General Labor (U.S.) Searchlight, The (weekly). Fridays. Established 1917, 4 pages, $2, circulation 4,000. Trades and Labor Assembly, 724 W. Washington Street, Bloomington, Ill. J. L. North, ed. International Labor News. Uses mats. ,
Twin City Review (weekly) The Twin City Cooperative Press, Inc., 116 N. First Street, Champaign, Ill. W. C. Aye Official organ, Twin City Federation of Labor. International Labor News, American Federa tion of Labor Weekly News Uses mats. General Labor (U.S.) Twin City Review (weekly). Fridays. Established 1920, 4 pages, $2.50, circulation 3,000. The Twin City Cooperative Press, Inc., 116 N. First Street, Champaign, Ill. W. C. Aye, ed. Official organ, Twin City Federation of Labor. International Labor News, American Federa tion of Labor Weekly News Uses mats.
Federation News, The (weekly) Chicago Federation of Labor, 166 West Washington Street, Chicago, Ill. James Bruck NONE General Labor (U.S.) Federation News, The (weekly). Saturdays. Established 1919, 12 pages, $2.50, circulation 15,000. Chicago Federation of Labor, 166 West Washington Street, Chicago, Ill. James Bruck, ed.
Illinois Labor News (monthly) Illinois Labor News, Inc., 105 West Monroe Street, Chicago, Ill. C. E. Bowers In ternational Labor News. Uses mats. General Labor (U.S.) Illinois Labor News (monthly). Established 1923, 4 pages, $1, circulation 16,000. Illinois Labor News, Inc., 105 West Monroe Street, Chicago, Ill. C. E. Bowers, ed. In ternational Labor News. Uses mats.
Illinois State Federation of Labor Weekly News Letttr (weekly) Illinois State Federation of Labor, 166 West Washington St., Chicago, Ill. Victor A. Olander, John H. Walker, eds. American Federation of Labor Weekly News. Sent to all affiliated local unions and central bodies. NONE General Labor (U.S.) Illinois State Federation of Labor Weekly News Letttr (weekly). Saturdays. Established 1915, 4-8 pages. Illinois State Federation of Labor, 166 West Washington St., Chicago, Ill. Victor A. Olander, John H. Walker, eds. American Federation of Labor Weekly News. Sent to all affiliated local unions and central bodies.
Prosveta (daily) 2657-9 South Lawndale Avenue, Chicago, Ill.Joseph Zavertnik, John Molek, Andrew Kobal, eds. Sympathizes with unionism and Socialism. General Labor (U.S.) Prosveta (daily). Established 1907, 4-8 pages, $5, circulation 13,834 5 days and Wednesdays 44,843. Slavonic National Benefit Society, 2657-9 South Lawndale Avenue, Chicago, Ill. Joseph Zavertnik, John Molek, Andrew Kobal, eds. Sympathizes with unionism and Socialism.
Public Ownership (monthly) Public Ownership League of America, 127 North Dearborn Street, Chicago, Ill. NONE General Labor (U.S.) Public Ownership (monthly). Public Ownership League of America, 127 North Dearborn Street, Chicago, Ill.
Rovnost Ludu (semi-weekly) 1510 West 18th Street, Chicago, Ill. Endorsed by sick benefit societies. Uses mats. General Labor (U.S.) Rovnost Ludu (semi-weekly). Established 1907, 8 pages, $4. Slovak workers, publishers, 1510 West 18th Street, Chicago, Ill. Endorsed by sick benefit societies. Uses mats.
Union Labor Advocate (monthly) George Hodge, pub. and ed., 107 N. Market Street, Chicago, Ill. NONE General Labor (U.S.) Union Labor Advocate (monthly). Established 1900, $1.50. George Hodge, pub. and ed., 107 N. Market Street, Chicago, Ill.
Union Labor News (weekly) American Labor Press, Inc., 160 North Wells Street, Chicago, Ill. Pete Cunniflf Official organ, several local jinions. Uses mats. General Labor (U.S.) Union Labor News (weekly). Saturdays. Established 1916, 8 pages, $2, circulation 56,220. American Labor Press, Inc., 160 North Wells Street, Chicago, Ill. Pete Cun- niflf, ed. Official organ, several local jinions. Uses mats.
Union Leader, The (weekly) Amalgamated Association of Street and Electric Railway Employes of America, 332 South Ashland Boulevard, Chicago, Ill. L. D. Bland American Federation of Labor Weekly News. Uses mats. General Labor (U.S.) Union Leader, The (weekly). Saturdays. Established 1902, 8 pages, $1.25, circulation 22,000. Amalgamated Associa tion of Street and Electric Railway Employes of Ameri ca, 332 South Ashland Boulevard, Chicago, Ill. L. D. Bland, ed. American Federation of Labor Weekly News. Uses mats.
Labor Leader (weekly) Harry Mueller, pub. and ed., 115 West Main Street, Danville, Ill. Uses mats. NONE General Labor (U.S.) Labor Leader (weekly). Thursdays. Established 1909, $2, cir culation 3,210. Harry Mueller, pub. and ed., 115 West Main Street, Danville, Ill. Uses mats.
Vermilion County Star (weekly) Vermilion County Publishing Association, 129% East Main Street, Danville, Ill. F. A. Leven Official organ, Trades and Labor Council, etc. International Labor News, Federated Press. Uses mats. Decatur General Labor (U.S.) Vermilion County Star (weekly). Thursdays. Established 1923, 8 pages, $2.50, circulation 4,500. Vermilion County Publishing Association, 129% East Main Street, Danville, Ill. F. A. Leven, ed. Official organ, Trades and Labor Council, etc. International Labor News, Federated Press. Uses mats. Decatur
Decatur Weekly News (weekly) Trades Assembly and Local Unions, 716 East Eldorado Street, Decatur. Ill. R. G. Williams International Labor News. Galesburg General Labor (U.S.) Decatur Weekly News (weekly). Wednesdays. Established 1920. 4 pages, $1, circulation 2,200. Trades Assembly and Local Unions, 716 East Eldorado Street, Decatur. Ill. R. G. Williams, ed. International Labor News. Galesburg
Galesburg Labor News (weekly) The Labor (News Co. Inc., 56 North Cherry Street, Galesburg, Ill. Thos. R. Downie Official organ, labor unions in district. Federated Press, American Federation of Labor Weekly News. Uses mats. General Labor (U.S.) Galesburg Labor News (weekly). Fridays. Established 1894, 8 pages, $1.50, circulation 3,000. The Labor (News Co. Inc., 56 North Cherry Street, Galesburg, Ill. Thos. R. Downie, ed. Official organ, labor unions in district. Federated Press, American Federation of Labor Weekly News. Uses mats.
Sponge and Brush (monthly) Painters' State Conference of Illinois, 56 N. Cherry Street, Galesburg, Ill. W. E. Geimer, Ingleside, Ill. Uses mats. Johnston City General Labor (U.S.) Sponge and Brush (monthly). Established 1920, 8 pages, $.60, circulation 2,600. Painters' State Conference of Illinois, 56 N. Cherry Street, Galesburg, Ill. W. E. Geimer, Ingleside, Ill., ed. Uses mats. Johnston City
Williamson County Miner (semi-weekly) 204 East 7th Street, Johnston City, Ill. Robert L. Drobeck Endorsed by United Mine Workers of America. General Labor (U.S.) Williamson County Miner (semi-weekly). Established 1919, 8 pages, $2, circulation 2,134. Franklin Majority Co. Inc., 204 East 7th Street, Johnston City, Ill. Robert L. Drobeck, ed. Endorsed by United Mine Workers of America.
Commonwealth, The (weekly) Eugene H. Koehl, pub. and ed., 104 N. Desplaines Street, Joliet, Ill. Western Newspaper Union. Uses mats. Endorsed by Central Trades Labor Counci1. NONE General Labor (U.S.) Commonwealth, The (weekly). Thursdays. Established 1923, 8 pages, $2, circulation 4,133. Eugene H. Koehl, pub. and ed., 104 N. Desplaines Street, Joliet, Ill. Western Newspaper Union. Uses mats. Endorsed by Central Trades Labor Counci1.
Illinois Journal of Labor NONE NONE General Labor (U.S.) Illinois Journal of Labor. Peoria, Ill.
Peoria Labor Gazette (weekly) Walter S. and Frank N. Bush, 225 North Adams Street, Peoria, IL
. Walter S. Bush
Offi cial organ, Central body. American Federation of Labor Weekly News, International Labor News. Quincy General Labor (U.S.) Peoria Labor Gazette (weekly). Fridays. Established 1896, 8 pages, $1.50. Walter S. and Frank N. Bush, 225 North Adams Street, Peoria, 11l. Walter S. Bush, ed. Offi cial organ, Central body. American Federation of Labor Weekly News, International Labor News. Quincy
Labor Advocate, The (weekly) The Royal Printing Co. Inc., 120 So. Seventh Street, Quincy, Ill. Henry G. Distelhorst Endorsed by Trades and Labor As sembly, etc. International Labor News. Uses mats. General Labor (U.S.) Labor Advocate, The (weekly). Fridays. Established 1912, 8-16 pages, $1, circulation 2,786. The Royal Printing Co. Inc., 120 So. Seventh Street, Quincy, Ill. Henry G. Distelhorst, ed. Endorsed by Trades and Labor As sembly, etc. International Labor News. Uses mats.
Quincy Labor News (weekly) W. H. Hoffman, pub. and ed., 331 Hampshire Street, Quincy, Ill. Endorsed by Trades and Labor Assembly, etc. Uses mats. Rockford General Labor (U.S.) Quincy Labor News (weekly). Saturdays. Established 1907, 8 pages, $1.50, circulation 2,770. W. H. Hoffman, pub. and ed., 331 Hampshire Street, Quincy, Ill. Endorsed by Trades and Labor Assembly, etc. Uses mats. Rockford
Labor News (weekly) Labor News Printing Co., Inc., Rockford, Ill. W. R. Madden Rock Island General Labor (U.S.) Labor News (weekly). Established 1913, $1.50. Labor News Printing Co., Inc., Rockford, Ill. W. R. Madden, ed. Rock Island
Tri-City Labor Review (weekly) Tri-City Review Publishing Co., 311 21st Street, Rock Island, Ill. Charles Reagan Springfield General Labor (U.S.) Tri-City Labor Review (weekly). Saturdays. Established 1911, 8 pages, $1.50. Tri-City Review Publishing Co., 311 21st Street, Rock Island, Ill. Charles Reagan, ed. Springfield
Illinois Miner, The (weekly) District 12, United Mine Workers of America, Illinois Mine Workers Building, Springfield, Ill. Oscar Ameringer, Freda Hogan, eds. American Federation of Labor Weekly News, Federated Press. Uses mats. General Labor (U.S.) Illinois Miner, The (weekly). Saturdays. Established 1922, 8 pages, $1.50, circulation 63,000. District 12, United Mine Workers of America, Illinois Mine Workers Build ing, Springfield, Ill. Oscar Ameringer, Freda Hogan, eds. American Federation of Labor Weekly News, Federated Press. Uses mats.
Illinois Tradesman, The (weekly) R. E. Woodmansee, pub. and ed., 2231 South 6th Street, Springfield, Ill. Official organ, Springfield Federation of Labor. International Labor News, Western Newspaper Union. Uses mats. General Labor (U.S.) Illinois Tradesman, The (weekly). Fridays. Established 1898, 8 pages, $1, circulation 3,000. R. E. Woodmansee, pub. and ed., 2231/* South 6th Street, Springfield, Ill. Offi cial organ, Springfield Federation of Labor. Interna tional Labor News, Western Newspaper Union. Uses mats.
Labor Forum, The (weekly) The Evansville Central Labor Union, 804 Main Street, Evansville, Ind. Fred Hohenberger International Labor News. General Labor (U.S.) Labor Forum, The (weekly). Fridays. Established 1919, 4 pages, $1, circulation 2,000. The Evansville Central Labor Union, 804 Main Street, Evansville, Ind. Fred Hohenberger, ed. International Labor News.
Fort Wayne Worker (weekly) Dehim Block, Fort Wayne, Ind. NONE General Labor (U.S.) Fort Wayne Worker (weekly). Room 6, Dehim Block, Fort Wayne, Ind.
Central Labor Union News (weekly) 642 Washington Street, Gary, Ind. NONE General Labor (U.S.) Central Labor Union News (weekly). 642 Washington Street, Gary, Ind.
Union, The (fortnightly) The Union, 474 Century Building, Indianapolis, Ind. Harry Bassett Official organ, Central Labor Union. International Labor News. Uses mats. Union Labor News (fortnightly General Labor (U.S.) Union, The (fortnightly). Established 1884, 8 pages, $3, circulation 6,000. The Union, 474 Century Building, Indianapolis, Ind. Harry Bassett, ed. Official organ, Central Labor Union. International Labor News. Uses mats. Union Labor News (fortnightly). Established 1922, 8-40 pages, $3, circulation 8,000. Lowell H. and William R. Bassett, pub. and ed., 31 W. Ohio Street, Indianapolis, Ind. American Federation of Labor Weekly News. Uses mats.
Free Press (weekly) 3154 South Michigan Street, South Bend, Ind. NONE General Labor (U.S.) Free Press (weekly). South Bend Typographical Union, 3154 South Michigan Street, South Bend, Ind.
Advocate (weekly) Vigo County Central Labor Union, P. O. Box 653, Terre Haute, Ind. NONE General Labor (U.S.) Advocate (weekly). Fridays. Established 1919, $1.50, circula tion 1,900. Vigo County Central Labor Union, P. O. Box 653, Terre Haute, Ind.
Boone Independent (weekly) Boone, Iowa. NONE General Labor (U.S.) Boone Independent (weekly). Boone, Iowa.
Iowa Labor News (weekly) Mid-West Print Shop (Justice Printing & Publishing Co.), 424 N. Main St., Burlington, Iowa. Ralph J. McAnally American Federation of Labor Weekly News. General Labor (U.S.) Iowa Labor News (weekly). Thursdays. Established 1919, 8 pages, $2, circulation 3,478. Mid-West Print Shop (Justice Printing & Publishing Co.), 424 N. Main St., Burlington, Iowa. Ralph J. McAnally, ed. American Federation of Labor Weekly News.
Cedar Rapids Tribune, The (weekly) R. G. Stewart, pub. and ed., 210 Third Avenue, Cedar Rapids, Iowa International Labor News, Iowa State Labor Press. Official organ, Cedar Rapids Federation of Labor, Building Trades Council. General Labor (U.S.) Cedar Rapids Tribune, The (weekly). Fridays. Established 1904, $1.50, circulation 4,385. R. G. Stewart, pub. and ed., 210 Third Avenue, Cedar Rapids, Iowa Inter national Labor .News, Iowa State Labor Press. Offi cial organ, Cedar Rapids Federation of Labor, Building Trades Counci1.
Tri-City Labor Voice (fortnightly) Peter Hofmann, pub. and ed., Clinton, Iowa. Uses mats. NONE General Labor (U.S.) Tri-City Labor Voice (fortnightly). Established 1900, $.50. Peter Hofmann, pub. and ed., Clinton, Iowa. Uses mats.
Iowa Unionist, The (weekly) Des Moines Trades and Labor Assembly, 609 Mulberry Street, Des Moines, Iowa. L. O. Pouchot, bus. mgr. Uses mats. General Labor (U.S.) Iowa Unionist, The (weekly). Thursdays. Established 1899, 8- 12 pages, $1.50, circulation 5,000. Des Moines Trades and Labor Assembly, 609^ Mulberry Street, Des Moines, Iowa. L. O. Pouchot, bus. mgr. Uses mats.
Daily American Tribune (daily) Catholic Printing Co., Ill West 6th Street, Dubuque, Iowa. International News Service, National Catholic Welfare Council, United Press. Uses mats. General Labor (U.S.) Daily American Tribune (daily) Established 1919, 8-10 pages, $6, circulation 17,350. Catholic Printing Co., Ill West 6th Street, Dubuque, Iowa. John P. Conner, Carl Nennig, Leo Doyle, Carl Ochs, eds. International News Service, National Catholic Welfare Council, United Press. Uses mats.
Leader (weekly) J. M. Conley, pub. and ed., Main and Sixth Streets, Dubuque, Iowa. NONE General Labor (U.S.) Leader (weekly). Fridays. Established 1906, 8 pages, $150, cir culation 3,000. J. M. Conley, pub. and ed., Main and Sixth Streets, Dubuque, Iowa.
Marshalltown Labor World (weekly) John Goldwitzer, pub. and ed., 22 North Center Street, Marshalltown, Iowa. Official organ, Trades and Labor Assembly, In ternational Labor News, American Federation of Labor Weekly News. Uses mats. General Labor (U.S.) Marshalltown Labor World (weekly). Thursdays. Established 1922, 8 pages, $1.50, circulation 3,600. John Goldwitzer, pub. and ed., 22 North Center Street, Marshalltown, Iowa. Official organ, Trades and Labor Assembly, In ternational Labor News, American Federation of Labor Weekly News. Uses mats.
Union Advocate, The (weekly) W. H. Bastion, 522-4 Nebraska Street, Sioux City, Iowa. Wallace M. Short Official organ, Trades and Labor Assembly, In ternational Labor News. Uses mats. General Labor (U.S.) Union Advocate, The (weekly). Thursdays. Established 1895, . 8 pages, $2, circulation 3,250. W. H. Bastion, 522-4 Nebraska Street, Sioux City, Iowa. Wallace M. Short, ed. Official organ, Trades and Labor Assembly, In ternational Labor News. Uses mats.
Labor Bulletin (weekly) Central Labor Union, 530 Minnesota Avenue, Kansas City, Kansas. J. A. Woulf NONE General Labor (U.S.) Labor Bulletin (weekly). Fridays. Established 1918, 4-24 pages, $1, circulation 6-10,000. Central Labor Union, 530 Min nesota Avenue, Kansas City, Kansas. J. A. Woulf, ed.
Chronicle, The (weekly) R. E. Davis, pub. and ed., 518 Cherokee Street, Leavenworth, Kansas. NONE General Labor (U.S.) Chronicle, The (weekly). Fridays. Established 1908, 4-8 pages, $1, circulation 1,200. R. E. Davis, pub. and ed., 518 Cherokee Street, Leavenworth, Kansas.
Lavoratore Italiano (fortnightly) and ed., Pitts- burg, Kansas. NONE General Labor (U.S.) Lavoratore Italiano (fortnightly). Established 1901, 4 pages, $2, circulation 2,000. Edoardo Caffaro, pub. and ed., Pitts- burg, Kansas.
Echo-Boomer (weekly) James Chase, pub. and ed., Scam mon, Kansas. Western Newspaper Union. NONE General Labor (U.S.) Echo-Boomer (weekly). Thursdays. Established 1922, 4 pages, $1, circulation 650. James Chase, pub. and ed., Scam mon, Kansas. Western Newspaper Union.
Kansas Trades Unionist (weekly) Merit Printing Co., 625 Jackson Street, Topeka, Kansas. W. E. Bush Endorsed by Industrial Council and State Federation of Labor. American Federation of Labor Weekly News. Farmer-Labor politics. General Labor (U.S.) Kansas Trades Unionist (weekly). Fridays. Established 1906, 4-8 pages, $1.50, circulation 1,000. Merit Printing Co., 625 Jackson Street, Topeka, Kansas. W. E. Bush, ed. Endorsed by Industrial Council and State Federation of Labor. American Federation of Labor Weekly News. Farmer-Labor politics.
Plaindealer (weekly) Wichita, Kas. NONE General Labor (U.S.) Plaindealer (weekly). Wichita Trades and Labor Assembly, Wichita, Kas.
Magyar Banyaszlap (weekly) Miners Journal Publishing Co., Himlerville, Ky. Andrew Fisher Independent radical. General Labor (U.S.) Magyar Banyaszlap (weekly). Thursdays. Established 1913, 8 pages, $2, circulation 14,058. Miners Journal Publish ing Co., Himlerville, Ky. Andrew Fisher, ed. Inde pendent radica1.
Labor Advocate (monthly) W. J. Shanahan, pub. and ed., 139 North Broadway (Labor Hall), Lexington, Ky. Offi cial organ, Central Labor Union. Louisville NONE General Labor (U.S.) Labor Advocate (monthly). Established 1923, 4 pages, $.50, cir culation 1,000. W. J. Shanahan, pub. and ed., 139 North Broadway (Labor Hall), Lexington, Ky. Offi cial organ, Central Labor Union. Louisville
Journal of Labor (weekly) Sigmond A. Lee, pub. and ed., Republic Building, Louisville, Ky. NONE General Labor (U.S.) Journal of Labor (weekly). Saturdays. Established 1900, $.50. Sigmond A. Lee, pub. and ed., Republic Building, Louisville, Ky.
Labor Union, The (weekly) 131 West Market Street, Louisville, Ky. NONE General Labor (U.S.) Labor Union, The (weekly). 131 West Market Street, Louisville, Ky.
Louisville American (weekly) Union Press Association, 609 Republic Building, Louisville, Ky. Co1. J. H. Brewer Official organ, Railway Employees Central Body. American Federation of Labor News Services, Civil Liberties Service. Uses mats. General Labor (U.S.) Louisville American (weekly). Fridays. Established 1919, 4 pages, $2, circulation 3,250. Union Press Association, 609 Republic Building, Louisville, Ky. Co1. J. H. Brewer, ed. Official organ, Railway Employees Central Body. American Federation of Labor News Services, Civil Liberties Service. Uses mats.
New Era (weekly) H. M. Givan, pub. and ed., 121 South Third Street, Louisville, Ky. NONE General Labor (U.S.) New Era (weekly). Saturdays. Established 1889, 4 pages, $1, circulation 1,500. H. M. Givan, pub. and ed., 121 South Third Street, Louisville, Ky.
Labor Herald (weekly) Trades and Labor Assembly of Kenton and Campbell Counties, Newport, Ky. W. C. Benton NONE General Labor (U.S.) Labor Herald (weekly). Thursdays. Established 1917, $1. Trades and Labor Assembly of Kenton and Campbell Counties, Newport, Ky. W. C. Benton, ed.
American Vanguard, The (monthly) The National Rip-Saw Publishing Co., Leesville, Louisiana, and Box 1128, Chicago, Ill. Kate Richards and Frank P. O'Hare, eds. Pro gressive politically. NONE General Labor (U.S.) American Vanguard, The (monthly). Established 1904, 16 pages, $1, circulation 25,000. The National Rip-Saw Publishing Co., Leesville, Louisiana, and Box 1128, Chicago, Ill. Kate Richards and Frank P. O'Hare, eds. Pro gressive politically.
Federationist, The, (weekly) Union Printing & Publish ing Co. Inc., 520 Conti Street, New Orleans, La. R. N. Stephens Official organ, State Federation of Labor. American Federation of Labor news services. Uses mats. Independent Democratic. General Labor (U.S.) Federationist, The, (weekly). Fridays. Estabjished 1918, 8 pages, $2, circulation 8,498. Union Printing & Publish ing Co. Inc., 520 Conti Street, New Orleans, La. R. N. Stephens, ed. Official organ, State Federation of Labor. American Federation of Labor news services. Uses mats. Independent Democratic.
Labor Record (weekly) 320 St. Charles Street, New Orleans, La. NONE General Labor (U.S.) Labor Record (weekly). 320 St. Charles Street, New Orleans, La.
Railroad Brotherhoods Journal (monthly) Union Printing & Publishing Co., Inc., 520 Conti Street, New Orleans, La. R. N. Stephens Official organ, Council of Railway Workers. Publishing company owned by unions and unionists. General Labor (U.S.) Railroad Brotherhoods Journal (monthly). Established 1922, 16 pages, $1, circulation 4,200. Union Printing & Publishing Co., Inc., 520 Conti Street, New Orleans, La. R. N. Stephens, ed. Official organ, Council of Railway Workers. Publishing company owned by unions and unionists.
Maine Labor Leader 223 Middle Street, Portland, Maine. NONE General Labor (U.S.) Maine Labor Leader. 223 Middle Street, Portland, Maine.
Baltimore Federationist, The (weekly) Baltimore Fede ration of Labor, 1222 St. Paul Street, Baltimore, Md. Henry F. Broening American Federation of Labor Weekly News, League for Industrial Democracy, Na tional Catholic Welfare Counci1. Official organ, Mary land State and Baltimore Federations of Labor. General Labor (U.S.) Baltimore Federationist, The (weekly). Fridays. Established 1921, 4-8 pages, $2, circulation 7,000. Baltimore Fede ration of Labor, 1222 St. Paul Street, Baltimore, Md. Henry F. Broening, ed. American Federation of Labor Weekly News, League for Industrial Democracy, Na tional Catholic Welfare Counci1. Official organ, Mary land State and Baltimore Federations of Labor.
Baltimore Trades Unionist (weekly) 102 East Lexington Street, Baltimore, Md. NONE General Labor (U.S.) Baltimore Trades Unionist (weekly). Building Trades Council, 102 East Lexington Street, Baltimore, Md.
Labor Leader (weekly-Saturdays) Co., Franklin Building, Baltimore, Md. John H. Ferguson NONE General Labor (U.S.) Labor Leader (weekly-Saturdays). Established 1902, $1. Labor Leader Pub. Co., Franklin Building, Baltimore, Md. John H. Ferguson, ed.
Darbininkas (tri-weekly) Lithuanian Association of Labor, 366 West Broadway, South Boston, Mass. P. Gudas , P. Dauzvardis, asst. ed. Democratic. General Labor (U.S.) Darbininkas (tri-w.). Established 1915, 4 pages, $4.50, circulation 8,000. Lithuanian Association of Labor, 366 West Broadway, South Boston, Mass. P. Gudas, ed., P. Dauzvardis, asst. ed. Democratic.
Wage Earner, The (weekly) The Wage Earner Publishing Co., 263 Northampton Street, Boston, Mass. Augustus Seaver Endorsed by local unions. In ternational Labor News. Uses mats. Republican. General Labor (U.S.) Wage Earner, The (weekly). Saturdays. Established 1908, 8-12 pages, $2.50, 5,000 circulation. The Wage Earner Pub lishing Co., 263 Northampton Street, Boston, Mass. Augustus Seaver, ed. Endorsed by local unions. In ternational Labor News. Uses mats. Republican.
Brockton Diamond (weekly) Brockton Diamond Co., Brockton, Mass. E. Gerry Brown NONE General Labor (U.S.) Brockton Diamond (weekly). Fridays Established 1892, $1. Brockton Diamond Co., Brockton, Mass. E. Gerry Brown, ed.
Western Massachusetts Labor Review (monthly) 175 State St., Springfield, Mass. NONE General Labor (U.S.) Western Massachusetts Labor Review (monthly). 175 State St., Springfield, Mass.
Labor News, The (weekly) News Printing and Publishing Co., 17 Federal Street, Worcester, Mass. Freeman M. Sal- tus Endorsed by Central Labor Union, etc. In ternational Labor News, American Federation of Labor Weekly news. Uses mats. General Labor (U.S.) Labor News, The (weekly). Fridays. Established 1906, 8 pages, $l, circulation 5,500. News Printing and Publishing Co., 17 Federal Street, Worcester, Mass. Freeman M. Sal- tus, ed. Endorsed by Central Labor Union, etc. In ternational Labor News, American Federation of Labor Weekly news. Uses mats.
New England Labor Review (monthly) 19 Foster Street, Worcester, Mass. NONE General Labor (U.S.) New England Labor Review (monthly). 19 Foster Street, Worcester, Mass.
Industrial Herald, The (weekly) George Washington, 309 Ninth Street, Bay City, Mich. E. C. Washington, .ed. Official organ, Central Trades Counci1. American Federation of Labor Weekly News, Western Newspaper Union. Uses mats. NONE General Labor (U.S.) Industrial Herald, The (weekly). Fridays. Established 1900, 4-8 pages, $1, circulation 2,500. George Washington, 309 Ninth Street, Bay City, Mich. E. C. Washington, .ed. Official organ, Central Trades Counci1. American Federation of Labor Weekly News, Western Newspaper Union. Uses mats.
Detroit Labor News (weekly) Detroit Fede ration of Labor, 274 East High Street, Detroit, Mich. Dennis E. Batt Federated Press, International Labor News. Uses mats. General Labor (U.S.) Detroit Labor News (weekly). Fridays. Established 1914, 4-8 pages, subscription $2, circulation 20,000. Detroit Fede ration of Labor, 274 East High Street, Detroit, Mich. Dennis E. Batt, ed. Federated Press, International Labor News. Uses mats.
Glos Robotniczy (weekly) International Publishing Asso ciation, 5937 Michigan Ave., Detroit, Mich. Stanley Nowak Federated Press. Uses mats. General Labor (U.S.) Glos Robotniczy (weekly). Fridays. Established 1914, 8 pages, $2.50, circulation 15,000 International Publishing Asso ciation, 5937 Michigan Ave., Detroit, Mich. Stanley No- wak, ed. Federated Press. Uses mats.
Observer, The (weekly) Claude O. Taylor, pub. and ed., ISO*/, Lyon Street, N.W., Grand Rapids, Mich. Am erican Federation of Labor Weekly News, International Labor News. Uses mats. NONE General Labor (U.S.) Observer, The (weekly). Mondays. Established 1906, 8 pages, $1, circulation 3,000. Claude O. Taylor, pub. and ed., ISO*/, Lyon Street, N.W., Grand Rapids, Mich. Am erican Federation of Labor Weekly News, International Labor News. Uses mats.
Square Deal, The (weekly) James G. Henley, pub. and ed., 121 West Pearl Street, Jackson, Mich. Official organ, Central bodies of Jackson, Ann Arbor, Battle Creek, Kalamazoo and Albion, Mich. International Labor News. American Federation of Labor Weekly News. Uses mats. NONE General Labor (U.S.) Square Deal, The (weekly). Thursdays. Established 1907, 8 pages, $1, circulation 3,500. James G. Henley, pub. and ed., 121 West Pearl Street, Jackson, Mich. Official organ, Central bodies of Jackson, Ann Arbor, Battle Creek, Kalamazoo and Albion, Mich. International Labor News. American Federation of Labor Weekly News. Uses mats.
Lansing Industrial News (weekly) George H. Allen, pub. and ed., 109% North Washington Avenue, Lansing, Mich. Uses mats. NONE General Labor (U.S.) Lansing Industrial News (weekly). Fridays. Established 1921, 16 pages, $2, circulation 5,000. George H. Allen, pub. and ed., 109% North Washington Avenue, Lansing, Mich. Uses mats.
Workers Voice, The (weekly) The Citizen Publishing Co., 311 Court Street, Saginaw, Mich. Edwin R. Cornish Endorsed by District 24, United Mine Workers, Central body, etc. Western Newspaper Union. Uses mats. General Labor (U.S.) Workers Voice, The (weekly). Thursdays. Established 1911, 8 pages, $1, circulation 2,000. The Citizen Publishing Co., 311 Court Street, Saginaw, Mich. Edwin R. Cornish, ed. Endorsed by District 24, United Mine Workers, Central body, etc. Western Newspaper Union. Uses mats.
Labor World, The (weekly) William E. McEwen, pub. and ed., 701 Palladio Building, Duluth, Minn. Inter national Labor News. Uses mats. Farmer-Labor politics. NONE General Labor (U.S.) Labor World, The (weekly). Saturdays. Established 1896, 6 pages, $2, circulation 6,500. William E. McEwen, pub. and ed., 701 Palladio Building, Duluth, Minn. Inter national Labor News. Uses mats. Farmer-Labor politics.
St Louis County Independent (weekly) Farmer-Labor Publishing Co., 1915 Fifth Avenue, Hibbing, Minn. Oscar A. Widstrand Endorsed by labor and farmers' organizations. American Federation of Labor Weekly News, Federated Press. Uses mats. Minneapolis General Labor (U.S.) St Louis County Independent (weekly). Fridays. Estab lished 1922, 8 pages, $2, circulation 1,500. Farmer-Labor Publishing Co., 1915 Fifth Avenue, Hibbing, Minn. Oscar A. Widstrand, ed. Endorsed by labor and farmers' organizations. American Federation of Labor Weekly News, Federated Press. Uses mats. Minneapolis
Minneapolis Labor Review, The (weekly) Minneapolis Central Labor Union, pub., 405 Sixth Street, South, Minneapolis, Minn. R. D. Cramer, Budd L. McKillips, eds. International Labor News. Uses mats. St. Paul General Labor (U.S.) Minneapolis Labor Review, The (weekly). Fridays. Estab lished 1907, 4 pages, $2. Minneapolis Central Labor Union, pub., 405 Sixth Street, South, Minneapolis, Minn. R. D. Cramer, Budd L. McKillips, eds. Inter national Labor News. Uses mats. St. Paul
Minnesota Union Advocate (weekly) St. Paul Trades and Labor Assembly, 158 East Third Street, St. Paul, Minn. William Mahoney International Labor News, Federated Press. Uses mats. Farmer-Labor politics. General Labor (U.S.) Minnesota Union Advocate (weekly). Thursdays. Established 1896, 8 pages, $2, circulation 12,000. St. Paul Trades and Labor Assembly, 158 East Third Street, St. Paul, Minn. William Mahoney, ed. International Labor News, Federated Press. Uses mats. Farmer-Labor politics.
Lake County Chronicle (weekly) Peoples Publishing Co., Two Harbors, Minn. C. M. Hillman Independent progressive. Uses mats Virginia General Labor (U.S.) Lake County Chronicle (weekly). Thursdays. Established 1919, 12 pages, $1.50, circulation 1,850. Peoples Publishing Co., Two Harbors, Minn. C. M. Hillman, ed. In dependent progressive. Uses mats Virginia
Range Labor News (weekly) Virginia, MN NONE General Labor (U.S.) Range Labor News (weekly). Virginia, Minn.
Labor News (weekly) Winona, MN NONE General Labor (U.S.) Labor News (weekly). Winona, Minn.
Hannibal Labor Press (weekly) B. F. Brown, pub. and ed., I. O. O. Building, Hannibal, Mo. Official organ, Trades and Labor Assembly. International Labor News. Uses mats. General Labor (U.S.) Hannibal Labor Press (weekly). Fridays. Established 1915, 10-12 pages, $1, circulation 2,476. B. F. Brown, pub. and ed., I. O. O. Building, Hannibal, Mo. Official organ, Trades and Labor Assembly. International Labor News. Uses mats.
Missouri Trades Unionist, The (weekly) Charles W. Fear, pub. and ed., Room 1, Central Hotel, Jeffer son City, Mo. Official organ, Central Labor Union. American Federation of Labor Weekly News. General Labor (U.S.) Missouri Trades Unionist, The (weekly). Wednesdays. Es tablished 1906 at Jpplin, Mo., removed to Jefferson City, 1924, 4-8 pages, $2, circulation 3,000. Charles W. Fear, pub. and ed., Room 1, Central Hotel, Jeffer son City, Mo. Official organ, Central Labor Union. American Federation of Labor Weekly News.
Joplin Labor Tribune (weekly) Joplin, MO NONE General Labor (U.S.) Joplin Labor Tribune (weekly). Joplin, Mo.
Kansas City Labor News, The (weekly) Gateway Publish ing Co., 210-211 New Nelson Building, Kansas City, Mo. James H. Anderson Endorsed by local unions. International Labor News. Uses mats. General Labor (U.S.) Kansas City Labor News, The (weekly). Fridays. Established 1919, 4-8 pages, $1, circulation 14,000. Gateway Publish ing Co., 210-211 New Nelson Building, Kansas City, Mo. James H. Anderson, ed. Endorsed by local unions. International Labor News. Uses mats.
Labor Herald (weekly) Labor Herald Publishing Co., 410 Admiral Boule vard, Kansas City, Mo. Thomas H. West St. Joseph General Labor (U.S.) Labor Herald (weekly). Fridays. Established 1904, 4 pages, $.50. Labor Herald Publishing Co., 410 Admiral Boule vard, Kansas City, Mo. Thomas H. West, ed. St. Joseph
St 301 South Sixth Street, St. Joseph, Mo. NONE General Labor (U.S.) St. Joseph Labor News. 301 South Sixth Street, St. Joseph, Mo.
St A. G. Roberts, pub. and ed., Third and Edmond Streets, St. Joseph, Mo. Uses mats. NONE General Labor (U.S.) St. Joseph Union (weekly). Fridays. Established 1900, $1. A. G. Roberts, pub. and ed., Third and Edmond Streets, St. Joseph, Mo. Uses mats.
Saturday Union Record (weekly) Finis E. Marlow, pub. and ed., 3rd and Chestnut Streets, St. Louis, Mo. Western Newspaper Union. Uses mats. NONE General Labor (U.S.) Saturday Union Record (weekly). Saturdays. Established 1887, 8 pages, $2, cirulation 4,800. Finis E. Marlow, pub. and ed., 3rd and Chestnut Streets, St. Louis, Mo. Western Newspaper Union. Uses mats.
Trades Council Union News (weekly) Union News Publishjng Co., Syndicate Trust Building, St. Louis, Mo. P. J. Morrin Sedalia General Labor (U.S.) Trades Council Union News (weekly). Fridays. Established 1917, $1. Union News Publishjng Co., Syndicate Trust Building, St. Louis, Mo. P. J. Morrin, ed. Sedalia
Railway Federationist (weekly) Railway Federationist Publishing and Printing Co., Sedalia, Mo. E. T. Behrens NONE General Labor (U.S.) Railway Federationist (weekly). Saturdays. Established 1910, $1. Railway Federationist Publishing and Printing Co., Sedalia, Mo. E. T. Behrens, ed.
Sedalia Leader, The (weekly) E. T. Behrens, pub. and ed., 313-15 South Lamine Street, Sedalia, Mo. Western Newspaper Union. Uses mats. Springfield General Labor (U.S.) Sedalia Leader, The (weekly). Fridays. Established 1910, 8 pages, $1.50, circulation 1,500. E. T. Behrens, pub. and ed., 313-15 South Lamine Street, Sedalia, Mo. Western Newspaper Union. Uses mats. Springfield
Springfield Laborer, The (weekly) The Springfield Laborer Publishing Co., 222 W. Commercial Street, Springfield, Mo. S. D. Whitesell Official organ, Central Trades and Labor Counci1. American Federa tion of Labor Weekly News. Uses mats. General Labor (U.S.) Springfield Laborer, The (weekly). Fridays. Established 1912, 4 or more pages, $1, circulation 2,350. The Springfield Laborer Publishing Co., 222 W. Commercial Street, Springfield, Mo. S. D. Whitesell, ed. Official organ, Central Trades and Labor Counci1. American Federa tion of Labor Weekly News. Uses mats.
Free Lance (weekly) Butte, MT NONE General Labor (U.S.) Free Lance (weekly). Butte, Mont.
Labor Bulletin (weekly) Silver Bow Trades and Labor Assembly, 11 North Main Street, Butte, Mont. Charles Gildea Federated Press. Uses mats. General Labor (U.S.) Labor Bulletin (weekly). Fridays. 4-8 pages, $2, circulation 4,500. Silver Bow Trades and Labor Assembly, 11 North Main Street, Butte, Mont. Charles Gildea, ed. Federated Press. Uses mats.
Montana Labor Review, The (weekly) E. H. Manson, Great Falls, Mont. Thomas A. Canty Federated Press. Uses mats. General Labor (U.S.) Montana Labor Review, The (weekly). Fridays. Established 1924, 8 pages, $2, circulation 2,000. E. H. Manson, Great Falls, Mont. Thomas A. Canty, ed. Federated Press. Uses mats.
New Northwest (weekly) Walter E. Christenson, pub. and ed., 432 North Higgins Avenue, Missoula, Mont. Endorsed by trades and labor assembly, and state federation of labor. Federated Press. Uses mats. General Labor (U.S.) New Northwest (weekly). Fridays. Established 1915, 8 pages, $2.50, circulation 3,000. Walter E. Christenson, pub. and ed., 432 North Higgins Avenue, Missoula, Mont. Endorsed by trades and labor assembly, and state fede ration of labor. Federated Press. Uses mats.
Nebraska Craftsman (weekly) Lincoln Central Labor Union, 217 N. llth Street, Labor Temple, Lincoln, Nebr. Joseph Gilbert International Labor News. Uses mats. General Labor (U.S.) Nebraska Craftsman (weekly). Fridays. Established 1924, 8 pages, $l, circulation 5,000. Lincoln Central Labor Union, 217 N. llth Street, Labor Temple, Lincoln, Nebr. Joseph Gilbert, ed. International Labor News. Uses mats.
Mid-West News (weekly) J. A. Lochray, pub. and ed., 305-6 Crounse Block, Omaha, Neb. Endorsed by local unions. American Federation of Labor Weekly News, Federated Press. Uses mats. Unionist (weekly NONE General Labor (U.S.) Mid-West News (weekly). Fridays. Established 1915, 4 or more pages, $1, circulation 30,000. J. A. Lochray, pub. and ed., 305-6 Crounse Block, Omaha, Neb. Endorsed by local unions. American Federation of Labor Weekly News, Federated Press. Uses mats. Unionist (weekly). Omaha, Neb.
Manchester Labor News (weekly) United Textile Workers Council, Man chester, N. H. Edgar D. Mank Endorsed by United Textile Workers and Central Labor Union. General Labor (U.S.) Manchester Labor News (weekly). Fridays. Established 1924, 4 pages, $1. United Textile Workers Council, Man chester, N. H. Edgar D. Mank, ed. Endorsed by United Textile Workers and Central Labor Union.
Union Labor Bulletin (monthly) 56 Hollywood Avenue, East Orange, N. J. NONE General Labor (U.S.) Union Labor Bulletin (monthly). 56 Hollywood Avenue, East Orange, N. J.
Union Labor Advocate (monthly) Reiss, pub and ed 1038 Grove Street, Elizabeth, N. J. Official organ, Union County Central Labor Union. International Labor iNews, League for Industrial Democracy. NONE General Labor (U.S.) Union Labor Advocate (monthly). Established 1900, 16 pages, $1, circulation 3,200. George J. Reiss, pub and ed 1038 Grove Street, Elizabeth, N. J. Official organ, Union County Central Labor Union. International Labor iNews, League for Industrial Democracy.
Jersey City Labor Review of Hudson County (monthly) Jersey City, NJ NONE General Labor (U.S.) Jersey City Labor Review of Hudson County (monthly). Jersey City, N. J.
Union Labor Messenger (monthly) Essex Trades Council, Newark, N. J. Henry F. Hilfers, mgr., T. J. McHugh NONE General Labor (U.S.) Union Labor Messenger (monthly). Established 1919, 16 and more pages, $1. Essex Trades Council, 41 Franklin St., Newark, N. J. Henry F. Hilfers, mgr., T. J. McHugh, ed.
Trades Union Advocate (monthly) Central Labor Union, 153 Sherman Avenue, Trenton, N. J. NONE General Labor (U.S.) Trades Union Advocate (monthly). Central Labor Union, 153 Sherman Avenue, Trenton, N. J.
Legislative Labor News (w 25 South Hawk Street, Albany, N. Y. NONE General Labor (U.S.) Legislative Labor News (w. and m.)- Established 1911, 4 pages, $2. New York State Federation of Labor, 25 South Hawk Street, Albany, N. Y. John M. O'Hanlon, ed.
Labor Weekly (weekly) Auburn, NY NONE General Labor (U.S.) Labor Weekly (weekly). Auburn, N. Y.
American Labor Reporter (weekly) American Labor Reporter Publishing Co., Law Exchange Building, Buffalo, N. Y. John Coleman, Sr. Uses mats. General Labor (U.S.) American Labor Reporter (weekly). Fridays. Established 1919, $2. American Labor Reporter Publishing Co., Law Exchange Building, Buffalo, N. Y. John Coleman, Sr., ed. Uses mats.
Buffalo Labor Journal (weekly) Buffalo Labor Journal, Inc., 75-77 East Eagle Street, Buffalo, N. Y. Charles E. Grant, William A. Norman, Charles A. Zenkert, eds. Official organ, Allied Building Trades Council. Ameri can Federation of Labor Weekly News, Cooperative News. Uses mats. NONE General Labor (U.S.) Buffalo Labor Journal (weekly). Thursdays. Established 1918, 8 pages, $1, circulation 18,000. Buffalo Labor Journal, Inc., 75-77 East Eagle Street, Buffalo, N. Y. Charles E. Grant, William A. Norman, Charles A. Zenkert, eds. Official organ, Allied Building Trades Council. Ameri can Federation of Labor Weekly News, Cooperative News. Uses mats.
Labor News and Railroad Worker (weekly) Labor News Co., 553 Bramson Building, Buffalo, N. Y. Thomas J. Cullen Endorsed by several central bodies. Uses mats. General Labor (U.S.) Labor News and Railroad Worker (weekly). Fridays. Estab lished 1917, 4 pages, $1, circulation 2,000. Labor News Co., 553 Bramson Building, Buffalo, N. Y. Thomas J. Cullen, ed. Endorsed by several central bodies. Uses mats.
Union Labor Advocate (weekly) Jamestown, NY NONE General Labor (U.S.) Union Labor Advocate (weekly). Central Labor Council, Jamestown, N. Y.
Orange County Workman (monthly) Newburgh, New York NONE General Labor (U.S.) Orange County Workman (monthly). Newburgh, N. Y. New York
American Labor Monthly, The (monthly) J. B. S. Hardman, 31 Union Square, New York, N. Y. NONE General Labor (U.S.) American Labor Monthly, The (monthly). Established 1923, 64 pages, circulation 3,000. The American Labor Monthly Publishing Association, J. B. S. Hardman, 31 Union Square, New York, N. Y.
American Labor World (monthly) John S. Lewis, pub. and ed., 10 Reade Street, New York, N. Y. NONE General Labor (U.S.) American Labor World (monthly). Established 1899, $1.50, cir culation 18,000. John S. Lewis, pub. and ed., 10 Reade Street, New York, N. Y.
Chronicle, The (fortnightly) 287 Broadway, New York, N. Y. NONE General Labor (U.S.) Chronicle, The (fortnightly). Central Trades and Labor Council, 287 Broadway, New York, N. Y.
Labor Banker, The (monthly) 381 Fourth Avenue, New York, N. Y. NONE General Labor (U.S.) Labor Banker, The (monthly). Brotherhood Investment Company, 381 Fourth Avenue, New York, N. Y.
New York Teacher, The (monthly) Y. Royal J. Davis, B. C. Gruenberg, Abraham Lefkowitz, Henry R. Linville, Mrs. Mabel L. Rees, eds. NONE General Labor (U.S.) New York Teacher, The (monthly). Established 1923, 8 pages, $1, circulation 1,250. Teachers Union, Teachers Union Auxiliary, 70 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y. Royal J. Davis, B. C. Gruenberg, Abraham Lefkowitz, Henry R. Linville, Mrs. Mabel L. Rees, eds.
Office Employees' Journal, The (monthly) 3 West 16th Street, New York, N. Y. Leonard Bright American Federation of Labor Weekly News, International Labor News. General Labor (U.S.) Office Employees' Journal, The (monthly). Established 1916, 16 pages, $1. Bookkeepers, Stenographers, and Account ants' Union, 12646, American Federation of Labor, 3 West 16th Street, New York, N. Y. Leonard Bright, ed. American Federation of Labor Weekly News, International Labor News.
Rassviet (daily) The Directorate of Russian Trade Unions, 274 East 10th Street, New York, N. Y. NONE General Labor (U.S.) Rassviet (daily). Russian. Established 1924, 4-6 pages, $6.50, circulation 3,500. The Directorate of Russian Trade Unions, 274 East 10th Street, New York, N. Y.
State Federationist (weekly) 113 Leonard Street, New York, N. Y. NONE General Labor (U.S.) State Federationist (weekly). 113 Leonard Street, New York, N. Y.
Universal Engineer (monthly) Universal Engineer (monthly). 150 Nassau Street, New York, N. Y. NONE General Labor (U.S.) Universal Engineer (monthly). 150 Nassau Street, New York, N. Y.
Truth, The (weekly) 21 Academy Street, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Cyrus P. Jones and pub., 21 Academy Street, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Uses mats. General Labor (U.S.) Truth, The (weekly). Fridays. Established 1919, 8 pages, $2, circulation 3,000. Cyrus P. Jones, ed. and pub., 21 Academy Street, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Uses mats.
New Rochelle Labor News (monthly) New Rochelle, NY NONE General Labor (U.S.) New Rochelle Labor News (monthly). New Rochelle, N. Y.
Labor Herald (weekly) Labor Herald Co., 23 S. Water Street, Rochester, N. Y. Edward J. Walsh Official organ, Central Trades and Labor Counci1. International Labor iNews. Uses mats. General Labor (U.S.) Labor Herald (weekly). Saturdays. Established 1913, 8 pages, $1.50, circulation 4,000. Labor Herald Co., 23 S. Water Street, Rochester, N. Y. Edward J. Walsh, ed. Official organ, Central Trades and Labor Counci1. International Labor iNews. Uses mats.
Empire State Leader (weekly) The Hogan Publish ing Co., P. O. Box 664, Schenectady, N. Y. Dallas A. Hogan Uses mats. General Labor (U.S.) Empire State Leader (weekly). Saturdays. Established 1905, 8 pages, $1.50, circulation 4,000. The Hogan Publish ing Co., P. O. Box 664, Schenectady, N. Y. Dallas A. Hogan, ed. Uses mats.
Industrial Weekly, The (weekly) Thomas M. Gafney, pub. and ed., 238-240 West Fayette Street, Syracuse, N. Y. Official organ, Trades Assembly. American Federation of Labor News. Uses mats. NONE General Labor (U.S.) Industrial Weekly, The (weekly). Fridays. Established 1904, 8 pages, $2, circulation 5,000. Thomas M. Gafney, pub. and ed., 238-240 West Fayette Street, Syracuse, N. Y. Official organ, Trades Assembly. American Federation of Labor News. Uses mats.
Labor Journal, The (weekly) Labor Journal Publishing Co., 59 Congress Street, Troy, N. Y. James Lemke Official organ, Troy Federation of Labor. Inter national Labor News. Uses mats. General Labor (U.S.) Labor Journal, The (weekly). Fridays. Established 1919, 4-8 pages, $l, circulation 5,200. Labor Journal Publishing Co., 59 Congress Street, Troy, N. Y. James Lemke, ed. Official organ, Troy Federation of Labor. Inter national Labor News. Uses mats.
Utica Labor Advocate (weekly) 16 Liberty Street, Utica, N. Y. NONE General Labor (U.S.) Utica Labor Advocate (weekly). 16 Liberty Street, Utica, N. Y.
Workman (weekly) 64 Main Street, Yonkers, N. Y. NONE General Labor (U.S.) Workman (weekly). 64 Main Street, Yonkers, N. Y.
Asheville Advocate (weekly) Advocate Publishing Co., 91 Patton Avenue, Asheville, N. C. H. C. Caldwell International Labor News. Uses mats. Official organ, North Carolina State Federation of Labor, etc. General Labor (U.S.) Asheville Advocate (weekly). Thursdays. Established 1918, 12 pages, $2, circulation 4,211. Advocate Publishing Co., 91 Patton Avenue, Asheville, N. C. H. C. Caldwell, ed. International Labor News. Uses mats. Official organ, North Carolina State Federation of Labor, etc.
Charlotte Herald, The (weekly) Herald Publishing Co., 32 South College, Charlotte, N. C. James F. Barrett Endorsed by North Carolina State Federation of Labor. American Federation of Labor Weekly News, International Labor News. Uses mats. General Labor (U.S.) Charlotte Herald, The (weekly). Fridays. Established 1917, 16 pages, $2, circulation 5,378. Herald Publishing Co., 32 South College, Charlotte, N. C. James F. Barrett, ed. Endorsed by North Carolina State Federation of Labor. American Federation of Labor Weekly News, International Labor News. Uses mats.
Raleigh Labor Educator (weekly) Raleigh, NC NONE General Labor (U.S.) Raleigh Labor Educator (weekly). Raleigh, N. C.
Union Herald, The (weekly) Charles and H. B. Ruffin, W. F. Moody, Hargett and Wilmington, Raleigh, NC. L. E. Nichols Endorsed by local unions. International Labor News. Uses mats. Democratic. General Labor (U.S.) Union Herald, The (weekly). Thursdays. Established l917, 8 pages, $1.50, circulation 1,250. Charles and H. B. Ruffin, W. F. Moody, Hargett and Wilmington, Raleigh, N. C. L. E. Nichols, ed. Endorsed by local unions. International Labor News. Uses mats. Democratic.
Union Labor Record, The (weekly) George Wallace Cameron, pub. and ed., 10 Dock Street, Wilmington, N. C. Endorsed by State Federation of Labor, Wilmington Trades Counci1. International Labor News, American Federation of Labor Weekly News, International Typo graphical Union Service, People's Legislative Service, League for Industrial Democracy. General Labor (U.S.) Union Labor Record, The (weekly). Fridays. Established 1915, 6-12 pages, $2, circulation 2,000. George Wallace Cameron, pub. and ed., 10 Dock Street, Wilmington, N. C. Endorsed by State Federation of Labor, Wilmington Trades Counci1. International Labor News, American Federation of Labor Weekly News, International Typo graphical Union Service, People's Legislative Service, League for Industrial Democracy.
Unity and Justice (weekly) 924 Chestnut Street, Winston-Salem, N. C. NONE General Labor (U.S.) Unity and Justice (weekly). 924 Chestnut Street, Winston- Salem, N. C.
North Dakota Labor Leader (weekly) Peter Morgan, pub. and ed., Grand Forks, ND NONE General Labor (U.S.) North Dakota Labor Leader (weekly). Thursdays. Established 1917, $.50, Peter Morgan, pub. and ed., Grand Forks,
Akron Herald 11 East Market Street, Akron, Ohio. NONE General Labor (U.S.) Akron Herald. Haver Building, Akron, Ohio. People (weekly). 21 South Main Street, Akron, Ohio. Summit County Labor News (weekly). 11 East Market Street, Akron, Ohio.
Union Reporter (monthly) Alliance, OH NONE General Labor (U.S.) Union Reporter (monthly). Alliance, Ohio. Cambridge
Guernsey Valley Bulletin (monthly) Central Labor Union, Cam bridge, Ohio. H. C. Washburn American Federa tion of Labor Weekly News. General Labor (U.S.) Guernsey Valley Bulletin (monthly). Established 1918, 4 pages, $.50, circulation 1,500. Central Labor Union, Cam bridge, Ohio. H. C. Washburn, ed. American Federa tion of Labor Weekly News.
Stark County Labor Journal 307 Market Avenue, South, Canton, Ohio. NONE General Labor (U.S.) Stark County Labor Journal. 307 Market Avenue, South, Canton, Ohio.
Union Reporter (monthly) , 306 Fifth Street, S. E., Canton, Ohio. NONE General Labor (U.S.) Union Reporter (monthly). Established 1902, $1. Union Re porter Co., 306 Fifth Street, S. E., Canton, Ohio.
Chronicle (weekly) Central Labor Council, 1311 Walnut Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. George F. Rooney NONE General Labor (U.S.) Chronicle (weekly). Saturdays. Established 1891, 8 pages, $1, circulation 5,000. Central Labor Council, 1311 Walnut Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. George F. Rooney, ed.
Labor Advocate, The (weekly) Building Trades Council, 20-21 Thorns Building, 5th and Main, Cincinnati, Ohio. W. E. Myers International Labor News. Uses mats. General Labor (U.S.) Labor Advocate, The (weekly). Saturdays. Established 1910, 8 pages, $2, circulation 27,865. Building Trades Council, 20-21 Thorns Building, 5th and Main, Cincinnati, Ohio. W. E. Myers, ed. International Labor News. Uses mats.
News (weekly) 1314 Walnut Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. NONE General Labor (U.S.) News (weekly). Machinists' union, 1314 Walnut Street, Cincinnati, Ohio.
Trades Union Journal (weekly) Lon B. Ames, pub. and ed., 16 East Court, Cincinnati, Ohio. Endorsed by local unions. American Federation of Labor Weekly News. NONE General Labor (U.S.) Trades Union Journal (weekly). Saturdays. Established 1895, 8 pages, $1, circulation 5,000. Lon B. Ames, pub. and ed., 16 East Court, Cincinnati, Ohio. Endorsed by local unions. American Federation of Labor Weekly News.
Workers' Journal (weekly) 2347 Vine Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. NONE General Labor (U.S.) Workers' Journal (weekly). 2347 Vine Street, Cincinnati, Ohio.
Cleveland Federationist (weekly) The Cleveland Federationist Publishing Co., 307 Superior Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio. Isadore Goldsmith Interna tional Labor News. Uses mats. Columbus General Labor (U.S.) Cleveland Federationist (weekly). Thursdays. Established 1907, 4 pages, $1, circulation 4,400. The Cleveland Federationist Publishing Co., 307 Superior Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio. Isadore Goldsmith, ed. Interna tional Labor News. Uses mats. Columbus
Columbus Federationist (weekly) Columbus Federationist Printing Co., Grand Theatre Building, Columbus, Ohio. John E. Sullivan Uses mats. General Labor (U.S.) Columbus Federationist (weekly). Thursdays. Established 1920, $1.50. Columbus Federationist Printing Co., Grand Theatre Building, Columbus, Ohio. John E. Sullivan, ed. Uses mats.
Dayton Labor Review, The (weekly) The Labor Review Publishing Co., 211 South Ludlow Street, Day ton, Ohio. E. A. Nunan Endorsed by local unions. International Labor News, American Federation of Labor Weekly News. Uses mats. General Labor (U.S.) Dayton Labor Review, The (weekly). Fridays. Established 1916, 8 pages, $1.50, circulation 11,463. The Labor Review Publishing Co., 211 South Ludlow Street, Day ton, Ohio. E. A. Nunan, ed. Endorsed by local unions. International Labor News, American Federation of Labor Weekly News. Uses mats.
Labor Weekly (weekly) Central Labor Union, 651 Broadway, Lorain, Ohio. H. L. Hunt NONE General Labor (U.S.) Labor Weekly (weekly). Fridays. Established 1919, $1. Cen tral Labor Union, 651 Broadway, Lorain, Ohio. H. L. Hunt, ed.
Newark Leader (weekly) Julius Juch, pub. and ed., l7l/2 West Main Street, .Newark, Ohio. Official organ, Trades and Labor Assembly, etc. American Federation of Labor Weekly News, Federated Press. Uses mats. NONE General Labor (U.S.) Newark Leader (weekly). Fridays. Established 1917, 8 pages, $1, circulation 2,100. Julius Juch, pub. and ed., l7l/2 West Main Street, .Newark, Ohio. Official organ, Trades and Labor Assembly, etc. American Federation of Labor Weekly News, Federated Press. Uses mats.
Labor News, The (fortnightly) 1324 North Fifth Street, New Philadelphia, Ohio. Thomas H. Darst Official organ, Trades and Labor Assembly. Am erican Federaton of Labor Weekly News. Uses mats. General Labor (U.S.) Labor News, The (fortnightly). Established 1918, 6 pages, $1, cir culation 2,500. Thomas H. and Etta Darst, 132}4 North Fifth Street, New Philadelphia, Ohio. Thomas H. Darst, ed. Official organ, Trades and Labor Assembly. Am erican Federaton of Labor Weekly News. Uses mats.
Labor Review, The (weekly) Central Labor Council, 400 Masonic Temple, Portsmouth, Ohio. Louis C. Herder International Labor News. Springfield General Labor (U.S.) Labor Review, The (weekly). Saturdays. Established 1918, 8 pages, $1, circulation 2,700. Central Labor Council, 400 Masonic Temple, Portsmouth, Ohio. Louis C. Herder, ed. International Labor News. Springfield
Tribune, The (weekly) Tribune Publishing Co., Labor Temple, Springfield, Ohio. Official organ, Trades and Labor Assembly. C. W. Rich International Labor News, American Federation of Labor Weekly News. Uses mats. General Labor (U.S.) Tribune, The (weekly). Fridays. Established 1909, 8 pages, $1.50, circulation 4,500. Tribune Publishing Co., Labor Temple, Springfield, Ohio. Official organ, Trades and Labor Assembly. C. W. Rich, ed. International Labor News, American Federation of Labor Weekly News. Uses mats.
Peoples's Press 210 Wayne Building, Toledo, Ohio. NONE General Labor (U.S.) Peoples's Press. 210 Wayne Building, Toledo, Ohio.
Toledo Union Leader, The (weekly) Toledo Central Labor Union, 1103 Cherry Street, Toledo, Ohio. Joseph P. Keating American Federation of Labor Weekly News, International Labor News. Uses mats. General Labor (U.S.) Toledo Union Leader, The (weekly). Fridays. Established 1907, 8 pages, $1.50, circulation 12,000. Toledo Central Labor Union, 1103 Cherry Street, Toledo, Ohio. Jo seph P. Keating, ed. American Federation of Labor Weekly News, International Labor News. Uses mats.
Labor Record, The (weekly) The Labor Record Publishing Co., Room 208 K. of C. Building, P. O. Box 61, Youngstown, Ohio. Harry Dechend Owned by central bodies of Mahoning and Trumbull counties. International Labor News, All American Cooperative News. Uses mats. General Labor (U.S.) Labor Record, The (weekly). Thursdays. Established 1908, 4- 8 pages, $1.50, circulation 5,500. The Labor Record Publishing Co., Room 208 K. of C. Building, P. O. Box 61, Youngstown, Ohio. Harry Dechend, ed. Owned by central bodies of Mahoning and Trumbull counties. International Labor News, All American Cooperative News. Uses mats.
Labor Journal (weekly) 6th and South Streets, Zanesville, Ohio. NONE General Labor (U.S.) Labor Journal (weekly). 6th and South Streets, Zanesville, Ohio.
Zanesville Tribune (weekly) North 4th Street, Zanesville, Ohio. NONE General Labor (U.S.) Zanesville Tribune (weekly). \iy2 North 4th Street, Zanesville, Ohio.
Madill Herald, The Madill, OK NONE General Labor (U.S.) Madill Herald, The. Madill, Okla.
Oklahoma Federationist (monthly) 5216 West Main Street, Oklahoma City, Okla. Victor S. Purdy American Federation of Labor Weekly News, International Labor News. Uses mats. General Labor (U.S.) Oklahoma Federationist (monthly). Established 1909, 8 and more pages, $1, circulation 3,600. Oklahoma State Federation of Labor, 5216 West Main Street, Oklahoma City, Okla. Victor S. Purdy, ed. American Federation of Labor Weekly News, International Labor News. Uses mats.
Oklahoma Leader (weekly) Oklahoma Leader Co., 17 West Third Street, Oklahoma City, Okla. Oscar Ameringer, Dan Hogan, E. R. Chamberlain, eds. Endorsed by State Federation of Labor, Central Labor Union, etc. International Labor News, Federated Press. Uses mats. Farmer-labor politics. General Labor (U.S.) Oklahoma Leader (weekly). Fridays. Established 1920, 8 pages, $1.50, circulation 15,000. Oklahoma Leader Co., 17 West Third Street, Oklahoma City, Okla. Oscar Ameringer, Dan Hogan, E. R. Chamberlain, eds. En dorsed by State Federation of Labor, Central Labor Union, etc. International Labor News, Federated Press. Uses mats. Farmer-labor politics.
Oklahoma Trades Review 408 West 2nd Street, Oklahoma City, Okla. NONE General Labor (U.S.) Oklahoma Trades Review. 408 West 2nd Street, Oklahoma City, Okla.
Unionist Journal, The (monthly) Central Trades and Labor Coun cil, 222-4 West Third Street, Tulsa, Okla. V. V. Van Tilburg Uses mats. General Labor (U.S.) Unionist Journal, The (monthly). Established 1917, 24-72 pages, $1.50, circulation 6,200. Central Trades and Labor Coun cil, 222-4 West Third Street, Tulsa, Okla. V. V. Van Tilburg, ed. Uses mats.
Oregon Labor Press (weekly) Oregon Labor Press Publishing Co., Room 103, Labor Temple, Portland, Ore. C. M. Rynerson Official organ, State Fede ration of Labor, Central Labor Counci1. International Labor News. Uses mats. General Labor (U.S.) Oregon Labor Press (weekly). Fridays. Established 1900, 6-8 pages, $1.50, circulation 10,000. Oregon Labor Press Publishing Co., Room 103, Labor Temple, Portland, Ore. C. M. Rynerson, ed. Official organ, State Fede ration of Labor, Central Labor Counci1. International Labor News. Uses mats.
Pennsylvania Labor Herald (weekly) Labor Herald Publishing Co., 529 Hamilton Street, Allentown, Pa. Official organ, Central Trades and Labor Counci1. International Labor News. Uses mats. General Labor (U.S.) Pennsylvania Labor Herald (weekly). Saturdays. Established 1913, 8 pages, $2, circulation 5,000. Labor Herald Pub lishing Co., (owned by organized labor movement of Lehigh Valley), 529 Hamilton Street, Allentown, Pa. Official organ, Central Trades and Labor Counci1. International Labor News. Uses mats.
Union News Allentown, PA NONE General Labor (U.S.) Union News. Allentown, Pa.
Beaver Valley Labor News (weekly) Anderson & Chambers, 630 Third Street, Beaver, Pa. F. L. Anderson Official organ, Central Labor Councjl, Western News Paper Union. General Labor (U.S.) Beaver Valley Labor News (weekly). Thursdays. Established 1915, 8 pages, $1, circulation 1,600. Anderson & Chambers, 630 Third Street, Beaver, Pa. F. L. Ander son, ed. Official organ, Central Labor Councjl, Western News Paper Union.
Panther Creek News (daily) 128 East Street, Coaldale, Pa. Thomas Kennedy, Edward J. Donahue, eds. Associated Press. NONE General Labor (U.S.) Panther Creek News (daily). Established 1920, 6-18 pages, $6, circulation 2,874. District 7, United Mine Workers of America, 128 East Street, Coaldale, Pa. Thomas Ken nedy, Edward J. Donahue, eds. Associated Press. Uses mats.
Independent, The (weekly) John M. Hartman, pub. and ed., 307 Cumberland Street, Harrisburg, Pa. Endorsed by unions of vicinity. Federated Press. Uses mats. General Labor (U.S.) Independent, The (weekly). Fridays. Established 1922, 4 pages, $2, circulation 15,000. John M. Hartman, pub. and ed., 307 Cumberland Street, Harrisburg, Pa. En-~ dorsed by unions of vicinity. Federated Press. Uses mats.
Labor Age (monthly) Labor Publication Society, Inc., Federation of Labor Building, 430 North St., Harrisburg, Pa. Louis Budenz, man. ed., board: Prince Hopkins, J. F. Anderson, Tim Healy, Henry Linville, Wm. Kohn, A. J. Muste, Thos. Van Lear, Stuart Chase, Wm. H. Johnston, E. H. Fitzgerald, MacAlister Cole- man, Max D. Danish, H. W. Laidler, Phil Ziegler. Cooperatively owned by a group of National, State and Local Unions. General Labor (U.S.) Labor Age (monthly). Established 1921, 32 pages, $2.50, circu lation 10,031. Labor Publication Society, Inc., Federa tion, of Labor Building, 430 North St., Harrisburg, Pa. Louis Budenz, man. ed., board: Prince Hopkins, J. F. Anderson, Tim Healy, Henry Linville, Wm. Kohn, A. J. Muste, Thos. Van Lear, Stuart Chase, Wm. H. Johnston, E. H. Fitzgerald, MacAlister Cole- man, Max D. Danish, H. W. Laidler, Phil Ziegler. Cooperatively owned by a group of National, State and Local Unions.
Slovensky Obcan (weekly) Citizen Publishing Co., 9 East Chestnut Street, Hazelton, Pa. John M. Janosov Endorsed by Slovak working- men's societies. Uses mats. General Labor (U.S.) Slovensky Obcan (weekly). Slovak Citizen. Fridays. Estab lished 1912, 4-8 pages, $2, circulation 8,000. Citizen Publishing Co., 9 East Chestnut Street, Hazelton, Pa. John M. Janosov, ed. Endorsed by Slovak working- men's societies. Uses mats.
Labor Leader 38 Market Street, Lancaster, Pa. NONE General Labor (U.S.) Labor Leader. 38 Market Street, Lancaster, Pa. Loyalty Press, The. R. F. D. 2, Lancaster, Pa.
Monongahela Labor Journal (weekly) John Reagan, 401 West Main treet, Monongahela, Pa. J. C. Linderman En dorsed by trades councils of district. Uses mats. Philadelphia General Labor (U.S.) Monongahela Labor Journal (weekly). Fridays. Established 1921, 4-6 pages, circulation 30,000. John Reagan, 401 West Main treet, Monongahela, Pa. J. C. Linderman, ed. En dorsed by trades councils of district. Uses mats. Philadelphia
Progressive Labor World (weekly) 130 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. NONE General Labor (U.S.) Progressive Labor World (weekly). 130 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
Trades Union News, The (weekly) The Trades Union News Publishing Co., 827-9 Filbert Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Harry W. Semple, man. ed. Endorsed by local unions. International Labor News. Uses mats. Pittsburgh NONE General Labor (U.S.) Trades Union News, The (weekly). Thursdays. Established 1902, 20 pages, $2, circulation 33,000. The Trades Union News Publishing Co., 827-9 Filbert Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Harry W. Semple, man. ed. Endorsed by local unions. International Labor News. Uses mats. Pittsburgh
Iron City Trades Council Washington and Webster Aves., Pittsburgh, Pa. NONE General Labor (U.S.) Iron City Trades Council. Washington and Webster Aves., Pittsburgh, Pa.
Labor Free Press (weekly) Arthur E. Ireland, pub. and ed., 431 Fourth Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa. Endorsed by State Federation of Labor, Pittsburgh Central Labor Union, etc. International Labor News. Uses mats. NONE General Labor (U.S.) Labor Free Press (weekly). Thursdays. Established 1922, 8- 12 pages, $2, circulation 10,000. Arthur E. Ireland, pub. and ed., 431 Fourth Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa. Endorsed by State Federation of Labor, Pittsburgh Central Labor Union, etc. International Labor News. Uses mats.
Labor World, The (weekly) The Journal Publishing Co., 220-2 Third Avenue, 217-19 Boulevard of the Allies, Pittsburgh, Pa. Lewis McGrew, J. B. Johnston, eds. NONE General Labor (U.S.) Labor World, The (weekly). Thursdays. Established 1892, $5. The Journal Publishing Co., 220-2 Third Avenue, 217-19 Boulevard of the Allies, Pittsburgh, Pa. Lewis McGrew, J. B. Johnston, eds.
National Labor Journal (weekly) NONE NONE General Labor (U.S.) National Labor Journal (weekly). Union Labor Temple, Pitts burgh, Pa.
National Labor Tribune (weekly) National Labor Tribune, Inc., P. O. Box, 302, Pittsburgh, Pa. J. H. Vitchestain. ed. Uses mats. NONE General Labor (U.S.) National Labor Tribune (weekly). Thursdays. Established 1872, 8 pages, $2, circulation 40,000. National Labor Tribune, Inc., P. O. Box, 302, Pittsburgh, Pa. J. H. Vitchestain. ed. Uses mats.
Industrial Advocate (weekly) Pittston, Pa. NONE General Labor (U.S.) Industrial Advocate (weekly). Central Labor Union, Pittston, Pa. Shenandoah
Anthracite Labor News (weekly) Shenandoah, Pa. NONE General Labor (U.S.) Anthracite Labor News (weekly). Saturdays. Established 1904. $1. M. E. Doyle, pub. and ed., Shenandoah, Pa.
Working World (weekly) Uniontown, Pa. NONE General Labor (U.S.) Working World (weekly). Uniontown, Pa. Wilkes-Barre
Courier-Herald, The (weekly) H. W. and C. F. Yetter, pub. and ed., 11 W. Market Street, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Western Newspaper Union. NONE General Labor (U.S.) Courier-Herald, The (weekly). Thursdays. Established 1899, 8 pages, $2, circulation 5,000. H. W. and C. F. Yetter, pub. and ed., 11 W. Market Street, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Western Newspaper Union.
Labor News (weekly) Labor News Publishing Co., 700 Meyer Building, Wilkes Barre, Pa. Bernard Callahan Official organ, Central Labor Union. King Features, International Labor News, Federated Press. York General Labor (U.S.) Labor News (weekly). Fridays. Established 1924, 8 pages, $2, circulation 6,700. Labor News Publishing Co., 700 Meyer Building, Wilkes Barre, Pa. Bernard Callahan, ed. Official organ, Central Labor Union. King Features, International Labor News, Federated Press. York
York Labor Advocate (weekly) Federation of Trades Union, 130 South Beaver Street, York, Pa. A. J. Dohm NONE General Labor (U.S.) York Labor Advocate (weekly). Fridays. Established 1917, 4 pages, $.50. Federation of Trades Union, 130 South Beaver Street, York, Pa. A. J. Dohm, ed.
New England Labor Digest (monthly) 125 Prairie Avenue, Providence, R. I. NONE General Labor (U.S.) New England Labor Digest (monthly). 125 Prairie Avenue, Providence, R. I.
Labor Defender (monthly) Labor Defender, Huron, South Dakota. Charles C. Moore NONE General Labor (U.S.) Labor Defender (monthly). Established 1922, $1.50. Labor De fender, Huron, South Dakota. Charles C. Moore, ed.
Labor News (weekly) Sioux Falls, SD NONE General Labor (U.S.) Labor News (weekly). Trades and Labor Assembly, Sioux Falls, S. Dak.
Central Labor Journal (weekly) Chattanooga, TN NONE General Labor (U.S.) Central Labor Journal (weekly). Chattanooga, Tenn.
Labor World (weekly) Labor World Publishing Co., 318 N. 8th Street, Chattanooga, Tenn. Knoxville NONE General Labor (U.S.) Labor World (weekly). Fridays. Established 1916, $2, Circu lation 2,000. Labor World Publishing Co., 318 N. 8th Street, Chattanooga, Tenn. Knoxville
Knoxville Independent, The (weekly) George W. Ford, pub. and ed., 2115 E. Nelson Street, Knoxville, Tenn. Western Newspaper Union. Republican labor politics. NONE General Labor (U.S.) Knoxville Independent, The (weekly). Saturdays. Established 1894, 8 pages, $1, circulation 1,200. George W. Ford, pub. and ed., 2115 E. Nelson Street, Knoxville, Tenn. Western Newspaper Union. Republican labor politics.
Progressive Labor (weekly) Sam H. Seandlyn, pub. and ed., 3\9ya N. Gay Street, Knoxville, Tenn. Official organ, Central Labor Union. American Federation of Labor Weekly News. Uses mats. NONE General Labor (U.S.) Progressive Labor (weekly). Thursdays. Established 1922, 8 pages, $2, circulation 1,000. Sam H. Seandlyn, pub. and ed., 3\9ya N. Gay Street, Knoxville, Tenn. Official organ, Central Labor Union. American Federation of Labor Weekly News. Uses mats.
Labor Review, The (weekly) Jacob Cohen, pub. and ed., Goodbar Building, Memphis, Tenn. Official organ, Trades and Labor Council. International Labor News. Uses mats. Democratic. NONE General Labor (U.S.) Labor Review, The (weekly). Fridays. Established 1917, 4-8 pages, $2, circulation 10,000. Jacob Cohen, pub. and ed., Goodbar Building, Memphis, Tenn. Official organ, Trades and Labor Council. International Labor News. Uses mats. Democratic.
Labor Advocate (w Second Ave. N., Nashville, Tenn. NONE General Labor (U.S.) Labor Advocate (w..) Fridays. Established 1902, 12 pages, $1, circulation 5,000. Labor Advocate Publishing Co., Second Ave. N., Nashville, Tenn. A. E. Hill, ed.
Beaumont Star Beaumont, TX NONE General Labor (U.S.) Beaumont Star. Beaumont, Texas.
Cleburne Union Standard (weekly) Cleburne, TX NONE General Labor (U.S.) Cleburne Union Standard (weekly). Cleburne, Tex.
Dallas Craftsman, The, (weekly) W. M. Reilly, pub. and ed., Labor Temple, Young Street, Dallas, Tex. Official organ, Central Labor Council, Farm Labor Union of Dallas County. International Labor News. Texas Carpenter (monthly) General Labor (U.S.) Dallas Craftsman, The, (weekly). Fridays. Established 1913, 8 pages, $1, circulation 6,000. W. M. Reilly, pub. and ed., Labor Temple, Young Street, Dallas, Tex. Offi cial organ, Central Labor Council, Farm Labor Union of Dallas County. International Labor News. Texas Carpenter (monthly). Established 1904, 24 pages, $.50. Texas State Council of Carpenters, P. O. Box 1313, Dallas, Tex. R. E. Roberts, ed.
Toiler (weekly) Toiler Publishing Co., Labor Temple, Young and Evergreen Sts., Dallas, Tex. S. Rodermann NONE General Labor (U.S.) Toiler (weekly). Saturdays. Established 1914, $1. Toiler Pub lishing Co., Labor Temple, Young and Evergreen Sts., Dallas, Tex. S. Rodermann, ed.
Labor Journal (weekly) Floy Haley, pub. and ed., Denison, Texas. NONE General Labor (U.S.) Labor Journal (weekly). Saturdays. Established 1916, 4 pages, $1, circulation 400. Floy Haley, pub. and ed., Denison, Texas.
El Paso City and County Labor Advocate (weekly) William J. Moran, pub. and ed., Labor Advocate Building, El Paso, Texas. Official organ, Central Labor Union, etc. International Labor News. Uses mats. Fort Worth NONE General Labor (U.S.) El Paso City and County Labor Advocate (weekly). Fridays. Established 1909, 8 pages, $1, circulation 5,400. William J. Moran, pub. and ed., Labor Advocate Building, El Paso, Texas. Official organ, Central Labor Union, etc. International Labor News. Uses mats. Fort Worth
Southwestern Bricklayer (monthly) 223 S. Oregon Street, El Paso, Texas. William J. Moran. Official organ, State Conference, Bricklayers, Masons and Plasterers International Union. General Labor (U.S.) Southwestern Bricklayer (monthly). Established 1912, 12-24 pages, $1, circulation 3,600. William J. Moran, pub. and ed., 223 S. Oregon Street, El Paso, Texas. Official organ, State Conference, Bricklayers, Masons and Plasterers International Union. Building News Services. Uses mats.
Southwestern Railway Journal (monthly) C. F. Goodridge, pub. and ed., 108 East Weatherford Street, Fort Worth, Texas. Official organ, Train and Engine Ser vice Brotherhoods of Texas. NONE General Labor (U.S.) Southwestern Railway Journal (monthly). Established 1907, 16 and more pages, $.50, circulation 6,400. C. F. Goodridge, pub. and ed., 108 East Weatherford Street, Fort Worth, Texas. Official organ, Train and Engine Ser vice Brotherhoods of Texas.
Union Banner (weekly) C. W. Woodman, pub. and ed., P. O. Box 987, Third and Calhoun Streets, Fort Worth, Texas. NONE General Labor (U.S.) Union Banner (weekly). Saturdays. Established 1898, $1. C. W. Woodman, pub. and ed., P. O. Box 987, Third and Calhoun Streets, Fort Worth, Texas.
Union Review (weekly) M. E. Shay, pub. and ed., Galveston, Texas. NONE General Labor (U.S.) Union Review (weekly). Fridays. Established 1919, 4-8 pages, $1.50, circulation 2,400. M. E. Shay, pub. and ed., Galveston, Texas.
Labor Journal (weekly) Houston Labor Journal Pub lishing Co., 607 Franklin Avenue, Houston, Texas. E. V. Aten Official organ, Central- body and Farmers' Union. General Labor (U.S.) Labor Journal (weekly). Fridays. Established 1898, 8 pages, $2, circulation 8,500. Houston Labor Journal Pub lishing Co., 607 Franklin Avenue, Houston, Texas. E. V. Aten, ed. Official organ, Central- body and Farmers' Union.
Texas Railway Employees' Journal Kiani Building, Houston, Texas. NONE General Labor (U.S.) Texas Railway Employees' Journal. Kiani Building, Houston, Texas.
Luz y Verdad (monthly) Jose M. Mora, pub. and ed., P. O. Box 674, Laredo, Texas. NONE General Labor (U.S.) Luz y Verdad (monthly). Spanish. Established 1916, 12 pages, $1, circulation 300. Jose M. Mora, pub. and ed., P. O. Box 674, Laredo, Texas.
Labor Forum (weekly) S. R. Nicks, 310 Sixth Street, Port Arthur, Tex. C. C. Sapp NONE General Labor (U.S.) Labor Forum (weekly). Fridays. 'Established 1919, $1.50. S. R. Nicks, 310 Sixth Street, Port Arthur, Tex. C. C. Sapp, ed.
Weekly Dispatch, The (weekly) William L. Hoefgen, pub. and ed., North Street, Labor Temple, P. O. Box 1113, San Antonio, Texas. Official organ, Trades Counci1. International Labor News, American Federation of Labor Weekly News. Uses mats. General Labor (U.S.) Weekly Dispatch, The (weekly). Saturdays. Established 1894, 8-12 pages, $1.50, circulation 8,600. William L. Hoef- gen, pub. and ed., North Street, Labor Temple, P. O. Box 1113, San Antonio, Texas. Official organ, Trades Counci1. International Labor News, American Federa tion of Labor Weekly News. Uses mats.
Salt Lake City Utah Labor News (weekly) Salt Lake City, UT NONE General Labor (U.S.) Salt Lake City Utah Labor News (weekly). Salt Lake City, Utah.
Virginia Unionist (weekly) 155 Bank Street, Norfolk, Va. NONE General Labor (U.S.) Virginia Unionist (weekly). People's Press, Norfolk, Va. Times-Advocate (weekly). 155 Bank Street, Norfolk, Va.
Richmond Labor Herald (weekly) The Labor Herald Publishing Co. Inc., 1306 E. Franklin Street, Richmond, Va. R. B. Greenway Official organ, Central Trades arid General Labor (U.S.) Richmond Labor Herald (weekly). Fridays. Established 1924, 8 pages, $.50, circulation 2000. The Labor Herald Publishing Co. Inc., 1306 E. Franklin Street, Richmond, Va. R. B. Greenway, ed. Official organ, Central Trades arid
Labor Council Richmond, VA NONE General Labor (U.S.) Labor Council. Uses mats. Square Deal. Central Trades and Labor Council, Richmond, Va.
Southwest Washington Labor Press (weekly) Louis C. Hinman, pub. and ed., 104 North G Street, Aberdeen, Wash. Official organ, Central Labor Council, etc. International Labor News. Uses mats. General Labor (U.S.) Southwest Washington Labor Press (weekly). Fridays. Estab lished 1914, 8-12 pages, $1.50, circulation 1,200. Louis C. Hinman, pub. and ed., 104 North G Street, Aberdeen, Wash. Official organ, Central Labor Council, etc. In ternational Labor News. Uses mats.
Labor World, The Bellingham, WA NONE General Labor (U.S.) Labor World, The. Bellingham, Wash.
Labor Journal, The (weekly) Labor Journal Publishing Co., Labor Temple, Everett, Wash. Henry Arends, ed. Owned by 14 unions. Official organ, Central Labor Counci1. International Labor News, American Federation of Labor Weekly News, Cooperative Service. Uses mats. General Labor (U.S.) Labor Journal, The (weekly). Fridays. Established 1898, 4 pages, $1, circulation 1,500. Labor Journal Publishing Co., Labor Temple, Everett, Wash. Henry Arends, ed. Owned by 14 unions. Official organ, Central Labor Counci1. International Labor News, American Federation of Labor Weekly News, Cooperative Service. Uses mats.
Northwest Painter, The (monthly) Northwest Painters Conference, Labor Temple, Everett, Wash. Henry /Arends Uses mats. General Labor (U.S.) Northwest Painter, The (monthly). Established 1922, 4 pages, $.50, circulation 2,500. Northwest Painters Conference, Labor Temple, Everett, Wash. Henry /Arends, ed. Uses mats.
Seattle Union Record (daily) Union Record Building, 1915 First Avenue, Seattle, Wash. Owned by central body and unions. E. B. Ault, pub. and ed., Saul Haas, man. ed. International News Service, International Labor News, Federated Press. Uses mats. General Labor (U.S.) Seattle Union Record (daily). Established 1900, 8-48 pages, $9, circulation 30,195. American Free Press, Union Record Building, 1915 First Avenue, Seattle, Wash. Owned by central body and unions. E. B. Ault, pub. and ed., Saul Haas, man. ed. International News Ser vice, International Labor News, Federated Press. Uses mats.
Labor World (weekly) The Labor World, 311 Sprague Ave., Spokane, Wash. William J. Coates Official or gan, Central Labor Council, State Federation of Labor. International Labor News, American Federation of Labor Weekly News. Uses mats. General Labor (U.S.) Labor World (weekly). Fridays. Established 1904, 8 pages, $1, circulation 2,000. The Labor World, 311 Sprague Ave., Spokane, Wash. William J. Coates, ed. Official or gan, Central Labor Council, State Federation of Labor. International Labor News, American Federation of Labor Weekly News. Uses mats.
Tacoma Labor Advocate (weekly) Labor Advocate Publishing Co., 115154 Broad way, Tacoma, Wash. NONE General Labor (U.S.) Tacoma Labor Advocate (weekly). Fridays. Established 1909, $1.50. Labor Advocate Publishing Co., 115154 Broad way, Tacoma, Wash.
West Virginia Federationist, The (weekly) The Federationist Company, P. O. Box 1207, Charleston, W. Va. Frank W. Snyder Official organ, Central Labor Union, etc. International Labor News. Uses mats. General Labor (U.S.) West Virginia Federationist, The (weekly). Thursdays. Es tablished 1915, 8 pages, $150, circulation 6,800. The Federationist Company, P. O. Box 1207, Charleston, W. Va. Frank W. Snyder, ed. Official organ, Central Labor Union, etc. International Labor News. Uses mats.
Marmette Union Laborer, The (weekly) Marmette, Wisc. NONE General Labor (U.S.) Marmette Union Laborer, The (weekly). Mannette, Wis.
Labor Advocate, The (fortnightly) Trades and Labor Assembly, 428 Wisconsin Street, Racine, Wis. William H. Sommers Federated Press. Sent third class. General Labor (U.S.) Labor Advocate, The (fortnightly). Established 1916, 8 pages, $1. circulation 1,000. Trades and Labor Assembly, 428 Wisconsin Street, Racine, Wis. William H. Sommers, ed. Federated Press. Sent third class.
Superior Labor Journal (weekly) Fridays Superior, WI NONE General Labor (U.S.) Superior Labor Journal (weekly) Fridays. Established 1897, 6 pages, $2, circulation 2,500. M. M. Krieps, pub. and ed., Superior, Wis.
Wyoming Labor Journal (weekly) Wyoming Labor Journal Publishing Co. Inc., Box 997, Cheyenne, Wyo. J. Buckley, P. J. Paulsen, James Morgan, eds. Official organ, State Federation of Labor. International Labor News. Uses mats. General Labor (U.S.) Wyoming Labor Journal (weekly). Fridays. Established 1911, 8 pages, $1, 8,000 circulation. Wyoming Labor Journal Publishing Co. Inc., Box 997, Cheyenne, Wyo. J. Buckley, P. J. Paulsen, James Morgan, eds. Official organ, State Federation of Labor. International Labor News. Uses mats.
Alberta Labor News (weekly) Henry J. Roche, for the Alberta Federation of Labor, 10010 102nd Street, Ed monton, Alberta, Can. Elmer E. Roper International Labor News, American Federation of Labor Weekly News, Press Reports of the International Federation of Trade Unions, International Press Correspondence. Uses mats. Supports Canadian Labor Party. Canada Alberta Labor News (weekly). Thursdays. Established 1919, 4-8 pages, $2, circulation 4,200. Henry J. Roche, for the Alberta Federation of Labor, 10010 102nd Street, Ed monton, Alberta, Can. Elmer E. Roper, ed. Inter national Labor News, American Federation of Labor Weekly News, Press Reports of the International Fede ration of Trade Unions, International Press Correspon dence. Uses mats. Supports Canadian Labor Party.
L 'Artisan (monthly) 20 St. Denis Street, Montreal, Canada Catholic Canada L 'Artisan (monthly). La Societe des Artisans, 20 St. Denis Street, Montreal, Can., Catholic.
Booster, The (monthly) Toronto, Ontario, Canada NONE Canada Booster, The (monthly). Brotherhood of Dominion Express Employees, Toronto, Ontario, Can.
British Columbia Federationist (weekly) Cowan Brookhouse Limited, 1129 Howe Street, Vancouver, British, Columbia, Canada. George Hartley Uses mats. Official organ of Federated Labor Party of British Columbia. Canada British Columbia Federationist (weekly). Fridays. Established 1908, 4 pages, $2.50, circulation 6,500. Cowan Brook- house Limited, 1129 Howe Street, Vancouver, British, Columbia, Canada. George Hartley, ed. Uses mats. Official organ of Federated Labor Party of British Columbia.
British Columbia Musician (monthly) 991 Nelson Street, Van couver, B. C., Canada. E. C. Miller, Edward Jamieson, eds. NONE Canada British Columbia Musician (monthly). Established 1923, 8 pages, circulation 1,000. Musicians' union, local 145, American Federation of Musicians, 991 Nelson Street, Van couver, B. C., Canada. E. C. Miller, Edward Jamieson, eds.
Bulletin, The (in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Can. NONE Canada Bulletin, The (in.). International Association of Machinists, District Lodge, No. 2, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Can.
Canadian Barber, The (monthly) Toronto, Ont., Canada NONE Canada Canadian Barber, The (monthly). Journeymen Barbers' Federa tion of Ontario, Toronto, Ontario, Can.
Canadian Congress Journal (monthly) Ltd., 172 McLaren Street, Ottawa, Ont., Canada. Tom Moore Uses mats. Canada Canadian Congress Journal (monthly). Established 1921, 64-80 pages, $2. Trades and Labor Congress of Canada Pub lishing Co. Ltd., 172 McLaren Street, Ottawa, Ont., Canada. Tom Moore, ed. Uses mats.
Canadian Cooperator, The (monthly) The Cooperative Union of Canada, 215 Nelson Street, Brantford, Ont., Canada. George Keen Official organ, The Cooperative Union of Canada (national federation of cooperative societies Canada Canadian Cooperator, The (monthly). Established 1909, 16 pages, $.75, circulation 2,500. The Cooperative Union of Canada, 215 Nelson Street, Brantford, Ont., Canada. George Keen, ed. Official organ, The Cooperative Union of Canada (national federation of cooperative societies).
Canadian Labor Press (weekly) 246 Sparks Street, Ottawa, Ont., Can. NONE Canada Canadian Labor Press (weekly). 246 Sparks Street, Ottawa, Ont., Can.
Canadian Railroad Employees Monthly (monthly) 189 Gloucester Street, Ottawa, Ont., Canada. M. M. Maclean Uses mats Canada Canadian Railroad Employees Monthly (monthly). Established 1909, 24 pages, $2, circulation 12,500. Canadian Brother hood of Railroad Employees, 189 Gloucester Street, Ottawa, Ont., Canada. M. M. Maclean, ed. Uses mats
Canadian Trades Unionist (monthly) 26 Strathcona Avenue, Toronto, Ontario, Can. NONE Canada Canadian Trades Unionist (monthly). Canadian Federation of Labor, 26 Strathcona Avenue, Toronto, Ontario, Can.
Carpenters' Monthly Bulletin (monthly) 9 Mountnoel Avenue, Toronto, Ont, Canada. Tennison Jackson NONE Canada Carpenters' Monthly Bulletin (monthly). Established 1917, 4 pages, circulation 1,700. Ontario Provincial Council of the United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America, 9 Mountnoel Avenue, Toronto, Ont, Canada. Tennison Jackson, ed.
Citizen, The (weekly) Week's Printing Co. Ltd., 54 Argyle Street, Halifax, N. S., Canada. A committee En dorsed by Trades and Labor Counci1. Uses mats. Canada Citizen, The (weekly). Fridays. Established 1918, 6 pages, $1, circulation 4,000. Week's Printing Co. Ltd., 54 Argyle Street, Halifax, N. S., Canada. A committee, ed. En dorsed by Trades and Labor Counci1. Uses mats.
Confederate, The Brandon, Manitoba, Can. NONE Canada Confederate, The. Brandon, Manitoba, Can.
Grain Growers' Guide, The (weekly) The Grain Growers' Guide Ltd., 290 Vaughan Street, Winnipeg, Man., Canada. G. F. Chipman NONE Canada Grain Growers' Guide, The (weekly). Wednesdays. Established 1908, 24-60 pages, $1, circulation 75,000. The Grain Growers' Guide Ltd., 290 Vaughan Street, Winnipeg, Man., Canada. G. F. Chipman, ed.
Labor Leader, The (weekly) Labor Leader Publishing Co., Ltd., 257 Adelaide Street West, Toronto, Ont. Canada. R. J. Stevenson, W. J. Hevey, eds. Endorsed by local unions. American Federation of Labor Weekly News. Canada Labor Leader, The (weekly). Fridays. Established 1919, 4-16 pages, $1.50, circulation 27,800. Labor Leader Publish ing Co., Ltd., 257 Adelaide Street West, Toronto, Ont. Canada. R. J. Stevenson, W. J. Hevey, eds. Endorsed by local unions. American Federation of Labor Weekly News.
Labor News, The (monthly) Hamilton, Ont., Canada NONE Canada Labor News, The (monthly). Lister Building, Hamilton, Ontario, Can.
Labor Statesman, The (weekly) Vancouver, New Westmin ster and District Trades and Labor Council, 16 Hast ings Street, East, Vancouver, B. C, Canada. Henry William Watts, Parker Williams, eds. Federated Press. Labor Party. Canada Labor Statesman, The (weekly). Fridays. Established 1924, 8 pages, $2, circulation 4,700. Vancouver, New Westmin ster and District Trades and Labor Council, 16 Hast ings Street, East, Vancouver, B. C, Canada. Henry William Watts, Parker Williams, eds. Federated Press. Labor Party.
Labor World, The. Le Monde Ouvrier (weekly) Montreal Trades and Labor Council, Gus. Francq, in trust, 11 St. Paul Street, W., Montreal, Que., Canada. – Gus Francq Bi-lingual, English and French. Canada Labor World, The. Le Monde Ouvrier (weekly). Fridays. Established 1916, 4 pages, $2, circulation 4,500. Montreal Trades and Labor Council, Gus. Francq, in trust, 11 St. Paul Street, W., Montreal, Que., Canada. – Gus Francq, ed. Bi-lingual, English and French.
Maritime Labor Herald (weekly) Ltd., Union Street, Glace Bay, N. S., Canada. 69 per cent of stock held by organized labor. Federated Press. Uses mats. Radical. Canada Maritime Labor Herald (weekly). Established 1921, 8 pages, $2, circulation 5,000. Maritime Labor Herald Co. Ltd., Union Street, Glace Bay, N. S., Canada. 69 per cent of stock held by organized labor. Federated Press. Uses mats. Radical.
New Democracy (weekly) Hamilton, Ont., Can. NONE Canada New Democracy (weekly). Lister Building, Hamilton, Ontario, Can.
One Big Union Bulletin, The (weekly) 54 Adelaide Street, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Can. NONE Canada One Big Union Bulletin, The (weekly). The One Big Union, 54 Adelaide Street, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Can.
Ontario Fire Fighter, The (monthly) 132 Bellevue Avenue, Toronto, Ont., Canada. David H. Lamb Uses mats. Canada Ontario Fire Fighter, The (monthly). Established 1920, 12 pages, $2, circulation 2,456. Provincial Federation of Ontario Fire Fighters, 132 Bellevue Avenue, Toronto, Ont., Canada. David H. Lamb, ed. Uses mats.
Organizer, The (monthly) The Amalgamated Civil Servants of Canada, 2041 Halifax Street, Regina, Sask., Canada. W. A. Squires NONE Canada Organizer, The (monthly). Established 1921, 4 pages, $2.50, cir culation 2,000. The Amalgamated Civil Servants of Canada, 2041 Halifax Street, Regina, Sask., Canada. W. A. Squires, ed.
Trade Report (monthly) Toronto, Ont., Canada NONE Canada Trade Report (monthly). Ontario Provincial Council, United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners, Toronto, On tario, Can.
U.F.A. Lougheed Building, Calgary, Alberta, Canada. W. Norman Smith, A. M. Turner, eds. NONE Canada U. F. A., The Official Organ of the United Farmers of Alberta (fortnightly). Established 1922, 16-40 pages, $2, circula tion 22,322. The United Farmers of Alberta, Lougheed Building, Calgary, Alberta, Canada. W. Norman Smith, A. M. Turner, eds. Uses mats.
Western Clarion (fortnightly) P. O. Box 710, Vancouver, B. C., Canada. Ewen MacLeod Academic and educational. Canada Western Clarion (fortnightly). Established 1905, 8 pages, $1, cir culation 4,000. Socialist Party of Canada, P. O. Box 710, Vancouver, B. C., Canada. Ewen MacLeod, ed. Academic and educational.
Western Union Printer (monthly) Medicine Hat, Alberta, Can. NONE Canada Western Union Printer (monthly). Western Canada Conference of Typographical Unions, Medicine Hat, Alberta, Can.
Worker, The (weekly) Worker Publishing Association, Room 301, Tyrell Building, 95 King Street, E., Toronto, Ont., Canada. Maurice Specter Official organ, Communist Party of Canada. Federated Press. " Uses mats. Canada Worker, The (weekly). Saturdays. Established 1922, 4 pages, $2, circulation 5,000. Worker Publishing Association, Room 301, Tyrell Building, 95 King Street, E., Toronto, Ont., Canada. Maurice Specter, ed. Official organ, Communist Party of Canada. Federated Press. " Uses mats.
Workers' Weekly, The (weekly) Muir and Bell, Stellarton, Nova Scotia, Canada. NONE Canada Workers' Weekly, The (weekly). Muir and Bell, Stellarton, Nova Scotia, Canada.
Humanidad, La (weekly) Plaza de las Vizcainas 3, Mexico, D. F. Anarcho-syndicalist. Mexico Humanidad, La (weekly). General Confederation of Labor, Plaza de las Vizcainas 3, Mexico, D. F. Anarcho-syndicalist.
Crora (fortnightly) Mexican Federation of Labor, Belisario Dominguez 64, Mexico City NONE Mexico Crora (fortnightly). Mexican Federation of Labor, Belisario Dominguez 64, Mexico City.
Pro-Patria NONE NONE Mexico Pro-Patria. Mexican Federation of Labor, Orizaba, Vera Cruz.
Resurgimiento, El Puebla, Mexico NONE Mexico Resurgimiento, El. Puebla, Puebla. Trade Union.
Aventino (weekly) Federation of Graphic Arts, Calle Humboldt 8, Mexico City. NONE Mexico Aventino (weekly). Federation of Graphic Arts, Calle Humboldt 8, Mexico City.
Lucha, La Calle Belisario Dominguez 40, Mexico City. Socialist. Mexico Lucha, La. Calle Belisario Dominguez 40, Mexico City. Socialist.
Tierra, La Yucatan, Mexico Socialist Mexico Tierra, La. Merida, Yucatan. Socialist.
Machete, El (weekly) Apartado 2703, Mexico City. Communist Mexico Machete, El (weekly) Apartado 2703, Mexico City. Communist.
Laborista, El (weekly) Calle Aquiles Serdan 39, Mexico City. Labor Party Mexico Laborista, El (weekly). Calle Aquiles Serdan 39, Mexico City. Labor Party